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Posts posted by JGV

  1. As an avid tennis lover I was looking forward to watching ;live stream of Aussie Open which started on Monday

    Well as yet I have been unable to open the stream at the australianopen website but tennis australia confirmed to me by e mail that the live stream is available free to users in Thailand

    I have also contacted TOT, my ISP who have no explanation as to why I can't access the stream even though my download speed is sufficient .Attempts to open other freelive streaming brings up a Truevisions message in Thai which I can't read but I am convinced they are blocking access as they have TV rights

    Since when did TV rights give you the power to block access on Internet


  2. The main point here is that Thai girls marry an older farang or any farang for that matter for financial security. Why - well usually they come from a poor family or if they have children have been rejected by Thai men because they are deemed soiled goods. So their are benefits for the Thai woman. OK the farang gets the benefit of not being alone so I just don't get it

    Is this blatant racism or do they think lots of farang men will deposit more cash in a Thai bank?

    I can't see any benefit for the Thai government if a large number of farangs decide to go back where they come from. More money will be taken out of the country

    Please explain the purpose of this proposed law other than racist

  3. Yes. Thailand should bring in this law to prohibit older Farangs and other foreigners from marrying very young women .

    I have seen some farangs with young wives who could be their grand daughters!.

    Laos and Cambodia have enacted these law: why not Thailand.

    Your attitude reminds me of a guy called Adolf who restricted the rights of Jews about 75 years ago

    Who next blacks or maybe hispanics

  4. To reiterate

    The headache is because exchange rates have increased the amount of English cash I need to use to top up the Thai account to 800,000

    And in reply to comment about living here I have been here 17 years and resent the comment about moving on

    People with lots of money should refain from glib comments about lack of funds


  5. OK Anyone having frequent headaches over exchange rate and it's impact on staying here on 1 year visa

    I am interested in hearing from you

    but message me direct through forum


  6. To all those that are critical of the consumer downloading music and movies I will remind them for years how companies exploited buyers with hicked up prices - remember Cd's, cassettes and DVD's. Briefly the consumer has had the advantage through downloading and it seems that critics of this want to return the poor consumer to a position where he/she is exploited again.

    Here in Thailand internet service has been average at best and usually chronically poor because the government aren't prepared to invest in better technology. Do you think that S Korea are putting torrent downloads restrictions at the top of their priorities - I think not. They are more concerned with better facilities for international business growth .

    It is the small mindness again that exists here that will prevent Thailand escaping from third world status.

  7. Maybe the problem with the movies in Thailand is the government censorship and busybody nettling of old folks with yellow underwear that drive movie makers to only produce crap horror films.

    The recent winner of The Palm Dor at Cannes Movie Festival, who is Thai remarked that he couldn't understand why the Thai authorities continued to treat the Thai viewing public like children through their censorship policy.

    So even Thai intellectuals are frustrated


  8. Anyone interested in starting a movie club or exchanging movies I have large collection DVD's AVI's

    <Pls. Contact member via PM function>

  9. This constant tit for tat regarding what is morally right and wrong is missing the point. If this government is going to retain any degree of respect about upholding the law I think it is now time to bring in the tanks to reach a swift conclusion - if these so called reds say they will die rather than give in so be it


    It has gone beyond a joke

    It won't be the last time innocent lives will be lost to military might

  10. In reply to Che

    Maybe he/she should consider what is the role of government

    I thought one of its roles was to maintain law and order

    Surely marching on the military and the police - refusing to disperse and occupying an area in a city thus preventing normal business to continue constitiutes a breakdown of law and order. Therefore the reaction by the military is predictable at the very least

  11. I have used it twice It is expensive relative to small owner shops

    Also I went there to order a part for a DVD Recorder My local elctronic guy had assessed the problem and the repair guys refused to order for me even though they were the assigned agent for the make of recorder. They insisted that they wanted to make their own assessment of the problem so they could inevitably jack up the charge. The attitude of the guys was also not that friendly. Stay away I suggest

    A local guy in residential area is likely to be as skilled and if you need spare part find address in Bangkok and go and buy

    Your problem doesn't sound that complex

  12. This post has raised an issue with me

    I am not married and have a 1 year retirement visa. Jomtien insisted that to obtain the visa the bank account must be a savings account in Thai baht and that a foreign currency account in English pounds was not acceptable

    Now it seems for married visa the opposite is true

    Can anyone clarify this because I am thinking of getting married


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