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Everything posted by BenStark

  1. Miss Philippine trans, is that @transam Philippine catch?
  2. He was caught in Thailand wasn't he? Doesn't Thailand have an extradition agreement with China?
  3. I stand corrected about my claim that nothing has been revoked yet, but stand by my claim that the thread titles are misleading. His visa was revoked less than 24 hours ago, and he has 48 hours to appeal, while the thread title is since Tuesday
  4. As far as I'm aware from the multiple new articles covering this incident. His visa status is under review and will be decided on renewal, which is due soon. So nothing has been revoked yet, and the thread title is misleading (clickbait?) Same for the other thread "Update: Villa owner’s violent act leads to demolition in beach assault scandal" which makes it sound as if the villa got demolished, while it are only some stairs
  5. Next stop, the land department revealed that thousands of companies use nominees to bypass the restrictions on foreign land ownership.
  6. She realised quickly that she wasn't able to financially support you in Canada. Oh
  7. He just wanted his woke rhetoric added to the thread, and couldn't be bothered to read the actual topic at hand
  8. Think she would like to know where your place is, because as you will recall, the Shinawatra's are against drug users
  9. Why would a security guard be required to remember the license plate numbers from several hundreds of owners? Would you like to wait for entrance until he has gone through the database of license plates?
  10. I don't need a discussion about why I don't want to rent, because first of all that is none of your business, and I made clear from the beginning that I'm only interested in BUYING a condo in the foreign quota. So please stay on topic.
  11. Which part of, I'm not interested to rent, as I have made clear a few times to you already, is it that you still fail to understand?
  12. The OP didn't buy anything yet, and however that may sound strange to the trolls, 3 - 4 million baht you don't spend on a whim or on the first offer you get. Firstly, I'm looking for a specific and limited area, so the tens of thousands available in other locations don't even come in question. There is a lot for sale, but everyone want to make a profit on their purchase price 10 years ago. This is of course fed by the useless real estate agents, who just sit on their lazy bum, and expect to collect 3 > 5% on the sale. Much of what is available also doesn't meet my requirements as stated in the OP. For example anything in Thai or company name, which is the majority of what is available, isn't considered. Then when you start looking around, you discover all the shortcomings. For example, centara avenue, which has 380 units, has 20 car parkings per building. I went down to the basement, and from those 20 parkings more than half is occupied by cars with 2cm dust on them. So what happens in the weekends? Park the car on the street? No thanks Also the 35 m² units on the ground floor with perimeter wall view, are not in my interest, regardless of some claiming they have a luxury condo and rent them out at premium prices. I have been in quite a few of those, even on higher floors, and they had no tenant, while it is high season. Much of what I have seen, and which was told by the agent to be in perfect condition, needs a complete overhaul, some even need a complete new flooring and kitchen. Last of all. I'm not in a hurry as I have my house, so I can wait for the right opportunity, which I'm sure will be available sooner than later. Just wait after Songkran, and there will be plenty, and that is even what the useless real estate agents admit to
  13. There are Android boxes and then there are Android boxes. Most people here still believe that the 900 baht box from Lazada will perform same as the 4K or even 10K baht box.
  14. I guess that again is at the interpretation of the office, because when I did the stamp transfer at Jomtien last week, none of all that was requested. I had it all ready, but the only thing I had to do was fill in a form which stated the dates and number of the old and new passport
  15. Because 99% of the visitors live north side of immigration, so going over beach raod would actually be a detour
  16. The street has always been 2 way, so why would now at once it be a shambles when it reverts to 2 way at night? And how many people visiting IO would enter the street from beach road side, compared to those entering from 2nd road, or even not entering at all as they just park outside the soi? In my opinion, the one way is an improvement Lot of crybabies in this thread.
  17. Isn't it so that you have to enable online payments for it?
  18. Which brings us back to the question, why are it all government related banks that offer the high interest, and in addition, why does the government consider issuing a USD dominated bond? Could it be because the claimed USD reserves aren't really there. There has been speculation about this for a few years already, but of course the Thai government cooking the books isn't a possibility.
  19. If it was all that easy, then I wonder why not every bank offers those special interests, Not so long ago you posted that interest in the US would come down by up to 2%, and that this was a fact as certain as life. So your theory is a bit flawed I'm afraid
  20. They receive USD, and have to pay interest on those USD. If they have to pay 1 USD interest, which they have either to pay in USD or THB, it cost them more when the baht is weak
  21. If the Thai baht weakens further, the interest cost increase, not?
  22. The pattern I think to see is that all banks offering this high interest are linked to a government, Thai or foreign
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