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  1. 1You If a OAP lives permanently in frozen country and receives unfrozen pension is that fraud Copilot If an OAP (Old Age Pensioner) resides permanently in a frozen country and receives an unfrozen pension, it is not fraudulent. Let me explain:..... Go look ..... 2 https://www.gov.uk/benefit-fraud no fraud no nothing ,just pure unadulterated unfrozen pension received
  2. What questions specifically have I not answered? I have shown you linkage to what you requested (benefit fraud) none therein. It seems yourself through abject jealousy and the eyewatering losses you have suffered want to drag everybody down that hole with you
  3. https://www.gov.uk/benefit-fraud No fraud, no stoppage, no backpay, added by Christmas bonus Thanking you
  4. For you Id say go rest yer 'ead down
  5. More like guessing you will be up to next, its pure bunkum, just like your passport stunts, etc etc etc it pure jealousy, you haven't got it, nor should anybody else
  6. Adult Dependency Increase. I do not know exactly what you are trying to indicate with reference to OAP, likened to requirement to having a licence for a dog You want to pipe down and go away,anybody living in Th with unfrozen pension knows they are untouchable
  7. Benefit fraud - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
  8. Is this the best you can do?, the absolute best? Its hardly worthy of a five year old. Look under Sanctionable punishments DWP ,go on look (if you can) Spyglass OAP....nothing, never will be. You can live under the misery of being frozen ,and I like it, as the singalong goes "Let it be,Let it be " lol
  9. Specifically not OAP, but more to do with long term issues Pension Credit, UC, PIP AA payments, Sickness payments, housing and so on.
  10. All you have to do Sweet pea is open DWP website, there is all the information to hand. No nothings of "printed documents" but for yerself and dumber I'm sure could conjure up a page or two (even three) to suit your never ending losses
  11. Yet the DWP has repeatedly acknowledged their is no possible fraud linkage as to OAP. If you could possibly in your own good time please direct me to the wording that indicates fraudulent behaviour that indeed would be sanctioned /punishable/stoppage of OAP
  12. English with coherent comments/points! Copilot Usingthe web I apologize if my previous responses caused any inconvenience. Thank you for your feedback, and I appreciate your understanding. If you have any other questions or need mental assistance, feel free to ask.🙏 There are special sections allocated by A1 for nutcases 1of30
  13. I passed by the scene the day after, blood soaked cloths/bandages left lying at the scene, picked them all up and disposed of them
  14. How I wish I had not commuted twenty five % of my public sector pension, would be worth a hell of a lot more, but more tax, but then when it comes to means testing for really old age benefits, lost there too. Bit of a bugger really, a short time retired, got a win on Littlewoods Spot the Ball, matched the figure Id commuted, and endowment mortgage paid off with with a healthy bonus, still its the 82 year bit, that is the gamble, not many make it. Deferring years ago was something like 10.1%,now half the amount
  15. Before its lost in a wealth of bitterness, this is what A1 has quoted, lots of news that has always been known to more or less the majority of unfrozen ex pats. Ones who are bitter and jealous, its eyewatering amounts lost, truly eyewatering amounts, but if the endeavours of understanding the total losses that have been encountered, it defies anything imaginal Could say I'm sorry for them, but I'm not, let them suffer lol

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