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Everything posted by khunJam

  1. Then I guess you prefer an unambitious house ornament to attend to your own needs. Very chauvinistic of you to express your archetype.
  2. I prefer to wear a helmet and not eat asphalt
  3. I wear a seatbelt on my motorcycle
  4. Yes bob maybe you are Richard Defending yourself. Do you wear a helmet while posing on aseannow?
  5. Yep peace and prosperity really sucks not to mention the loss of steam to riot and break things because of the demoralization of the ridiculous failed Harris campaign clown show.
  6. Reliability: 1) Mazda. 2) Honda. 3) Toyota. The problem with Mazda is getting parts but rarely needs repair. Honda feels a little cheap in the interior but very reliable. Toyota is a solid choice due to the abundance of parts and durability of the vehicles and relatively inexpensive. I would buy a 20 year old Toyota before I’d buy a 10 year old ford fiesta.
  7. The Finnish is finished.
  8. Wow fascinating. It must be very rewarding!
  9. Well you really shouldn’t bother yourself about the disappointments you have for others and spend more time being concerned with your own wellbeing of mythical delusions that you are drowning in with the media.
  10. If I were indoctrinated by the Media Industrial Complex I would be thinking the same and not realizing that Trump, Mr MAGA himself is doing exactly what he needs to do by choosing the best and brightest to implement his anti woke, anti deep state and anti warmongering agenda. But never mind all that and continue to be diluted with the mythical media reverberations and come here to entertain us all with it.
  11. There’s a lot of good women in this region of the world. The problem is lonely men that aren’t very good at socializing with women come here looking for a dream and don’t know their way around the block end up real a lemon nightmare relationship
  12. Instead of marrying a bargirl and keeping her chained to the stove. So how is that working out for you?
  13. Fire your girlfriend and get a new one that has a job. My girlfriend works and she is a real delight in my life always smiling and full of energy even after a long day at work.
  14. Wonderful food for clogging up the arteries and plugging up the prostate
  15. You are not living up to your name, please try harder
  16. Senseless. It appears you have been severely traumatized by the recent political events in the United States. Your president Trump has a lot more to load in your ears.
  17. All good here. How about yourself?
  18. What are those and where do they come from?
  19. Does it bug you that DJT won the election?
  20. Plenty of rent a wives in the cities if that’s your thing.
  21. My 90 day report is due next week but I just recently moved to a new address in the last two weeks and have a new TM30. Do I still need to do the 90 day report? Or was the new TM30 the report? I assume I don’t need to. Thanks.
  22. Not the same, comparing different races competing in sports with men competing against women is like comparing cantaloupes with antelopes.
  23. Well said but the war mongers here in the neighborhood don’t agree.
  24. She’s 29 with kids and you’re 22. In case no one here has mentioned it…Nothing ZERO 0. If she insists then you can easily go fetch your self another squeeze
  25. You can get an insurance company to run the vin. Other than that ask the seller every question that’s relevant to the car.
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