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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. Its an interesting subject and its very common for Thai girls to do this after a bad relationship with a male. However 'normally straight' girls, usually return to males after a year or so. Oddly, many girls who do this don't consider themselves either lesbian or bisexual.
  2. Not so sure I agree with the non strategic aspect. I'm no mariner but looking at a world map, the Gulf of Thailand/Chao Phraya estuary would seem like an excellent place to locate a naval fleet. Bangkok and Laem Chabang ports would be useful and the whole lot appears to be easily defendable from 3 sides. China has been very busy in recent years 'helping' countries in Asia to build new road and rail networks. Interestingly, 2 major projects, currently under construction, lead directly from China down through Laos to Bangkok.
  3. Thank you for a very straight and honest answer - all that was asked for and all that was needed.
  4. That is untrue. Take a look at what the world's experts think of the current situation. Scaremongering was a term used quite often in the run up to WW2.
  5. You're taking us into an entirely different area but the real reason that more crops are being grown than there were 50 years ago is because demand has increased. That demand has resulted in the use of fertilizers and pesticides that are contributing to the destruction of the eco-system. Climate change and destruction of the eco system are entirely man made phenomena. You don't have to be be Einstein to understand that you can't take out, more than you put in - not without consequences. Nor do you have to be a scientist to realise that the smoke and fumes we have bellowed out into the atmosphere, particularly since 1750 has not been a good thing. And humans are the most intelligent species?
  6. We, including myself are heading right off topic here. The sentiment of my original post is also being taken way out of context. By 'safe' I was not refering to any threat from direct attack or nuclear fallout. What I am refering to is that the world is currently in a bigger state of turmoil than its been for a long time. Groups of allies are starting to emerge and China, unlike its position in WW2, is now a superpower. China, North Korea, Iran and Russia are clear allies with others likely to join that group. Whereas Thailand in previous conflicts has previously tried to 'ride the winning horse' the likelihood is, that if a major conflict did kick off, Thailand would align with China. Where would that leave any expats living in Thailand? Would they be allowed to stay? Be locked up or deported? If such a thing happened what would happen to any assets you own in Thailand. People can say I'm scaremongering, a doomsday phrophet or whatever but the world's military experts agree that we are facing a very dangerous period. The UK's expert's views are here: https://news.sky.com/story/are-we-heading-for-world-war-three-experts-weigh-up-whether-russia-china-and-the-middle-east-could-lead-us-into-apocalyptic-conflict-13056131 Quote from Dr David Wearing, lecturer in international relations at the University of Sussex "The danger here is not that one side takes the pre-meditated decision to spark the apocalypse, but rather that a conflict or area of tension escalates to a certain point, one party makes a move that another party misinterprets, and then a nuclear exchange begins despite the fact that no-one was looking for one. "We should take that risk very seriously, especially over Ukraine and Taiwan"
  7. I used to think the same - especially as in the UK I live about 3 miles from a US base. However, after seeing the performance of Russia's conventional weapons and equipment in the Ukraine conflict, I'm not so sure now - although I accept it won't be good. There's been a lot of talk recently on how Ukraine might be losing the war at the moment - considering what they are up against, or more correctly, the might of what their opponents are supposed to have, they should have lost long ago. Quite frankly, their performance so far has been amazing. 'Global Firepower’s 2024 Military Strength Rankings evaluated 145 countries, assessing them based on their military capabilities. The US ranked first out of the 145 countries analysed, followed by Russia in second position and China in third. The US scored 0.0699 (the lower the better), with Russia following a close lead with 0.0702 and China at 0.0706, it said.' https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/worlds-most-powerful-militaries-us-russia-china-b2480033.html
  8. Agreed, which is why I didn't reply to the poster you quote. Anybody with half a brain who listens to Trump's ramblings and ideas would know the man's unhinged. What to some extent worries me but mostly baffles me is quite how a loony gets 74 million votes. I worry about what that says about 74 million Americans. Some of the comments he's made and crazy things he's done or tried to do include: (At the beginning of the pandemic, not exact but something like) "It won't be so bad, I guess the total deaths will be 50, 60. 70 thousand, certainly no more than 100,000". The total number of Covid deaths in the USA according to Worldometers to date is: 1,199,436. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ We then have the now famous claim that a type of disinfectant "which knocks it out in one minute" - it being covid. Trump was suggesting that people drink disinfectatnt to cure Covid. (On Climate Change) He has called climate change "mythical", "nonexistent", or "an expensive hoax" Then later when the penny finally dropped, not that climate change is very real, but that denying it was costing him votes his thinking changed to "its a serious subject" that is "very important to me". Strangely (or maybe not so strange for Trump) his comments on Climate Change have varied back and forth, its not a subject where he, for example, firstly didn't believe in it but then was convinced otherwise by the science - he's been all over the place on it. In 2009 he signed a full page advert in the New York Times that stated, 'If we fail to act now, it is scientifically irrefutable that there will be catastrophic and irreversible consequences for humanity and our planet'. By 2012 he was stating that Climate Change was "created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive" - only when he received severe criticism on that statement did he claim he'd been joking. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-51213003 I would also suggest that people check out his Twitter posts throughout his presidency where, during periods of cold weather, he often stated that the cold weather disproves climate change. I could go on but if the USA was my home country, I'd like to think that I had someone in charge that at least had a partially working brain. Trumps wild statements over the years must have been a nightmare for his PR team who must have spent much of their time firefighting or on damage limitation - mainly as a result of his late night posts. Anyone thinking of voting for Trump again should maybe watch the video below, I particularly like his comments that he should have been a doctor 😁😁😁.
