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Posts posted by JGV

  1. Where can I get quality microphones for sudio use on computer

    Example Excelvan Condenser mics

    Tukcom I guess but anyone recommend a shop with service

    Went yesterday and service was nil and mics were cheap stem like



  2. Two issues

    1 Stray dogs and how to deal with them

    2 Using a gun in public or anywhere for that matter

    Stray dogs are a consequence of society not looking at ways to curb the numbers of dogs that end up on our streets

    Other more compassionate countries try to prevent these dogs breeding by neuting and spaying - will Thailand's government ever consider this method as a means to reduce the stray population - I doubt it - they are too busy lining their own pockets

    As for 2 any one who justifies the use of a loaded firearm to deal with an aggressive/stray dog should be considered a danger to society - far greater than the dog and a period of incarceration should be mandatory - will this happen - the wealthy elite always take care of their own so much the same answer as for stray dogs

    Some people think they are above the law

    In Thailand the law is often ignored as will be the case for this vulgar act


  3. To those who doubt the validity of teachers (non-Thai) being given less salary than the amount a school can claim as a monthly salary i would suggest that these doubting Thomases visit a school (State or private) and ask teachers for a salary slip or any document outlining payments and deductions and I would be surprised if many could confirm receiving such official documents

    In my province English programmes are sold to parents claiming that the teacher is a native speaker and then they find out the teacher is from France,Ukraine,Russia or Cameroon

    Anyone tell me which of these countries have native English speakers

  4. I am afraid that in recent times incidence of violence and crime generally has escalated in Thailand

    Thai to farang, Thai to Thai

    I think it reflects on more available money and people's greed to get more of it

    Obstacles are overcome by turning to violence and low levels of emotional maturity particularly with Thai men leads to increased incidents like this


  5. Who thinks up these ideas - Focus on important issues like tourists feeling safe and emphasis on value for money not taxi drivers and bus operators who want to maximise money by lies, threats of violence and tourist lack of knowledge.

    This is what puts off tourists. Also poor service - I am sure we all have stories of restaurants saying mai mee or food arriving at different times - buses that detour to accomodate the drivers personal business plan.

    Make the roads safe and rid us of the maniacs who drive so senselessly

    Alcohol and smoking are for a minority habits that they do on holiday so don't focus on driving them away just introduce smoking only areas and restrict use of alcohol inside government sites - outside having lunch no problem having a beer under the hot sun


  6. It is the linking to a bank account that I want to know about

    I have bank accounts in Thailand - clarity can I link to those?

    Money coming into account -is that OK?

    Most important for payments out of PayPal account how can I put funds in?

    THai bank debit Yes or No?

    If no can I tell PayPal account number of English bank account number and transfer money out of that acccount without telling the English bank

    I do not want to have to travel to UK to do that



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