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Irish star

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Everything posted by Irish star

  1. Trump received $10 ,000,000 from China for 2016 Election, Imagine that , him and Ivanka have Bank Accounts in China , why you spreading mis -information, what’s your Agenda, by the way Eastwood talks to empty chairs in stage
  2. We didn’t love him he was a Famous NY er who was a Slumlord, who kept Black peopke out if his buildings his Dad was in KKK , when he goes full Dementia it will all come to the surface , he is also anti union , he avoided paying all Contractors in NYC always a Scumbag , the List goes on and on , he lost two Casinos, how do you do that lol
  3. Why is Trump avoiding the public 2 weeks before DNC , he’s got Nothing to offer
  4. CNN owner is a Trump Supporter, MSNBC is also along with Faux Entertainment, NPR is voting Trump , No one paying Taxes except middle class
  5. You Expose yourself Daily , as A Full on Cultist , I lose IQ points with every comment you make
  6. It’s the Media , they are all Voting Trump , More divisive more money
  7. Don’t you have a Cult newsletter to read , another one gonna be crying publicly Nov 6 , I’m running home to Vote and watch your Cult finally Die off
  8. San Francisco is not even charging drunk drivers , all charges being dropped lol, and don’t be using Qanon talking points about SF I was just there and it ls lovely , except for a couple blocks , 6th and market and Civic Centre
  9. Mitsubishi, service never heard any good about it , that why I stick to Toyo
  10. Let’s Vote for 1% paying f all , so who pays surely your not even close to being 1% , your full Buttermilk lol, mutilation of children what are you whinging about ?Trump Transparency 55555, Run to the fridge , your Kool - aid is deteriorating your brain every sip , Can’t wait Nov 6 to hear you throw a toddler tantrum like your dear Cult Leader , Who’s clearly showing Dementia Sundowning , so Trump will be institutionalized so your Sofa buddy Vance takes over , Clever Strategy for Christofascism , this response is for Will B Culting
  11. Just at Land Transport office , Standing in Line and this huge lady dragging her kid and shopping bags just bowled me over as she was passing by , not even a glance at me , all the Thais looked shocked, but I know not to shout her so I just did a head shake , I get upstairs she’s with her other Buffalo Husband 3 x the size , usually outspoken but I knew it was sketchy and didn’t yell out
  12. Just the last 20 or so , after Covid Scams abound , everyone trying to get that Buffalo back on its feet , and the Banks are Hungry for Loan Payments
  13. Didn’t we see this Dedication last time , then they did a Runner with it…
  14. My Main Crush, Maureen OSullivan , Jane , Absolutely Lovely and Charming
  15. The minute I hear RFK it’s a Scroll by
  16. To Stop the Civil Disorder he’s Created with his Constant Bullying , now everyone feels Entitled to give out
  17. Those checkpoints with those Mall Cop farangs acting out , I’d rather Not
  18. I call them The Fruit of The Loom Gang , they all dress same lil boy shirts lil boy shorts but so Annoying and Phones on Blast
  19. Wow I'm beyond Shocked , lol Same Script Everytime , No 10,000 b Scheme Shelved 5555 , It’s Sad the Thai people have to put up with these shenanigans
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