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Posts posted by JGV

  1. Hi guys

    need to find a bank that

    a) Knows about Paypal

    and B) Can help me open account for payments and money received through Internet business with Paypal

    here in Sattahip the staff at banks on hearing the word Paypal look mystified and can't assist

    A branch address would be very helpful



  2. Break the class into groups of 8 Assign a captain to each group preferably the best student in English - 4 girl captains and 4 boy captains

    Give all the kids English nicknames - use 2 bags one with girls names and one with boys

    These groups will be used for vocabulary games - I use letters A B C etc with vocabulary groups - jobs.places,verbs etc

    First get the class to list the vocab and then later play time limited game - say a minute or 30 secs to recall what lists they wrote the week before

    Control: You must walk around the class and have a loud voice - cocky loud mouthed students need to be controlled - get them out front at blackboard and usually theyy know little and aren't are not comfortable and try to avoid a repeat

    Expose the cheats - assign jobs to particularly naughty kids - clean classroom at end of class etc

    By using groups to plan games which earn points - individuals can gain or lose points for their team dependant on their positive or negative contribution

    Trouble makers don't want to lose face with their team

    Anyway good luck and don't be too sensitive if students try to belittle you


  3. Prejudice is rife in Thailand

    lakhon/Thai drama is garbage and to those who watch it they can best be described as sheep - guilty of having few braincells and vulnerable to brainwashing, deceit and believing anything or anyone who is deemed famous


    To the AIDS group - don't waste your valuable resources on trying to reform these parasites and focus on helping those struggling to pay for drugs that are over priced courtesy of foreign pharmaceutical companies who practice extortion

  4. I read an article some years back that compared Asian people with European/Western folk

    It said that up until the age of 50 Asians generally behave very immaturely but beyond their wisdom starts showing and maturity sets in

    For western maturity starts much earlier and develops from 20 but as they reach 55 they tend to u turn and become more immature - old age child like behaviour

    I can see alot of truth in this


  5. Maidee I suggest ear test - listen to Sarah Vaughan

    London accent = beyond your capability to understand

    Can Thai authorities leave well alone - she shouldn't be put on any pedestal

    Majority of Thais young and old don't know her story and it goes far deeper than a talented singer resorting to alcohol and drugs

    Don't be judgemental

    Loneliness is rampant all over the world and is a symptom of people who are selfish, greedy and lacking any desire to help those in need

    Just look at the streets of bangkok


  6. I am divorced from Thai woman nearly 7 years and still on the end of fallout so be under no illusions you will have to pay.

    my advice

    1 Immediately stop the ganja

    2 Wait 6 months and in that time look at options Re Job - relocating to another SE Asian country or anywhere that she has no power over you

    Divorce back in homeland is worthless here in Thailand

    3 Accept that both bike and car are sacrifices - after a while you will not miss them and probably replace

    Don't be conned by Thai lawyers into believing that they can get a good deal at a price

    They can get the divorce but you will pay both them and her


  7. Anyone help me locate the following

    1. Slippery elm - help with stomach/ulcers etc

    2. Battery charger - before Makro have but can't see at Pattya branch

    3. Jump leads - same as above - not in Makro


  8. Just a few thoughts

    You can get a job teaching English in Bangkok as long as you are a native speaker and have had a decent education at home - degrees etc are not essential - money 25k a month but dull time so alot of time spent at the language institute or school

    Teaching English is not easy - with kids it is stressful particularly when you can't speak Thai but if you plan your lessons, try and learn some Thai and don't get angry when kids are disruptive you can make a living

    Teaching adults is easier because classroom management isn't an issue

    Working for Thais is not the same as working for farangs - it requires a thick skin, tons of patience and a cool heart

    I started 20+ years ago and still teach now - like anything you get better the more you do it but it is unlikely you'll get rich - just enough to have a comfortable lifestyle


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