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Everything posted by illisdean

  1. The offer is there, you don't like, but nobody cares. The crack head will plead the 5th anyways, he's just playing a game of optics guided by his seemingly not so logical Abe Lowell crackpot attorney. And, if the crack head has nothing to hide, whats he waiting for? And, HB don't get to dictate terms, he either complies or goes down for contempt. Either way he loses as does pappi in the polls. And you still got nuttin.
  2. "House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer told Fox News Digital that he will release the transcript of Hunter Biden's deposition later this month and will schedule a public hearing for the president's son after he testifies behind closed doors as part of the "most transparent major congressional investigation in history." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/comer-defends-private-deposition-hunter-biden-vows-release-transcript-hold-public-hearing
  3. Closed door session, in a formal setting followed by release to the public of official transcripts of the proceedings and then a public hearing for the crack-head to give his deposition. I love to see Hunter keep his lies from imploding around him trying to testify (lie) on two separate occasions. Comer has agreed to this format but only after HB complies with the requirements of the subpeona in a closed door session followed by a public venue, told you so already, you forget or just being obtuse about key points? Anyone with a functioning brain should know a criminal defendant or anyone on the receiving end of a subpoena has no inherent right to bargain and negotiate it's terms.
  4. Do ya think this breaking news could help Joe at the polls? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/hunter-biden-investigation-may-backfire-on-republicans/ar-AA1lvb7L
  5. Review the latest morning consult polling numbers. Biden is getting destroyed, squished like a cock-a-roach by your MAGA man. And you try to splash caca on Jim Jordan....laughable! LOL. Of well, maybe you will awaken smarter one day and see the Biden induced destruction here and abroad. Why else is he polling so low, cuz Jim Jordan laughed off the bogus J6 nuisance subpoena...as in who cares right? Except maybe you that may find some consoling significance to it. Attached is morning consult data sample for PA Trump vs Biden. The results are similar in all 7 swing states now. "Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in all seven surveyed 2024 swing states, with Biden losing the 1 percentage-point lead over Trump he had in Michigan last month: https://pro.morningconsult.com/articles/2024-swing-states-survey-key-issues-ballot-performance-december-2023 https://pro-assets.morningconsult.com/wp-uploads/2023/12/231206-Morning-Consult-Bloomberg-2024-Election-Swing-State-Polling.pdf
  6. They (Comer) offered both: first in closed door session and then in a public forum. Since you obviously don't understand the process, Biden DOES NOT get to choose the venue of an enforceable congressional subpoena as does no one, you, me and so on, (What makes HB subject to special treatment other than being the worlds most successful crack head ). Also, the dems will only try to create chaos in a public display with their profound ineptness and buffoonery. Joe referred to HB as the smartest guy he knows and now that smart person can add contempt of congress charges to his stellar list of achievements. "Representative James Comer announced on Wednesday that he would move forward with holding Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress" https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/12/contempt-of-congress-is-hunter-bidens-latest-headache.html
  7. Another poll revealing how dictator Biden's policies and vote buying strategies are failing for him and his admin of chaos. Only a dictator thinks he can unconstitutionally implement their self serving interests. "The disconnect illustrates one of the core challenges of Biden’s campaign for a second term: He struggles to get credit from voters for policies intended to motivate them. That’s left him trailing former President Donald Trump in a head-to-head matchup in each of the seven states in the poll — the first time the poll has shown Biden behind across the board." "Trump now leads Biden across all seven swing states Eleven months before the election, Trump is leading Biden by 5 percentage points among registered voters in a head-to-head matchup across seven swing states." The writings on the wall for Biden's failed presidency in view of the voters disdain for him with voter support and job approval ratings likely to drop further after Hunter and his influence peddling crime family are paraded under oath in front of congressional lawmakers during the critical impeachment inquiry. The walls are truly closing in on the Biden crime family. Biden is resorting to what all crime figure Dons do when squeezed, they start finger pointing as Biden is starting to do with his severely politically corrupt AG Garland. More to follow on this development. In the meantime read up on how Biden is bottoming out in nearly every metric on all polling now, and recently GenZ support and weep or enjoy as the case may be. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2024-us-election-key-state-voter-polling/december-2023-poll/
  8. Ok, so be it. Hunter's still a degenerate crack head accused felon loser and you haven't a clue and even if you did you wouldn't know what to do with it.
  9. You too huh, you got nothing in rebuttal, except to regress back your bully days in grade 3 with your lame comment You and your bunch are laughable and very uninformed. Go away and don't bother me.
  10. Hunters a crack head extraordinaire felony indicted alleged tax evader scum bag, whats your point except to show how obtuse u are?
  11. Don't need to read that, already did, but thanks Earl. If P Navvaro and S Bannon can get popped for it, then so can Hunter in a fair and equal justice system. "Under law, this certification then requires the US attorney to “bring the matter before the grand jury for its action,” but the Justice Department will also makes its own determinations for prosecuting. Any individual who is found liable for contempt of Congress is then guilty of a crime that may result in a fine and between one and 12 months imprisonment. But this process is rarely invoked and rarely leads to jail time."
