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Posts posted by JGV

  1. Generally I have found a number of people giving sound advice and thanks. Coming off a 12 year marriage that went to the rocks it is not easy to bounce up with bags of confidence like Mai Krap seems to think live is like. So wait until you have a problem.

    I will try and focus on a few days away in Issan and maybe expat bars in Pattya for couples but meeting is not so easy here in Sattahip as many are shy and others require an introduction.

    Keep advice coming


  2. Thanks everyone for info Couple of question Issan is a very big area Where should I go first and Can anyone look after my dogs G Retrievers - a problem


  3. There have been a number of reports lately about marriages between Issan women and farangs bringing prosperity to parts of Issan and the women becoming farang in their eating habits. Successly relationships they seem to be generally

    I am 2 years now seperated and live alone but would like to meet and possibly reside in Issan. Where do you meet prospective wives? The bars are really risky and agencies are just money making machines so it must be personal introduction friend of a friend I guess any advice on this. I don't live in Pattaya but down in Sattahip

    Constructive advice only please


  4. I live in Sattahip. If you know it turn left up Soi Bonkye (Off Sukhumvit Rd after the new Lotus but just before traffic light heading to Ban Chang). Go past Sahachai Market and on your right about 100 metres from turn is an electrical shop - the owner speaks English, repairs computers and he is not expensive 0- go at 5 p.m as he usually isn't there in daytime - out fitting air conditioners - (his staff can't speak English) The place is called Home Electric although there isn't a sign up. You can't miss it as it is always full of fridges, air units Tv's - it is a big shop.


  5. To ease the ever enlarging waistline Does anyone play badminton at a club or maybe an informal get together. If so any chance of joining you for a game.

    Level: Not beginner but at 51 years old I don't want to brake any bones chasing about like mad. So no advanced either.

    Use to play in UK 10 years ago once a week

    I would prefer to it be part of socialising rather than just walking in on a building where Badminton is played - club like I suppose


    My e mail is:[email protected]

    I live in Sattahip


  6. What is best for copying TV movies. Get an external DVD Recorder so it can be done direct or use a computer to Capture the image and then convert format

    Any advice and also where can you buy a DVD Recorder. I saw one in Sun City at 23000 which seemed pricey. The one with Hard Disk was 36000



  7. Anyone know where I can buy a pizza stone so I can make myself.

    Live near Pattaya

    No pizza in my town and a 60km round tripo to get pizza a little pricey because of petrol hike.

    Where can I buy - something similar also OK



  8. Anyone know where I can buy a deep fat fryer for household use NOT a business fryer as that is too big for my needs

    Makro say they have but everytime I go they say they are out of stock and Lotus don't have

    Suggestions preferably local but Bangkok if all else fails


  9. For all those folks who need to be careful about weight increase I want to know why Lotus and Big C seem to have stopped stocking Diet free Coke/Pepsi in bottles and now only offer it in small cans. I regularly bought 6 large bottles a week but now it would seem that to quench our thirst we must buy the sweet variety and risk diabetes and heart trouble and obesity

    Anyone know where you can buy the bottles or know why they don't supply anymore


  10. Just a note I live near Phutualung in Sattahip and a Thai friend of mine who works as a doctor in the area told me a month a go that on average there is a murder a month in the area. Heavily occupied by Thai Naval personal who have access to weapons and drink heavily

    It may have nothing to do with being Farang but more to do with aggressive behaviour following excessive drinking. we all know Thais can't hold their drink

  11. Does anyone know of any bar/eatery that will be showing the live telecast of the OSCARS next Monday. i don't have UBC but would like to catch the show

    JGV :

  12. Face or losing face can cleverly enable incompotent people in work or social situations to make howling blunders and nobody feels obliged to criticize because they may lose face. These instances I find totally unacceptable and it has led to me raising my voice and losing face. I don't see it as that but a wake up call for those ignorant ones but here in Thailand they seem to prefer to tolerate rather than confront. That is why things are very slow and mistakes are too frequently made.


  13. I use the alphabet and categories to create team games and this enhances vocabulary

    For older students I use these games with a time limit - cretaes healthy competition

    An example> 3 teams Each choose a letter Then they must give one/two examples of category ggroups beginning with letter and they only have i min so they must be quick Those with most pts win

    Play this with Mattyaom and your be popular


  14. When large numbers of people decide to protest outside a police station then usually there is a suggestion that those held may have a case. The authorities adopt an attitude that your views have no value and this antagonises the situation and then to respond by mass arrests and use of firearms well it is no wonder the Muslim community feels they have been brutalised. The government response is typically authoritarian and the result a huge long term problem. The only response now by the southern elements who feel oppressed is violence. So watch out suicide bomvers, bombs in Bangkok and tourist areas will follow.

    Like Bush Thaksin is making the same mistakes

    I dread to think what will happen next

    Muslims feel that others - Protestants,Jews,Christians and now Buddhists consider their religious group as uneducated and barbaric. The truth is that if you tell anyone that they are bad.violent and fanatically day in dayy out they eventually respond that way. Note childrens behaviour when you physically punish them they follow the same behaviour pattern as they see no other choice to be heard.

    Dialogue is the answer not the stick or gun.

  15. In Pattaya I bought a poor DVD copy on Beach Rd for 150. It is OK to watch but quality is lacking a bit.

    Point 2 To those who moke Moore as a propogandist or comedian all I suggest is answer this Why hasn't he beens sued in a civil court for defamation bu either Bush, The Saudi Royal Family or any other right wing supporters. The reason is that most of the documentary is factually correct

    Answer this how could Moore supply air traffic control logs of Saudi planes leaving the USA on days following 9/11 when there was an air embargo.


  16. What farangs think about this issue is irrelevant because they don't have a voice in this country anyway. More importantly is how Thai people are going to react to a continual erosion of all the good things that make this country one that we all want to live in. My guess is that the overwhelming majority will just keep their heads down and hope it all goes away. My hope is that the KIng will ultimately say enough is enough and force the current administration to consider the alternatives Freedom and all its warts and all versus oppression where we all consider carefully who we are talking to and how it is likely to be used against us. This insular response will eventually lead to economic isolation and social impotence which can benefit only the wealthy. God Save THe King he is our only hope.


  17. Anyone out there help me with using money orders to pay for products overseas. I want to buy some software and have to pay in US dollars. I have a payment money order form from the company but now need to go to either a bank or post office to complete the transaction. Of course I want to pay preferably in Thai Baht as I am not an American and don't have any dollars. Could someone advise me as to what to do and where I must go to do it?

    Any replies here or to my e mail address welcome.

    E Mail : [email protected]

    Thanks John

  18. With the media coverage about Iraq opening up to the world with the arrival of Satellite dishes I wondered why we don't see dishes here in Thailand. Cable TV is dominated by UBC and in some places where cable is offered but the service is dreadful meaning no English channels I was thinking of buying a satellite dish so that I can view English news, sport and movies

    Is this possible in Sattahip Chonburi?

    Comments invited


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