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Hunz Kittisak

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Everything posted by Hunz Kittisak

  1. Indeed haha all the changes in the constitution to keep out PT and Thaksin finally backfired
  2. Well said Those who voted for PT wants PT in power and formulate policies that make their lives better. They want Thaksin back too all their boxes are ticked
  3. “it’s the economy, stupid!” with Thaksin back and implementing sound policies to make Thailand great again….. come next elections PT will again be the political powerhouse
  4. Do everything to keep the 2 uncles out! that should be the first and foremost priority
  5. That’s right in what capacity is he speaking as? he’s not Pheu Thai
  6. Dun fudge the details he wasn’t in that government until after the baht was floated. And he was invited to join the cabinet as deputy PM only after the Asian financial crisis started and even then he resigned from the post after 3 months
  7. Lapdog does what its master tells it to
  8. I think you got your history mixed up Mr T had nothing to do with the baht meltdown He wasn’t even in that government cabinet. Facts please no fake news
  9. Thailand is the land of compromise We love them all the same
  10. Mismanaged? Thaksin and PT has the best track record managing the country when they weren’t interrupted by coups. they have been voted into government successive times. Definitely better than what’s been happening for more than a decade with the military in charge
  11. Well said being pragmatic is what matters Rome wasn’t built in a day getting rid of the 2 dinosaurs is top priority, amending the constitution back to 97 charter is next MFP will get their chance in the near future I predict The Man once said and I quote “Thailand is a land of compromise”
  12. Are you high? You do know many people still love Thaksin? And he still got a huge support base. If he was standing in the recent elections he will win a landslide. You do know that right? that’s why the generals dun want him back
  13. Thaksin back with 4 years to make Thailand great. that will make voters forgive and forget
  14. Not if MFP vote for PT’s PM candidate everyone work to keep the military out
  15. BJT was born from People’s Power Party which its predecessor was Thai Rak Thai as was Pheu Thai so they are all from same lineage. You can call them Sibling parties It’s now a reunion Newin and Thaksin has reconciled to make Thailand great again
  16. I’ll say he has another 20 years ahead at least if Prem can live so long why not Thaksin?
  17. Yes almost 50 years ago thanks for the history lesson and kindly note that general failed, successful coup leaders were never punished
  18. Every one of them was/ is corrupt Was Thaksin more or less corrupt? No one knows for sure. What the common folk Thais are sure of was that he was the only one who gave something back and he did the most for them.
  19. Top priority given to offenders whom bribes can be extorts. Nevermind the severity of the crime
  20. Thai drivers dun even dare offer rides to monks walking along the roads nowadays coz many could be fake monks
  21. He has always been a maverick I wouldn’t bet against him being slow poisoned by his many enemies
  22. And why should he go to prison? All the charges and subsequent sentences were politically motivated
  23. MFP maybe? That will make it interesting
  24. It’s ain’t over till the fat lady sings I’m quietly optimistic the pro democracy camp has aces up their sleeves Stay tune dun be to quick to jump the gun. PT yet to announce their new coalition parties. Things will be clearer after that
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