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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. Yeah, they love to talk about that - funny how they seem to forget to mention their own indiscretions.
  2. Only double? They should visit Khao Yai National Park where its 40 baht for Thai's and 400 baht for foreigners (regardless of what documents you show them). I seem to remember the boss of TAT saying he was going to stop that last year - still waiting.
  3. For a big bike they're around 6000 baht per pair and considering I only get between 4 to 6000km out of a rear (heavy right hand), I find that expensive. Scooters don't rive around like I do so they'd probably do a lot more km. However sticky tyres = soft tyres and soft tyres don't last - you can't have it always. I think there are probably cheaper alternatives around that are just as good on a small bike/scooter. I've seen them a bit cheaper on Lazada but I don't trust anything to be genuine on that site - I brought my last set with me from the UK.
  4. Wait a moment! So guys can go around screwing underage girls and its OK unless the girl's parents complain? What sort of crazy law is that? Or is it possibly a crazy Superintendent? Sorry @Bangkok Barry. I didn't read your similar post until after I posted this.
  5. Thai cop accused of cheating on wife, impregnating teenage mistress Absolutely shocking, he must be one in a million? I am 100% sure that all Thai cops are faithful to their wives. The stories about them having Mia Noi's are all false - except for this one of course. Just wondering if that should say 0.01%.
  6. You'll certainly hear a Harley with a straight through exhaust but get too close and it might be the last thing you ever hear. The volume is just ridiculous. There's a reason they've been banned from many National Parks.
  7. That is not my intention actually. I will direct people towards my website from leads generated elsewhere.
  8. I'm pretty sure it will be better to get someone to do it for me - I want to put my time into running and developing the business. Building websites would be a totally new concept for me - I turn my hand to most things but tech takes a little longer and I think my time could be better spent. Techie's speak a different language to us laymen - even when you ask them to put things simply. My concern as someone who doesn't know a thing about the subject, is that someone will try to rip me off or lead me down a path I don't need to walk. I did have a brief conversation about online marketing with a company a while back. When I told them I wasn't interested in pay per click, they lost interest. It will be a small business and will be staying that way. I don't expect a lot of traffic - I think I'll get leads from my planned marketing and direct them to the website so they can get all the information. The website will have lots of photos if that makes any difference and possibly videos - not sure how that's done, stand alone or linked to youtube? Just starting out - lots to learn so I'm asking here first which will possibly give me some pointers. Thanks for your help so far.
  9. Maybe with accounting like most things, there's a Thai style?
  10. ermmmmmmmmm no. How's that? Was some 'way out' found for them?
  11. Diablos were fine on smooth asphalt roads but their limitations soon showed on chipping coated roads and rougher surfaces. Angels seem to suit both my bike and my riding style on Thai roads. I can't comment on how Angels would be on an ADV - that's more of a scooter type I believe? Small wheels?
  12. Having said that, I installed some plastic doors, well a kind of composite on my bathrooms because of the moisture problem. There are plastic doors and there are plastic doors. The ones I bought were pretty decent but I wouldn't want them on a kitchen.
  13. Yes and no. Most plastic doors also have plastic frames. Its a bigger job if you also need to replace the frame (casing). Still, I'd take them out.
  14. Thanks, I don't want to get too involved but neither do I want to build up constant monthly payments. I've spent the last few years getting rid of monthly payments in my personal life and would like to employ a similar ethos in my business. Monthly payments seem cheap but they build up and can get out of hand. My customer numbers will be relatively small so most things like payments etc. can be taken care of manually -the website won't need a payment facility etc. I wasn't aware that websites need maintenance - what kind of thing does that involve?
  15. I haven't seen that but I would seriously question either that figure the Swiss guy's intelligence if he's paying that.
  16. I'm fully aware that these are 2 different things. My point remains the same - you either pay or you don't get what you require. It shouldn't be that way but it is.
  17. I tried that at Korat when I got an address confirmation @500 baht. The door began to close................... Although I hate that kind of thing, I needed the address confirmation to open a bank account.
  18. The last time I read anything about Thai Airways, it seemed like they were going bust. Was that allowed to happen and if not, have they paid all their creditors and customers who's flights were cancelled because of Covid?
  19. Yes, but it does it seems, tolerate an 'I'm better than you' type of behaviour from Thai's towards foreigners. Whereas I like to believe that most Thai's are welcoming to foreigners, I have seen some very bad attitudes against foreigners by Thai's. Some Thai's and I repeat some, think we are stupid and know nothing. They would rather believe a Thai who is clearly wrong about something than trust a foreigner who is right. Seen that play out many times. I was once out with some Thai friends when a group arrived that were clearly anti foreigner and made the situation very awkward - potentially confrontational. Thankfully my Thai friends wouldn't accept that behaviour and told the other group to leave. In this case the man needs to be dealt with according to the law but only in as much as a Thai would be treated for the same offence.
  20. I have never said that transparency is bad. I just think that the only reason this man is likely to be deported for his crimes is because of the coverage on Social Media. Coverage which has now brought out the Xenophobes who are seriously amplifying the situation.
  21. The Thai driver committed a serious offence which should have been dealt with accordingly by the Thai police. I'm pretty sure that Onemorefarang's reluctance to take matters further was generated by his feeling that the police would not do anything as it was Foreigner vs Thai and not plain laziness. He shouldn't have needed to push for a prosecution, the driver committed a serious offence. One of the purposes of punishment is to make perpetrators think about their actions. The Thai driver in this case is still out there driving around and may potentially kill someone in the future. I myself was injured by a Thai taxi driver a few years back and didn't take things further because: A: It was clear the police didn't want to prosecute the driver. and: B: When I learned the background of the taxi driver, I didn't see much to be gained in making his life worse than it already was. I am in no way trying to defend the Swiss guy in this case, I just think that its been blown out of all proportion by Social Media and Thai xenophobes.
  22. I intend starting a business in Thailand later this year and of course, will need to have a website. I have no idea how to go about that but I am aware that it is possible to build your own. I approached a couple of UK companies a while back and they started getting all excited and launched into full on marketing mode which put me right off. I don't want anything fancy but I do want something that looks professional. At this stage I am not looking at how that website will be found as my probable marketing strategy will be employed elswhere and potential customers simply directed to the website. That could change though. Some people have suggested that I should just have a Facebook page - I have no idea what to do. So, can someone please advise a complete novice on how to go about making my business details available on the internet?
  23. And when this happens: Nothing!!!
  24. That's precisely what I mean, he did wrong but Social Media is magnifying it x 100. How many Thai guys beat up their wives when they are off their heads of Lao Khao and are just told to apologise and pay a small fine? I also think that Social Media is bringing out and giving voice to xenophobic sentiment.
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