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Irish star

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Everything posted by Irish star

  1. Which Kindergarten was it , please impress us , and you have confused the audience with No Quotes
  2. I just went thru your comments, I see nothing , was it directed at me personally , Typical BS , throw ketchup politics like your dear grifter
  3. Probably, you have nothing to offer or Combat , so continue your Happy Hour , School is in session tomorrow enjoy your week and that pathetic paycheck
  4. Go back to your Thai teacher job and we can compare Real Estate and Stocks , Career Guy
  5. Give me 400 Million , PoppaLucky and il School ya , I retired at 45 from Apple , Please impress me with your ego
  6. The Media is eating itself, all should be boycotted, just creating Division for Profits
  7. I believe he owes that to New York , like 440 Million , the funny thing is why isn’t Kushner pitching in , lol probably knows what happened in Ivanka’s bed overlooking Central Park , did you see that interview, she was having some freaky daddy thoughts
  8. There was a Debate but Trump just shoveled so much in Unnfact checked BS , Joe was overwhelmed, Joe couldn’t get on Trumps gutter Level
  9. Watch and Learn, you think she just sitting in her office , not prepared, Please , I know your butt hurt, that Trump is just sitting on his ass throwing ketchup at Mar o Lardo for the last two weeks , But he doesn’t know what to do , He can’t Bully her , Joe Great President but to Classy to get to his Grifter Level
  10. Owners are voting Trump along with MSNBC it’s new regime at CNN, I believe NPR , also
  11. Trump lost the election basically by being on Twitter and of course being a POS Narcissist , The Debate, Trump will be the carcass that’s in a pile of bones on stage after being picked Clean by “Vulture “Harris , Kamala Don’t Play , if your from San Francisco, like myself , We know what she is capable of , Putin Knows this and Trump , Stock up the Kleenex, Blue Tsunami Coming , I’m flying back just to Vote and hand out boxes of Kleenex and maybe we get to participate in some Rowdy Behavior
  12. The only two people afraid of a Woman , I mean 3 Now ,is Taboo, Trump and Putiny , your outnumbered, suck it up , November 6 , we will stick up on Extra Kleenex for you 3 Cowards , FACT…
  13. MSNBC and CNN and NPR are voting Trump , Sadly , they should be boycotted, Even Bezos and Elon are voting Trump , 1% will not pay taxes , so it’s on our backs in the middle class
  14. Agreed , I just feel bad for the Thai in Isaan , getting their hopes dashed
  15. Yesterday , announced 25,000 dollars toward a new home first time buyers , 6,000 dollar tax break for families, Will be a crackdown on all hidden fees online and restaurants, DNC is tomorrow, I suggest you watch and Vote for her policies , Trump has No agenda but to take Billions from oil companies do they can drill baby drill
  16. Walz angry he’s like an Uncle to all of us , and he makes sense don’t be Weird ok , Kamala has a nervous laugh but as time goes by she will manage it better , I hope she laughs at Putin , he knows he’s screwed with out his asset Trump
  17. I watched them filming Dirty Harry in San Francisco, very nice guy , Clint and Harry Guardino but he’s washed up politically
  18. You want to talk prisoner behavior, just saw interviews on YouTube , Russian spilling the Beans on Rapes and executions, hell they just beheaded an American Traitor
  19. She will Bury him , he’s a Bully , Kamala don’t Play that , she’s a proven Prosecutor against a con man , Trump sees the writing on the Wall
  20. Polls on Truth Social or NewsMax , even Faux is showing gains by Kamala , Trump is unable to Rally , No previous venues will allow him until he pays Upfront , Example Bozeman Montana didn’t allow plane to land
  21. Pro War , aren’t we all , Ukraine is Crushing Russia I saw them taking out Korean ammunition dumps Spectacularly , if you get a chance to see the video it’s 25 min of Destruction all from a Spotter drone
  22. Well I don’t know if you look polls but she’s Dusting Trump
  23. Lived there a long time born in San Francisco
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