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Posts posted by JGV

  1. anyone interested in teaching english here in thailand i have recently retired and have an assortment of stuff to pass on to interested party - very cheap - classroom furniture, books for students, booke for teachers, flashcards, vocabulary cards, files, lots of photocopied materials for lessons plus cassettes of books plus digital stuff

    anyone interested i am in sattahip


    contact me via email at -


  2. anyone know where i can get a simple aspiration procedure for hydrocele that isn't going to cost a huge amount of cash - thai private hospitals seem determined to match exorbitant us prices for a simple 25 minute out patient procedure

    i am near pattaya but pattaya bangkok hospital want 2000 baht for an initial consultation and didn't say in correspondence whether this procedure was available - expensive surgery is but for a non life threatening problem i am not keen on anyone making cuts in my sctotum and giving me a huge bill for my pain john

    local hospitals preferred - banglamung,chonburi - sirikit already saw me and said surgery only - a dreadful experience with a doctor hungry for cash but not into patient requests and walked off when i asked for a copy of the estimated cost john

  3. maybe he should consider those who still haven't been vaccinated due to a lack of access to local mobile vaccine centres - if you want the public to comply make it very easy for them to co-operate

    - i need to travel which requires at least a 5 hour round trip plus the long wait to receive the jab and this when i have problems walking any distance and can't afford expensive door to door taxi services - result i am not vaccinated

    what happened to  the mobile centres - none here in sattahip and farangs are refused here and told to go to pattaya - the government assumes all farang live in tourist centres - well they son't

    • Sad 1
  4. where is the information about mobile vaccine units - currently i live in sattahip and i need to travel to pattaya - round trip about 3 hrs and then at festival hall wait possible 2 to 3 hours for a jab in a room full of farang that is a potential super spreader - easy to understand why i am not rushing to register - if you want people to get vaccinated make it safe and convenient - at this moment in time it is neither safe or convenient and you will need 2 jabs and a booster - i have a headache just thinking about the process and then it is likely to only be 70% efficient

    Sell the vaccine Thailand like the bar girls sell themselves and then you will get takers

  5. All the while the government prioritises the defence budget as No 1 education will always suffer - losing some private schools will just affect the rich Thais and so they must take a long look at themselves and what system they want running this country - an elitest system for the few or a comprehensive public education system that trains teacher to teach and supplies education to all

    • Like 2
  6. I live in Sattahip a few weeks back I registered with Pattaya Bangkok Hospital they replied and when I sent new e mail with a question got automated reply e mail box full

    Tried again a week ago - the e mail was delivered but no reply

    What should I do - feeling very vulnerable as I want protection - aged 67 - healthy but have issues with allergies/breathing in high humidity

  7. There is no point in condemning the sex trade - the reason why it exists is because the government are not interested in investing in the people in this country particularly women and so they have little or no choice to seek income by selling the only thing they can offer their bodies and of course in many instances are pressurised by lazy male partners and poor families to do this - Training and skill development for the women + business incentives would enable many to seek alternative sources of income

  8. Reality for the first time since I came here back in 1983 - the government can't rely on income from outside to provide income for large numbers from Issan and The North and now they are paying the price for not investing in their own people instead of buying a variety of defence contracts on equipment that has no value other than to enable nice little commissions to end up in bank accounts of the powers that be

    • Like 1
  9. this poll is worthless - people who don't use bars don't want them wow that isn't news

    The questions to be asked

    1 All the people that benefit from the entertainment industry - how to offer an alternative income if that option isn't available - You need solutions to large gatherings - rank up testing so covid free can use or just ban - what about temples, sports venues, underground trains, air travel, department stores, Ban those as well

    2 The tourist industry is a goldmine for country's wealth and vast majority come for nightlife - so you going to ban that and take a cut in tax on departures

    700 x 100 seats = 70,000 baht per plane

    2 planes a minute and 60 minutes an hour - the maths 70000 x 2 x60 = 8.4 million baht an hour

    8.4m x 24 = 192 million baht a day in revenue one question shall we stop receiving that income in Thailand - Not a clever idea -find a better solution - open bars and restaurants , track and trace covid cases, quarantine - visitors must have covid free passports - get creative - Ban this and that is a solution for stupid people

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