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Everything posted by oustaristocrats

  1. What is the "FRESH APPROACH" ? What is her approach and progress on the PM2.5 crises for instance ? And on the safety certificate system of busses (and their drivers) ? The fresh approach is maybe her performance like a well-trained and decent influencer, she does well as speaker at large crowds, she does well at pleasing Chinese officials, she does well at making promises. All the things Thai people are desperately waiting for.
  2. Yes, segregated areas, fence around, gate keeper, and influencers - or "Digital Creators" 🤣 as they're called on FB are kindly requested to join, making the picture of a fake world complete.
  3. Yes, but frankly, if you look back the video, she started the first physical 'contact' with her right arm and fist.
  4. "Thailand playing China's puppet again." How can you expect differently ? They are Sino-Thai. It is always claimed they have become real Thai, but that's far from true. Their roots, ancestors are from China, they will always act and decide to China's wishes, standards and you see it everywhere in Thailand. She was even proud on her Chinese roots recently, made it public. Can you imagine what that means ?
  5. "around £3,000 (approximately 127,500 THB) per day" £3,000 per day, for something like pneumonia or similar, in Thailand ! Can somebody explain me ? This sounds like a hospital for celebrities, world leaders. I knew that Bangrumrad in BKK s a famous international hospital with helicopter emergency services, maybe they come at these rates, but just an ordinary hospital in Hua-Hin ?
  6. "europeans in majority support Trump" Where did you read this ? A few right wing extremists will do of course 🤣
  7. Yes, and most striking, their last 10+ prime ministers, including the current one, are absolutely illiterate in English. I sometimes believe they prefer to study Chinese instead of English.
  8. "necessitating permission from the homeowner to break the toilet for removal." Is this a typo ? I think they meant the snake was broken in two pieces. At least that would be my suggestion to the emergency responders.
  9. "Open burning is discouraged" For reasons of understanding the seriousness, I like the word 'discouraged' instead of for instance 'prohibited' , or even better, 'Open burning could lead to 5 years in prison'. The word 'discouraged' says everything about the urgency and priority of the government to solve this issue.
  10. Yes, and the other tech CEOs are not much different. Just look the fear in their eyes behind the smiles at the inauguration.
  11. Yes, I also think it was him (on order from the big leader and his tech compagnons) :)
  12. Zuckerberg recognized he was almost too late, leaving the treasure to Musk. They all don't want to miss the train of unlimited privileges, tax benefits, support in fighting privacy restriction rules and claims in other countries. The new leader will help them. There is also a downside, they all have the same fate. If the experiment goes wrong, it will hurt, all around the world disappointed, ex-Musk supporters sell their Teslas. The same could happen to FB users.
  13. Yes, that's what I mean with my story.
  14. Now I understand Trump wants to buy it
  15. Yes, indeed, Ndille isn't really a Dutch name from origin. I am Dutch, and I am fully with you. If you would for instance walk in Rotterdam, you will see a lot of "Ndilles", and you hardly see any Dutch white skin citizens. Thailand might be more strict on passports, but on the other hand, under the name of tourism boost programs, Thailand opened the flood gates for all kind of trash from various countries famous for their scamming skills. I have seen Ndille lookalikes opened cannabis shop in central Thailand, another famous skill they have. Again, even supported by (cannabis) law, they are flooded by these non-value type of entrepreneurs and fortune seekers.
  16. I was there a month ago, indeed a very charming island, beautiful beaches, but ... Small. Therefore please 🙏 don't bring these masses of tourists over there, don't ruin this island, it does not have the capacity, the roads, simply it lacks the space. The island will get trashed, overcrowded and then the reputation will get in a freefall.
  17. Ohh god no, please no OTP, back to the middle ages. That's always the problem of software engineers, they always find nice solutions, 100% safe, you receive a message with a code on your phone, enter the code in the payment process and done ! Sounds good, but nows comes the reality ... The OTP number must be officially registered at the branche, you can't do it online, you have to physically go there, and you can't use a proxy, only you can go there, maybe 50-100km away from your home. Then the worst, suppose, you're here for a couple of months, go abroad, your prepaid Thai sim will go out of order, you can't even use your bank account and nobody can help.
  18. and victims will be requested to bring an enormous amount of evidence which they can't, mission impossible, therefore this bank and telecom responsibility is a nice story to keep you calm, but it is a fake instrument to make you believe there is almost no risk of having higher amounts on your account.
  19. Now there is new Prime Minister. She will take action. Did we already see any signs of her plans to tackle the pollution issue ? I did see plans to legalize online gambling, so I understand this issue has a higher priority than pollution.
  20. Any idea where these hippos came from ? I mean, you can't even see there are two
  21. Yes, this is key, they have no clue, they even approve and encourage this wealth. They don't understand it could solve a lot of poverty related issues in the country. The publication is for no reason at all, just a list of facts. A sad story.
  22. Driving around here about 10 years, in 80% of speeding cases, it are these lowered pickups or pimped cars with spoilers all around, both sides flash lights, overtaking on the far left lane with 120-150, then suddenly moving the most right lane when they see lorries blocking them the F1 speeds in 90% of these lowered speeding pickups it is about a race, so if you've seen one passing, don't think you're safe, very likely another lunatic is coming. What I want to say is, checkpoints or other means should be a very easy job, because you have a very designated target group, you pick them out from far away, very visible, and when they start to speak, you are even 100% sure.
  23. Not only this. Most off all the unfair competion practices, non existing cartel legislation of acquiring the entire food chain, from CP to LOTUS'S to 7/11. Especially the takeover from Tesco would have been a no-go In any other country, but not in Thailand. Now people have to eat these plastic lookalike CP saucages and other low quality stuff they manufacture in their factories. The CP arms reach very far, even a special exit from the new motorway M6 near Khao Yai was requested by CP, of course not in the newspapers, CP will get it done. Not only CP, in Thailand the elite get it all done.
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