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Irish star

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Everything posted by Irish star

  1. Xi and Thaskin , Putin Puppet is all he is , only one blue suit he has , also
  2. My girls told me to shave it lol more concerned with your money
  3. Deals and promotions are weak on FP
  4. Wise guys are mafia Geezus , who reads fairy tales lol
  5. And be like you , Nah I’m good , I might get intoxicated and start wearing frigging Bow Tie’s <deleted>
  6. I don t drink wise guy , maybe I should use you as an example , do you have your Chang Vest on. Any more suggestions to be like you
  7. Ask Putin how Biden Rocks , really get off Faux Entertainment and Qanon , Trump would sell the country to Russia to stay on his Good Toilet Throne , Still in the Cult huh
  8. Gee all that Romancing with Putin and Xi didn’t go that Well huh
  9. Pattaya registered 174 on index last week , Singapore suffering Now , 63 IQair app right now in pattaya
  10. I have no respect for Thai women anymore, except Waitresses, the rest are downright scammers , especially now with banks coming down hard on families for there Covid Loans , none were bar girls either mostly Korat girls
  11. Never have a problem for years Mastercard Chase
  12. I think we left voluntarily, Geezus , Clueless , how many we have over there , minimum
  13. He’s not getting out of Russia , China maybe but he’s not gonna travel
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