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Ben Zioner

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About Ben Zioner

  • Birthday 02/29/1976

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    Koh Rat

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  1. There used to be trade unions...
  2. Can't help you on that one, never used a motorbike taxi and don't intend to used one ever. Never owned a motorbike either.
  3. Poor sod, the immigration queue was too long..
  4. Return to the dark ages.. Thailand!
  5. Was it TRD, or one obscure officer within TRD? Unless BOI and/or TRD release a formal clarification we will have to wait another two or three years before RD's decisions shed light on this issue. In the meantime remit Y-1 income, early in year Y, so it is easy to prove you've done things by their book.
  6. But that [tax exemption] remains the case, even if the income must be remitted in a year posterior to the year of earning. Honestly I have given thought to this quite a while ago, and speculated that the tax reform was on the books when the LTR was being implemented, remember it was launched in September 2022 just one year before the first "Remittance tax". Government departments can mull over reform for years, waiting for a political opportunity to implement it. It isn't always the clueless politician who is in the driving seat. So in this case RD 743 was only needed to "grandfather" the old taxation rules on remittance.
  7. Yes that sounds like a wasted opportunity. 64 wasted lives, sad. R.I.P
  8. Does PR give you Income Tax exemption?
  9. Why not use them for target practice? They are ideally located right now.
  10. So what? Tsahal has an extremely stressful job to carry out, these reporters probably used provocation to get get what they wanted: a good copy. Nothing new there.
  11. Hope Schuller will wash his hands.

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