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Irish star

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Everything posted by Irish star

  1. TED I saw the movie I can relate to your ignorance
  2. Watch the polls , I believe she gets a 4 to 6 point Bump and you guys are panicking, Trump 2032 he’s fantastic 555555
  3. Yellow tail , you have bone spurs or what , I believe your Yellow
  4. Do you think all by yourself or your rural Thai wife is providing the answers
  5. I spout facts all day , why not check them a bit moronic , Whaf have you stated , Trump has one policy TRUMP it’s all about him but you suck it up , like he’s got your back lol
  6. What boom did Trump Provide, don’t mention Covid Boom for Kushner and Trump
  7. I’m not a Leftist I’m Liberal Centrist
  8. I don’t drink find another excuse, Drinker can’t even use Google
  9. Your just a Lazy Cult, listen to Faux Entertainment all day and spout Untruths
  10. Trump has the numbers on Lies spoken , I believe No one lies like him , but he loves the uneducated, you
  11. A he’s a grifter , really did you just leave the Womb
  12. So I have to use my valuable time to do your homework lol , google it
  13. Let’s try this , are you an Idiot or Not? We need to know
  14. After his major f up sure he grifted funds
  15. That’s what he’s running on , you think Musk pays 50 million a month to his campaign for What ,clueless smooth brain
  16. What did Kushner do with our Ventilators send them to Saudi’s lol
  17. So I speak accurately, Kooks you all are
  18. All I do is give facts and like a lil girl you run around the sky is falling
  19. Under Trump regime , 8 billion for Obama , google is your friend Geezus Christ
  20. Have you ever watched Trump , obviously Not , he feeds off the fringe voters like yourself , degenerates and Conspiracy Crowd are his Audience of Kooks
  21. We want Trump to run til 2032 , he’s a Loser and we Gain Voters , I think he’s a Democrat Plant 555555, we will never turn into Canada lol , Never been a Fan of Canucks
  22. Well all she talks about is her mother , maybe left the family , I’m sure you can google , right
  23. At least they are economic migrants not Terrorist entering Europe, btw Walks will never Work , it’s a money scheme for Trump ala Bannon , his 31 miles of Wall is a disgrace
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