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Irish star

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Everything posted by Irish star

  1. It reminds me of depression food , boiled meats on Chinese aluminum, Disgusting , I tell the girls forgetaboutit , it ain’t happening
  2. Well Trumps ignorance how many 100,000 of thousands died on his watch with Covid , did you do as your leader said to do , inject bleach , your not even American, worry about your own <deleted>show in Canada , we are trying to fix the damage he caused, it will take decades, it’s all we do is try to repair the damage the Repubtards cause , then when we raise taxes because the earlier President ran Amok with 8 Trillion on USA National Debt , plus 1% Not paying any taxes at all , did you receive too many hockey sticks to your smooth brain
  3. My idiot Dutch ex friend raised them and he would walk this beast in the Nightmarket in Korat SaveOne which is Huge, people didn’t like it , told to leave the property, Thai people were Terrified
  4. Better him than some innocent child or senior or anyone
  5. My god what an ignorant statement, who’s your source Qanon or Lara Trump or Trump himself , You keep repeating this statement but how many cases like 5 maybe , Delusions need therapy , this has as much substance as Hillary emails But the Cult regurgitates it nonstop , just more trump blabbing doesn’t make it fact , show us all these illegal voter discoveries or some kind of fact , do you Cultist ever use the internet for facts or sources or just do the Trump thing , Throw <deleted> politics , maybe it will stick and the ignorant suck it up as Facts
  6. Well she will legalize ganja federally ,so they don’t have to go down that street again
  7. That’s a Dem terminology, where did you find that misdial on your ham radio
  8. Obviously you couldn’t get your WiFi to pick up any of the DNC , that Quanesque , tune into Tik Tok , Faux is even thrown Trump under the Bus
  9. Only her , how many prosecutors have locked away the innocent
  10. Trumps Fear Campaign, The Cult is Paranoid Now , the crime the crime , but no one facts check
  11. Few years ago it was like Calcutta , took over everything, India paraded down WS lol
  12. I live a lil south but I’m here for food choice , Isaan was just too much
  13. Soi VC and that neighborhood should have a Police Station , not that copper rest spot on Tai and 2nd
  14. All Chinese shops and businesses where the busses stop , only CP 7/11 get the trickle down
  15. And it sits empty, because they will never use their in China banks again , too controlled , they just use Black money to hide it somewhere
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