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Everything posted by Nickcage49

  1. Interesting that they mention China, Russia and India at the top, but only plan to address this with Chinese officials. And good luck with that, lol
  2. If you're close to a person who's hitting everyone, it's probably a really bad idea to film it. And based on her handle "Social Hunter 2022", I'd bet she is a social media wh*%e who needs attention. So I'm not too upset about what happened to her.
  3. Hookers ripped off a tourist in Pattaya? African hookers? I'm shocked and dismayed...
  4. This construction never ends. It takes them 8 days to resurface the road?
  5. These guys can't make up their minds about whether they have too many or too few tourists.
  6. Dogs are great. And pits are very misunderstood. Any dog will be mean if you train them to be mean. Pits can be absolute pussycats.
  7. They cut me off daily. The drive dangerously. You try to contact Grab and you can't reach anyone to complain. It's out of control.
  8. How can you make anything from that video? I'm surprised the guy wasn't beaten senseless.
  9. How sad. Poor babies! Never had a chance.
  10. Are you telling me in the year 2024 that most Thai radio stations aren't digital? Amazing. This really is the 3rd world.
  11. You're a hell of a guy. Are you proud of this?
  12. Should they even have to say that to supposed adults? There's a long history of Brits getting in trouble here. If you can't hold your alcohol then don't drink!
  13. Man this government is getting greedy. Pretty soon they'll tax your arse.
  14. What's the point? They'll fine them 500 baht and they'll go on their merry way.
  15. Joy. For those living here, I don't see anything that will help improve our lives or the hassle of dealing with immigration. Why don't they introduce a 5 year visa that doesn't require so much in a Thai bank account? We're the ones who hold up this economy. As for loosening the tourism rules, they've been trying to cut down on crime by foreigners. This will only make it worse.
  16. I don't think even Bekins could handle this job!
  17. Oh yeah, that's gonna happen. They don't have the money to pay off the FIFA people.
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