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Everything posted by Nickcage49

  1. This is like those guys who advertised drugs for sale on Facebook. Amazing!
  2. Oh yeah, that will do it. Just because he says so, lol
  3. Stop whining. If you don't like it then don't renew your visa and go with the 60 or 180 days. I'm on a retirement visa and it's not so expensive that it's worth the hassle of constantly renewing and going on border runs. One thing, though, is that by doing this, they will increase the number of undesirables here, which they said they were trying to reduce. If it's that easy to stay here, many more criminals will take advantage of the new rules. Not that criminals follow the rules anyway. There are so many cheap charlies here, they'd rather go through a bunch of trouble than pay a few thousand baht for something.
  4. The words Trump and intelligence should never be written together...
  5. Cracks me up. It is Sin City and we love it that way.
  6. Brilliant! Why don't they do all of this construction at night?
  7. This guy was in favor of legalization long before it was allowed by law. You just know he has a lot of money riding on the industry.
  8. This is such incredibly bad policy. To allow something and then a couple of years ago ban it.
  9. Actually that wouldn't surprise me one bit. He doesn't know about a lot of things. Most things actually. But he sure talks a lot.
  10. So first they make it legal and invited thousands of businesspeople to invest in shops, production, etc. Now they make it illegal and put the same thousands of people out of business. Just another example of this government not thinking something through. What are they going to do, make it legal again next year? This is just bizarre.
  11. How about when the park their bikes on city streets so narrow my car can barely squeeze through? That's what they should be "cracking down" on.
  12. "cooking smells to noise from a washing machine"? These people sound like a real PITA? The guy can't cook or wash his clothes?
  13. Some of these taxi drivers in Bangkok are nuts. I'm so glad I don't live in town anymore and must deal with them. The police needs to come down harder on taxi drivers who behave badly.
  14. He played with her.....cat? What's another word for cat???
  15. Not allowing people to buy land is un-democratic.
  16. Translated. Condos aren't selling.
  17. Too funny. You can't contain monkeys. How about criminals?
  18. How about if a woman is involved with his wife???
  19. LOL. This type of story comes up about three times a year. I always laugh. Premier destination. Family Friendly. Not a sex haven. Etc, etc, etc. Pattaya is what it is and it will always be what it is. As Popeye said:
  20. Unfortunately they also move to Pattaya and they burn their garbage here. It makes the air quality in the town terrible.
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