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Hunz Kittisak

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Everything posted by Hunz Kittisak

  1. It was supposed to be a soapy massage parlour
  2. He was good for Thailand else the majority wouldn’t have kept voting for his party. Landslides victories in successive elections.
  3. He made his millions /billions BEFORE entering politics same same but different from the generals who never did a day of honest work
  4. It’s ain’t over till the fat lady sings fat lady = the one who can’t be named
  5. I guess PT is trying to get the numbers Without including PP
  6. I get it if Mr Clean Chuan sticks to his principles and refuse to join But Mark Abhisit changes sides easily….what’s stopping him?
  7. Alot of the comments bothers on the hypocritical. isn’t that the main reason so many foreign men are in Thailand living the life? Coz the women back home dun behave like that?
  8. Anyone can enlighten what amulet (rian) this superstar Jackson Wang is wearing? thanks
  9. PT with BJT no PP Anutin for PM MFP in opposition but with MPs getting cabinet appointments Mr T gets pardon Generals get kept out MFP gets progress and some government experience win win for most lose for the dinosaur generals
  10. Likewise he is savvy enough to know that getting in bed with the generals would spell political suicide (Abhisit is living example). it’s interesting times indeed. I believe he’s got an Ace up his sleeves. Stay tuned
  11. He’s #13 on the Forbes list it’s well know how he Legally made all of his money. how about the generals explaining their source of wealth
  12. He shouldn’t even spent a minute in jail as we all know it was all politically engineered
  13. The red shirts did fight and did die back in 2010 lest we forget
  14. He made those billions more legitimately than those generals he’s still #13 on Thai Forbes rich list
  15. As I’ve mentioned before Mr T is way too savvy to do something like that. he’s a wily fox….I waiting to see him pull the rug from under those stumbling generals feet
  16. You mean the rest of them aren’t corrupt? I dun see any of them going to jail……they even wrote in their own amnesty!
  17. Happy Birthday Mr T hope you kiss the tarmac again come august 10 that was such an iconic moment
  18. You give too much credit to those dinosaur generals. They aren’t that savvy. Mr T is the wily politician. I believe he will do right by country and people and achieve final victory
  19. The harshest punishment would be “transferred to inactive post”
  20. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
  21. His statement sounds very much like a prelude to a coup. Uncle Tu wants his place in history as repeat coupist.
  22. No better excuse for another coup. let’s go!
  23. So the PM vote today is non starter. will they outlaw the entire MF party next? Might as well go the full 9 yards
  24. His coalition has got 313 seats how come only 311 votes for him? kudos to the 13 senators who see the light and voted rightly…..but alas it wasn’t enough
  25. Finally! He’ll be back by Christmas this year that’s my bold prediction
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