  12. Why didn't Hunter testify yesterday, debunk all the "lies and false facts" of congressional investigation so far instead of defying the subpoena? Now he's in contempt and can be indicted for that and should be. He had a chance to go on the record with sworn testimony to clear his name and that of his father but he chose to break the law and commit more criminal acts. Why doesn't JB step up and explain why he's lies so much and keeps lying as the WH spins and changes the goal posts again. Hunter said yesterday that "my father was not financially involved" in my business before it was he knew nothing about it. If instead of lying the Bidens explained why there are 20 LLC shell companies sending payments to the Bidens for nothing in exchange it may go along way in alleviating the need for impeachment of an obviously very deceptive and corrupt President. The lies are NON-STOP and completely laughable. It should come as no surprise that half the country or more views the Bidens, especially Joe as corrupt and likely will not vote for him. The bank statements and records, LLC, pmts, emails, text messages, the laptop and so on are not BS, at least Biden has not denied any of it yet. Now the pseudonym emails Biden used are being slow walked by the WH and NARA but when the impeachment inquiry gets their hands on them there could a lot more evidence of Bide's corruption and involvement. A this point only a moron believes that Chinese, Russians, Romanians, or anyone would wire the Bidens 10's of millions of dollars to LLC shell companies for distribution to the Biden family because they like them. Give your head a shake. Wait for the Biden family congressional subpoena's and their sworn testimony. the release of Biden's secret pseudonym emails, the testimony from Hunters associates, Tony B, Eric Scherwin, and the others AND then watch the Biden house of cards come crashing down or not. But, all this is going to kill Biden's reelection bid if nothing else if he's still standing next year. It may even get him tossed after he's impeached. Wait and see, but it looks like Joe is done like a dead buzzard.
  13. Thats why the impeachment inquiry was launched, it's carte blanc now with subpoena power to all things Biden and his family including the 5,000 pages of emails the WH and NARA refuses to release to Comer. Sworn testimony from Biden's family is on the table now. It's over for Biden, time to get a dose of reality and accept it. Biden is likely the most corrupt politician in American history. Too bad the two tiered justice system is stonewalling it and trying desperately to cover it and protect the Bidens. Thats all about to change with formalized by vote impeachment inquiry. You can say goodbye to Biden's political status and hello to his embarrassing and criminal legacy.
  14. When Americans safety and lives are compromised and put in jeopardy. The actions of Biden and Mayorkas are arguably intentional. These two birds are evil and dangerous to America and need to go.
  15. Biden is out for certain, with Trump elected in 2024. The country loves Trump and detest Biden now. It's so obvious. HB is an accused felon and Biden is on the verge of impeachment tied to the crack heads money grifting and corruption AND all of this will be on the minds of voters in Nov 2024. The timing is eloquent.
  16. Frustration is reserved for bidenites (you and yours) due to the continued humiliating failures of the soon to be impeached Biden due to his corruption and family crime syndicate. He should be impeached as well for the immigration crime and border security debacle he's created. Americans absolutely are frustrated by Biden's incompetence and corruption and have said so in poll after poll including his own party who want him out. What happens to your growing frustration when Biden drops out and dems lose to Trump in 2024?
  17. Stop it, you're embarrassing yourself. Go read the latest polls showing Biden's laughable numbers, I am sure it will make your day. Let me know what you think of the beatdown Trump is laying on the vegetable. It is a MAGA world.
  18. Yeah thats all real good except nobody cares and your corrupt dem leader is about to get his teeth rearranged by the Comer onslaught, and his family gets "done-over" for all sorts of criminal investigations all the while Trumps eviseratig the vegetable in polling and now I am getting the sense the American voter and even some in the regime MSM have seen and had enough of the obvious Trump lawfare shenanigans and know it's Biden's final act of desperation to stop Trump. In a fair election, even with all the lawfare and Trump persecution, Biden can never win a fair election now. Stockmarket, lol....ain't gonna save your savior. We need fair/more fair elections. https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/partner_surveys/one_in_five_mail_in_voters_admit_they_cheated_in_2020_election
  19. Bogus, all of them and if you can see it then you are far too disengaged logically and rationally.
  20. You should ask Biden and his pathetic supporters that question.
  21. Not so fast, good things come to those who wait, especially until after the election victory for Trump in 2024. “Ultimately, a ruling favoring Fischer could upend two of the four counts Trump is facing in the case, one of four criminal prosecutions against him. The Supreme Court will hear arguments next year and probably rule by the end of June.” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-12-13/supreme-court-to-hear-jan-6-appeal-complicating-trump-trial
  22. "Proceedings in former President Donald Trump’s federal case for trying to overturn the 2020 election are now on hold, the judge overseeing the case ruled Wednesday, largely siding with the ex-president that the case shouldn’t move forward to trial until a higher court decides whether to throw it out—leaving it largely up to the Supreme Court to determine when and if Trump’s case could go to trial." https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2023/12/13/judge-pauses-trumps-jan-6-criminal-case-as-supreme-court-weighs-in/?sh=7ca051c0648a
  23. And currently destroying Biden in every possible way in the polling now.
  24. Thats the best you can do in the face of a decimated and demented Biden that the majority view as a failure and who DON'T want him to run now. Now he's got a totally supercharged impeachment inquiry fully engaged and there's NOWHERE for Biden and and his crime family to hide now. And you hyper dwell on Donald Trump euphemistically and jokingly referring to himself as a "dictator" for one day to restore border security and drill for oil. LOL. Have you seen how dismal Biden's polling in MI and GA reported by CNN recently? https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/12/06/trump-dictator-day-one-hannity/
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