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Ben Zioner

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About Ben Zioner

  • Birthday 02/29/1976

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    Koh Rat

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  1. What insults are they talking about? Trump is “a danger to the world” and “little short of a white nationalist and racist.”. So he was just factual.
  2. Yeah normal rate is 28.5810 as it was in March 20, 2013.
  3. Thanks, you help me to better appreciate how well educated the Thai natives I live with are.
  4. Yep, more like a descent living.
  5. Yep: "Turbo cancer is an anti-vaccination conspiracy theory[1] alleging that people vaccinated against COVID-19, especially with mRNA vaccines, are suffering from a high incidence of fast-developing cancers. " Wikipedia
  6. They have renamed it to Soi fatties.
  7. Naahh, but there is a majority here who think you are "Bob". I used to be a Monitor lizard in a previous life. But our days all Jews are..
  8. Patpong or Patong (Bangla road)?
  9. Not if one doesn't remit any money earned after Dec 31, 2023, or holds an LTR visa.
  10. Just reveals the state of confusion of some RD offices. Glad I have nothing to file until 2026, at least.
  11. Your pic looks like a condom advertisement.

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