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Everything posted by khunJam

  1. The left are notorious for exploiting people. They come here to exploit women, exploit the opportunity to be cheap and exploit whatever they possibly can.
  2. Don’t believe the polls, it is all propaganda. In fact don’t believe anything coming out of the media, right or left. Be Skeptical #7!
  3. This guy has some interesting points.
  4. Just curious of what some of the stories and hypotheticals that you have read, heard or believe? Too many asinine stupid mistakes that the USSS had made to be mistakes? Or is this administration appointees really that dumb?
  5. If a democrat had a lick of sense it would be RFKJR. Sense the democrats are under the influence of msm they can’t see straight.
  6. Thanks for the info, it’s appreciated. But I was kinda hoping it didn’t exist here because I need to quit the nasty habit.
  7. It’s a requirement to have the receipt for extensions and change of visa status. Why don’t they look in their system themselves? I don’t know and I didn’t ask.
  8. Sorry let me clarify. This wasn’t a 90 day report. I went in doing a non-o retirement. They wanted 2 copies of everything and it took a lot longer than 5 minutes. Not long ago I did the 90 day report at the main office walk up window, probably took about a minute or two.
  9. Anyone know where to find in Chiang Mai? Or similar product? Thanks.
  10. Have you ever heard of Fieldenkrais method? It’s similar to Rolfing and more thorough. There is someone in Chiang Mai that practice it. You can find more information at Fieldenkrais dot com.
  11. I went in the Chiang Mai immigration last July for a 90 day retirement and brought with me 1 copy of the required documents and they wanted 2 copies of everything. This was after I received clearance from the inspection tent out front. So better make 2 copies of all the documents. Also make copies of the TM-30. I got there at 8:00 am and it was getting crowded by 8:30.
  12. The dream of the invidious extremist left. Here’s a test, if anyone thinks it’s a good idea to and wants to abolish all republicans and conservatives from the USA government, then absolutely they are an extremist leftist, as in Xi, Hugo C and the idol C Marx. The United States legislative system is the best in the world except for those who want to change it-easily identified here of the anti American freedom gang.
  13. Do you have actual evidence that doesn’t support it? No you don’t. Yet there are witnesses of the fact that were not called to testify in the commie leftist jan 6 circus that gave you a thrill
  14. Yes I see a lot of that too-in a hurry when no hurry is necessary being here on vacation or retirement. Thank again for your help
  15. Yes, lots of cool water
  16. Mae Ping is a cool spot
  17. The Shoei j cruse I bought doesn’t have the Asian fit like many other helmets.
  18. So I ended up getting a Shoei J Cruse and it fits perfectly and very comfortably. I also tried a shark open face, don’t recall the model but it did fit well but it wasn’t as snug as the Shoei. Anyway thanks!
  19. The harm is economic plunder imposed on the poorest on earth for a minuscule 7% difference of emissions, do you really want people to suffer economically for your pseudo feel good politics? Get real and wake up.
  20. Really? While you constantly posted inaccuracies and retrofitted nonsense, get off it and show us some objectivity
  21. You didn’t read or didn’t comprehend the article of projection study. But you do conflate way to the left of things. Here are some facts to chew on, then predictably you’ll scrounge for any conflated partial truth and rearrange the facts, as usual and expected. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/367285651_Lifecycle_carbon_footprint_comparison_between_internal_combustion_engine_versus_electric_transit_vehicle_A_case_study_in_the_US So after crunching the numbers it’s about 139000km before a ev becomes carbon neutral. Over all approximately 7% decrease in carbon emissions of a ev from cradle to grave. On the grand scale of things barely a dent at the cost of economic plundering.
  22. Good info and scary what little impact it takes to do a lot of damage.
  23. Thanks, I ordered from More Than Bikes.
  24. Great info-thank you!
  25. Great info, thank you!
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