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Everything posted by BenStark

  1. Why would someone who ever has used an agent, be required to continue using an agent forever?
  2. Obviously an illegal agent, maybe you shouldn't brag about on the open forum
  3. So how do you take the picture at the immigration office without leaving your home? So you admit that with an agent it also takes several days to complete, but you're happy to part with 10 - 15K for that privilege
  4. So how long does it take with an agent, you still fail to answer that question, because you are too eager to argue
  5. Wasn't it you who said that appointments don't work in Jomtien?
  6. You have to visit the agents at least twice, once to drop off passport, then accompany them to the immigration to have your picture taken, and then again to pick up your passport. Your argument is flawed Lou
  7. So agents can do it faster? They put the stamps in your passport while you wait at their desk?
  8. In the past few months, I have posted a few responses to posts that wrongfully claim that to complete an extension based on retirement takes you hours in Jomtien, unless you waste 10 -15K on an agent. My response was always that it takes me less than 30 minutes, because I have my documents prepared, and I make an online appointment. I then get the response, from the same naysayer brigade that claim a yellow tabien baan has no value and is a waste of time, that appointments don't work in Jomtien. So this year on my renewal, I again made an online appointment, similar to previous years. The only difference this time was that I had a new passport and the stamps needed to be moved. My online appointment was yesterday at 1:30pm, and of course I had prepared all my documents in advance, as they are stored on my PC, and just need some dates edited and printed out. I arrived at the office at 1:15pm, and the building on the left was filled up with people queueing to get their number. I didn't count them, but could easily be 100 people. So I went straight to the information desk at the front, showed the appointment email I had printed out together with my passport, and got the number for desk 8. Went inside, one foreigner was sitting at the desk signing his documents, and my number was called right away. Handed over my documents and was told this was a 2 step process, as first they had to move the old stamps to the new passport. This could not be done on the same day, and I feared that I had to make a new appointment. On the contrary, I was given a form to fill in the request to move the stamps, and in the meantime the officer checked the document for the extension, declared them correct and stapled them together, before handing them back to me. He then gave me a number and told me to come back at 11am today to complete the extension. I was outside the office at 1:28pm. That is THIRTEEN minutes. Today I went back, and entered the office building at 10:42. Went to the right side of desk 8 and was handed my passports. I then went to the front of the desk, and handed my documents to the same person who had served me yesterday, while I went outside to take a copy of the stamps in my new passport. Came back and was asked for 1900 baht, which I paid and got a number with the message to pick up passport tomorrow after 2pm. Exited the office at 10:54am, that is another TWELVE minutes. To those that use an agent my message is, keep wasting your money because you can't be bothered to do due diligence.
  9. Can't believe an engineer didn't notice this flaw when he went to look at the condo's before he bought
  10. Oh you own that condo on the ground floor. looking to the perimeter wall of the Areca lodge? I heard about pool view and City view, this is perimeter wall view? lol Now I know everything about how knowledgeable you are about real estate, and how rich you are, if you bought the cheapest and least valuable condo in the whole building
  11. Why would anyone want to enclose a balcony, since that is the only way to get in fresh air, and I doubt that Centara even would allow it. Sure you will post a picture of it, not?
  12. I clearly stated in my post about Urban. if I'm not mistaken, the one i looked in Urban had upvc windows. Actually I have seen so many that I don't even recall all i have seen. So which part of that line is it that you fail to comprehend? Again we are talking about WINDOWS here for several pages already, which there are on only one side of a condo, and they are definitely in uPvc in Centara. My take is that you are an argumentative troll, who makes up a load of BS, and I gonna stop seeing your posts
  13. Why would Centara fit aluminium windows only for you, when all the other condo's are in uPvc?
  14. Trying to wriggle yourself out of your BS? We have been talking here about WINDOWS not about entrance doors, and in Urban the entrance door is WOOD, not aluminium either
  15. Another load of BS from the usual suspect, because why would you clean the windows from condo's you rent out to AirBnB? And does this look as aluminium windows in Centara? https://www.hipflat.co.th/en/ads/0a8l4e10nhl8c349328tee93c278hcun
  16. This is exactly what I said about the windows in Urban, and Centara has 100% sure uPvc windows. You started in this thread pretending how knowledgeable you are about real estate, and how rich it made you with 200.000 baht per month interest in the bank, but now you are showing your real colors, if you don't even know why uPvc is far superior over the crap aluminium used in the construction here.
  17. With all respect, uPvc windows are far superior to the aluminium windows used in older constructions here
  18. Your local bar owner has a cunning plan on how to keep prices high 🙂
  19. You know that excise taxes and import taxes are 2 different things?
  20. Are you his secretary or accountant?
  21. Looks like an article, full of half truths, sponsored by a competitor
  22. She : I like movies for which I have to take out the tissues. He: Me too.................
  23. LK Legend isn't in Soi Buakhow, and the PKCP building can't take a shine at the LK Legend building. Do you think this can be even remotely compared to PKCP?
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