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Hunz Kittisak

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Everything posted by Hunz Kittisak

  1. They did condemn every coup that happened
  2. First task is to break Mr T out of prison once he’s freed let him take up the Premiership Make Thailand Great Again!
  3. Well said trump didn’t get the job via a coup
  4. After Thaksin makes Thailand great again Voters might not remember MFP anymore It will be landslide victory for Thaksin ala TRT days
  5. Anyone got the votes breakdown? Who were the 249 nay votes
  6. U-tapao used to be a secret US base, no? for their nuclear submarines…
  7. Mr Red Bull has more influence than an ex prime minister? ????
  8. In a parliamentary system like Thailand the people aka voters DO NOT choose the Prime Minister The elected members of parliament and the appointed senate vote for the Prime Minister from candidates put forth by the winning parties
  9. Man with exquisite taste old dinosaur Prawit can’t match
  10. Court statement didn’t state WHEN and soon this jail sentence will be rendered invalid by pardon 3 cheers to Thaksin! Make Thailand Great Again!
  11. I wasn’t there at DMK in person But I saw the TV news and read the news reports “Crowds of jubilant supporters, many dressed in red and carrying welcome signs, gathered at an airport in Bangkok to greet Thaksin”
  12. He will make Thailand great again.
  13. He flew in from Singapore Seletar Airport to DMK
  14. Like a rock star! who else can command such a hero’s welcome after more than 15 years away
  15. Well summed up the guys who harp on him being a criminal, who uses double standards to judge him etc are missing the point
  16. A pardon for him and sister is all that’s needed
  17. The country regressed at least 20 years under him. While he made himself and his cronies very rich
  18. Yes stay tuned I like many have faith in Thaksin doing the right thing Watch this space
  19. Well said With Thaksin away for so many years PT is actually losing votes and so many splinter groups/parties been formed with Thaksin back and in control it will be back to old Thai Rak Thai days
  20. Nothing wrong many governments giving cash handouts too during and after covid especially
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