  9. Well he hasn't got one now - Georgia. If he takes Ukraine, that will be joined by Poland.
  10. Just waiting for him to state the Israel in not Occupying Gaza.
  11. Israel would not allow her to leave. You know very well that I am not refering to one child - you are saying that because you are being pushed into a corner that you can't defend. The story of one child is simply an example - you know that very well.
  12. I actually found it quite easily so before I go: Check out section 3, in particular: To the fullest extent of the means available to it, the occupying power must ensure sufficient hygiene and public health standards, as well as the provision of food and medical care to the population under occupation. And: Collective punishment is prohibited. https://www.icrc.org/en/doc/resources/documents/misc/634kfc.htm
  13. I don't agree but I've spent far too much time on AN today. I will try and find the truthful answer later. You might want to check out your answer against the rules for an Occupying Force which Israel is. However, in the meantime, are you suggesting that Israel has not been stopping aid?
  14. The doctors were hoping to take the girl to Saudi Arabia.
  15. I've 'owned' my house in Thailand for almost 10 years and I'm quite happy with the way I 'own' it. How I do that is my business but its all done by a lawyer and I'm not going to enter into any arguments about that. A foreigner cannot own land but they can protect their assets quite legally. The amount to which they can protect their assets can vary according to what area their property is situated but a good degree of protection is possible in all locations. A foreigner cannot own land but they can own the house it sits on outright without any legal shenanigans. I am however, happy that I 'own' both the house and the land. I am however, considering selling it at the moment, mainly because of local changes that don't suit me but also because world events + the actions of the Thai governement lead me to feel less safe than I was 10 years ago.
  16. I have to say that the USA's future concerns me too - especially if Trump gets in.
  17. Not insulted at all - I just feel a little sorry for you. Sorry that you don't seem to be able to read correctly, I don't actually live in Thailand right now. I'm not refering to any doomsday scenario - I'm simply asking how safe expats in Thailand feel right now given the REAL global situation. A situation which a great many of the world's military experts think is a very real threat. I also care very much about current world problems - as would be clear if you read my posts in other sections. However, yes, I care about my future plans and what risks I might face. I wouldn't cross the road if I knew a bus was coming, maybe you'd just take your chances?
  18. Where is your proof that Israel has given any safe passage? Under International Law, I think you will find that Israel is obliged to provide civillains with basic sustenance and medical facilities and that not doing so is a law crime. Your real feelings are clear now - I doubt that a dying 6 year old girl thinks about who is or is not her enemy. Just about all your claims in support of Israel's actions in Gaza conflict with the testimony of many non Palestinian and non Muslim doctors and other aid workers that have been in Gaza recently. The ICJ does not investigate war crimes, that is done by the ICC and their investigations into the actions of both sides are far from complete. Prior to any of this the people of Israel were subjected to rocket attacks, bus and disco bombings commited by Palestinians opposed to Israel's occupation, the blockade, the theft of land and their general treatment at the hands of the Israeli's. The current situation will end at some point so tell me, how many recruits will Hamas have gained out of what's been going on? How many kids, who's entire families have been wiped out when Israel bomb entire apartment blocks to hit just one occupied by a Hamas suspect, will become the 'terrorists' of the future? Israel wants an end to this but what they are creating is a situation where literally thousands of 'future terrorists' are being created - rather than an end, the situation is simply being perpetuated. Even now at the height of the conflict, Israel is planning more new 'settlements' - further antagonising and de-stabilising the entire region. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israel-west-bank-settlement-homes-palestinian-shooting-attack-smotrich-netanyahu/
  19. So what - most people want a ceasefire - that's what I said.
  20. Oh well then, I apologise - its fine to kill thousands of people instead of allowing them to evacuate. Its also fine to deny them medical aid, food and water? Is it fine for Israel to refuse permission for a dying 6 year old girl, who could have been saved, to leave the country with doctors visiting from abroad? I think you will find that a great many of Israel's actions will be regarded as war crimes when this is over, just as those of Hamas will.
  21. I said no because I'm sick of you quote junkies, you can quite easily find the information yourself. I discuss politics quite a lot and with a variety of people I am fully aware of what the British public think. But as you insist, and there are many: https://yougov.co.uk/politics/articles/48675-british-attitudes-to-the-israel-gaza-conflict-february-2024-update
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