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Posts posted by MangoKorat

  1. 6 hours ago, Sheryl said:


    Not quite.

    What is said is that more men die with it than of it, and that's true enough, mainly because the invidence greatly increases in old age. But plenty of men die it.  2nd leading cause of cancer death in men.


    Nowadays the diagnostic process distinguishes between slow growing  moderate and aggressive cancers of the prostate.  

    My point was that autopsies often reveal that although it was not the cause of death, it was present - usually low grade.  I'm aware that its the 2nd biggest killer, I thought I'd be joining that club.


    Its difficult to present your story without giving people either false hope or being overly morbid.  I have been extremely lucky in that I responded so well to the treatment I was given. I wouldn't want anyone to think that all you need is a course of Radio Therapy and Hormone Therapy and you'll be fine - that's just not the case.


    The key, as with any type of cancer, is to catch it early.  With Prostate Cancer, and this is from my Oncologist and not my opinion, it needs catching before it breaks through the capsule of the Prostate and spreads. Its almost impossible, if not impossible to cure once it breaks out. Although it can be slowed down.


    My message to all guys over 50 is to get your PSA tested regularly. That's not foolproof and there is often resistance to testing from GP's etc. but its the best we have until better detection techniques are found and screening is brought in. Some private clinics in the UK now offer PC screening and I'm sure that Thai private hospitals do the same although if my experience of private hospitals is anything to go by, you have to beware of 'upselling'.


    Some GP's resist testing when there are no obvious symptoms because should a high PSA be found, the next step is often a biopsy (rectal) with a high risk of infection and quite often, negative results. Besides, urologists often carry out transperineal biopsies now which I'm told are less risky and the new type MRI scans reduce the need for biopsies.


    Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't care how much my GP resisted, I would insist.


    I went to my GP on a different matter and in passing, mentioned a few symptoms like getting up for a pee 2 or 3 times per night and reduced semen production.  Suspicious my GP suggested a urine sample as well as a PSA test.  When my PSA came back at 189 and the urine test revealed traces of blood, I was booked in for a biopsy 2 days later.


    Not only should men get tested regulary, they should also talk to their GP about their health in general.  I've never had a problem with that but I'm told that many guys do.  I am 100% certain that if I hadn't mentioned my symptoms, whilst seeing my GP on an unrelated matter, I wouldn't be here today. I was probably within weeks/months of the cancer spreading.

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  2. On 4/9/2024 at 2:43 PM, advancebooking said:

    My 2 cents worth is that if you dont want to get prostate cancer then you must ejaculate more than 21 times a month. Its on google dr. 

    Given that the causes of Prostate Cancer are as yet unknown, that is hardly going to work.  There are a few things that appear to make it more likely that a man will get the disease at some time in his life and a genetic pre-disposition is amongst the most common but nothing is conclusive.


    The chances of getting the disease increase as you get older so with life expectancy increasing in most nations, its inevitable that there will be an increase in case numbers.


    Fortunately for most people, the disease is fairly low grade and quite often no treatment at all is recommended. A period of 'watchful waiting' with regular blood tests is often recommended, sometimes in conjunction with Hormone Therapy.  Interventions are only made if and when the disease increases in activity.


    It is often said that Prostate Cancer is something you die with, not of. 


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  3. On 4/8/2024 at 5:29 AM, BritManToo said:

    Central Thai is a worthless language only spoken by 40% of the Thai population as a 1st language.

    Why? I don't follow what your thinking on that. Just about all Thai's can speak it, whether as a first or second language so if you do, they understand.


    What would be worthless is learning the Korat dialect (no I don't mean Isaan) and living in Krabi.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Acharn said:

    I mostly get the meaning from context

    So do Thai's if you listen to their conversations. If you could separate those conversations word by word, you would note that the tone used is often wrong.


    If a Thai was talking about taking their dog for a walk and got it wrong, as they often do at the speed they talk - they know automatically by the context that it was dog not  'horse'.  However, if we get the tone wrong?.........well, that's a different story.  They can use completely wrong words but we have to be correct or get that 'confused face'.

  5. 47 minutes ago, StayinThailand2much said:

    I protested though, telling them the one who was supposed to do it according to Thai law, my landlady, had outright refused to do it.

    There have been a few reports on here where people have said their landlord/lady has refused to do the TM30.  I used to wonder why that would be but the publicity surrounding the changes to the Thai taxation system revealed on thing that may offer an explanation - 12.5% property tax on let property.  When you leave that place, maybe a letter to the Revenue Department would be in order?

    • Like 1
  6. 23 hours ago, kaneko86 said:

    You can't visit somebody in Thai jail unless it is a relative of yours and even than it's hard to get permission.

    Yes you can, there are official Prison Volunteer Vistor groups.  I believe the first port of call for such volunteers is the embassy of the inmate's home country.


    Also, see here:



  7. 5 minutes ago, StayinThailand2much said:


    It's all about taking advantage of foreigners. When my landlady refused to file a TM.30 about me, I was the one who got fined at Immigration, while the IO gave a rat's a** about the (Thai) person who was required by law to file such a report. I'm very sure that my landlady wasn't and won't be fined one baht. TiT!

    You should either have refused to pay or paid under written protest and taken legal action. That may seem a bit drastic but as long as we keep taking it up the rear end, they'll keep giving it.


    I've been successful in 2 court actions although admittedly not against Immigration.  I know a lawyer who has taken action against them though and won - twice.

  8. On 4/8/2024 at 12:52 AM, george said:

    What is Donald Trump's mental state? I direct the question primarily to those working in psychology, psychiatry, neuropsychiatry, etc., and prefer serious and professional answers. I don't work as a psychologist, but I've studied this for many, many years and have a great interest in the dark triad.

    I'm sort of guessing Josephine's original posting wasn't directed at AN members - I doubt we have many working in those professions here 😁.


    But to answer her - the man is a raving lunatic.  What that says about around 50% of the US electorate, I'll leave her to contemplate.

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  9. OP, what model of bike is it? There are vast differences in the levels of security.


    If we are talking about a basic Wave, Scoopy or the like, your local bike shop should easliy be able to help you - usually just a matter of changing the ignition switch.  Older models sometimes have the key number on the lock - believe it or not.


    If you're talking about a more sophisticated model/newer big bike its more of a problem - some switches cannot be ordered alone. Some 'chipped keys' have to be ordered along with a new ECU and a complete lockset.  Some new switches though, can be coded to match the ECU - with the right equipment (rare).


    Contact your local bike shop or bike thief.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 12 minutes ago, noobexpat said:


    A house and car in Korat? what is this, a cliche? 


    No sensible single guy who can't speak thai is doing this silly nonsense on his own 🫢

    Strange as it may seem, some of us actually like to do things ourselves. Its precisely because I can speak a little Thai that I can get these things done in the first place

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  11. 15 minutes ago, kickstart said:

    Wrong yet again, you have got to live somewhere, for me it is LOS, not in Issan, doing what I like doing, rearing our few cattle, something I could not do in the UK, been doing it for 15 years now, the wife helps, she is from farming stock, so we get along OK.

    Are you one of these Farang that say if you shout loud enough, they will understand you? 

    Take no notice of him Mr Kickstart. He clearly doesn't realise that he doesn't actually appear smart as he thinks, to me he's just another would be smartass who thinks he's better than everyone else.  He's just trying to wind you up - rise above it.

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