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Irish star

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Everything posted by Irish star

  1. Trump isn’t President anymore did you didn’t get the memo
  2. Yeah Trump is so Intelligent, would you rather have your orange asshat in talks
  3. Like Trump isn’t two years younger than Old Joe, ask Zputin about Old Joe and Joe Zputin can’t sleep at Night snd lives in a bunker
  4. High Season lol lol premature aren’t you
  5. We can take on Russia in Ukraine, and our only worry is China after Russia is Dismantled
  6. When I go to the malls I see the cooks leaving toilet and straight back to work , No handwashing sometimes you may see 2 fingers under the Tap but no soap used I never eat street anything either , seen them pissing into water bottles as not to leave the cart unattended
  7. 100 b for 90 day report used to be free
  8. I was in a dispensary in San Francisco, the guy said these are the strongest brownies , I took 8 on the plane , didn’t feel a thing lol I need to smoke it
  9. The Best Pharmacy in Thailand is in Korat “Siam Pharmacy “ they deliver by Kerry and very many English speakers and Cheap , put in on Line app
  10. Restaurant and entertainment prices keep me in Pattaya
  11. Buy online , I bring tons of meds to Thailand vitamins too never been stopped
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