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Everything posted by Nickcage49

  1. Another stupid decision. I'm glad they're protesting. Can't wait for the construction, lol Now where will I exercise?
  2. Looks good to me! What does it say?
  3. I don't know about seafood, but it's high time we have free trade on all products in Thailand. The taxes are too high on imported goods.
  4. This country is full of criminals hiding in plain sight. We hear about it all the time. So find those people and your problem will be solved. Why hassle law abiding people who just want to live here in peace?
  5. When will it ever end. This seems to be getting worse as opposed to better. I've never seen a place that does so much construction all at once.
  6. It sounds like he belongs there. He keeps committing criminal acts. Enjoy Thai prison!
  7. That's one of the funniest things I've ever heard.
  8. More and more this is becoming a police state. This is a good way to drive all the foreigners away and all the money we spend. I'm sure Pattaya is next.
  9. Why advise when you're calling the shots?
  10. What BS. Making that road one way is just asking for problems and serious accidents.
  11. It may be "free", but it's not a Democracy as we know it in the West.
  12. Well that will really encourage people to come to Thailand. How to kill tourism, by the land of fake smiles.
  13. The daytime ban is really stupid. So if I'm in a store and want to buy a bottle of wine for my wife and me, I can't because of the stupid ban. Get rid of it.
  14. It's never made any sense. It will be nice if they can get rid of the taxes and this.
  15. 900,000 is 30,000 baht? Uh, no......
  16. Why don't they just close all the roads until this 💩 is done?
  17. Oh you mean the guy who was supposed to be PM that Thaksin was able to sidetrack, thus getting back in the country with a get out of jail free card? That guy. What BS.
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