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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. Most posts on AN disappoint me. However, just as I'm about to do now, you need to switch off and realise that this forum, like many others, consists of a lot of people who have very strange views. Views that you will, thankfully find, that are out of kilter with the views of people you speak to in real life. Online is the only place where they (think) they are listened to.
  2. And you don't think that killing 30,000 people, many of them women and children is terrorism? You don't think telling them to move to Khan Younis then bombing it is terrorism? Now they say they are going to attack Raffa - god knows what will happen there. And also, its not the UK, its the UK government - a government which by the way, knows the vast majority of its people want a full ceasefire and an end to the killing in Gaza.
  3. Ha ha and you might see I quote my age differently in other topics - seeing as you've been away so long doing your research. If you look far enough back, you will find posts where I state I'm in my forties - although that may be under a previous member name. There was a very good reason for me stating my age and baldness in that thread - it was aimed at making a point, that should be clear. As it happens I am not bald and will tell you truthfully that I'm not 60. Why are you so obsessed with my age - which by the way, I refuse to reveal? I can't remember my previous username but with a little work, I can probably find it if you wish to do any further research. I promise you though, it will not reveal my true age. Let's say I'm 80, will that make you happy?
  4. Nothing to do with that - don't try to turn this into an argument over the UK's power. The UK and the USA have power to influence Netanyahu's actions more than other countries simply because they both supply Israel with arms. The UK by refusing to tell Israel to stop is supporting their actions, I am not trying to say that the UK has any world power and I'm not at all interested in that. What I want to see is and end to killing - by both sides. If Netanyahu loses the support of 2 key allies, his government would probably collapse and an end be found to the current conflict. The UK by the way, has a lot to answer for in this matter - being mainly responsible for the state of Israel.
  5. Oh, they've been protesting against him for a while - especially against his attemps to take control the judiciary and curtail their power to keep the government in check. Interesting that he began that action whilst he is on trial himself on corruption charges. In my opinion the law must be above the government in any democracy and members of the judiciary should not be chosen according to their political alignment (as in the US). Once the government of a country has complete control, democracy is lost. From 23 September 2023: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-65086871
  6. That is exactly what I'm considering - sad though, I've spent 8 years getting my house the way I want it.
  7. At the beginning of the current conflict Antonio Guterres commented that the Hamas attack on 7 October did not happen in a vacuum. He was simply meaning that events and actions taken by Israel had led to that Hamas attack. He was not supporting Hamas in any way but he was taken wildly out of context. What Guterres stated was a fact. Rather than try and create peace in the region, over the last few years Israel seems to have been doing all it can to escalate the situation, maybe I should say that Netanyahu and his right wing group are responsible for that. I support neither the Israelis or the Palestinians they both need to accept that they each exist and find a way to live peacefully - nobody is winning in this situation. Like a pair of kids - they need their heads banging together. However, one of the reasons for the Hamas attacks is Israel's land grabs - stealing land in the West Bank that they refer to as settlements. Amazingly, against the backdrop of the 7 October attack and the horrific conflict it sparked - Netanyahu is at it again by announcing MORE SETTLEMENTS in the West Bank. The murderous actions of Hamas on 7 October are inexcusable but I wonder how any of us would react if we were continually kicked out of our homes and had our land stolen? How would we react if the people we are up against are well armed and equiped whilst we have very few conventional methods with which to defend ourselves. I despise Hamas and any other extremist group but I also despise the actions of Netanyahu in both stealing land and collectively punishing the Palestinian people for the actions of Hamas. I am both disappointed and ashamed at my country's (UK) support for Israel and refusal to clearly tell them to ceasefire.
  8. To be honest, having property and other assets in Thailand, I'm more concerned about being deported or having to leave in a hurry therefore potentially losing everything.
  9. Enough on climate change thank you. Thai is not what this topic is about.
  10. But expats in Thailand are not Thai! That's the point.
  11. My age has nothing to do with my thinking, I don't think my feelings about the world have changed since I finished University in 2000. It never fails to amaze me how people on here try to attribute member's thinking according to their age no matter what the topic is and that is the only reason I won't reveal mine. You'll just have to keep guessing.
  12. Google search the issue. Additionally, I have no fear of living in Thailand because I don't. I am likely to this year though and I'm currently considering whether or not that is wise.
  13. I agree, nobody has anything to gain but will that mean anything to madmen like Putin? The Houthi rebels are currently taking on a coalition including the US and the UK. If that conflict actually took off, rather than simply trying to stop the Houthi's attacking shipping, they could be wiped out in a matter of days - yet they continue. People or countries don't always do the rational thing and Putin is far from rational.
  14. Climate change has already ruined the world - the question is, how much can we salvage - if any? Think I'm wrong? Fires, Floods, Droughts mean anything to you?
  15. I posted this topic following a discussion with a friend who left ThaiVisa long ago because, in his words 'its full of loonies' . I disagreed with him and stated that things had changed these days and the site is now called AseanNow. So far I'm losing that fight.
  16. Apparently I'm not alone in thinking that the world is closer to war than ever: https://news.sky.com/story/are-we-heading-for-world-war-three-experts-weigh-up-whether-russia-china-and-the-middle-east-could-lead-us-into-apocalyptic-conflict-13056131 https://www.aljazeera.com/program/inside-story/2024/2/1/could-todays-global-conflicts-bring-world-war-iii-closer https://www.bu.edu/articles/2022/how-close-are-we-to-world-war-iii/ https://yougov.co.uk/politics/articles/48527-world-war-3-likely-in-next-5-10-years-think-most-britons Just in case anyone thinks I'm being selective, just do a google search. The list of sites on the subject is endless.
  17. In addition, you can call it whatever you like. I am asking a question and I believe we all have a right to do that here?
  18. What is it with AN readers? Please read my post properly. I have never stated that anyone would be attacked in Thailand or that Thailand would ever be targeted by nuclear weapons as stated in another post. There is an increasing chance of world conflict at the moment and my opinion is that if anything major does kick off, Thailand would have to align with China. In that case, how safe do exapts feel in Thailand? Would they be considered enemies and locked up? Could they be deported?
  19. Ahh, always people around that simply seeks 'likes'. I guess a lot of people believed Putin when he said he had no intention of invading Ukraine - the day before he invaded! Yeah, just scaremongering, it will never happen, bla bla bla, then it happens. I have several women by the way - I like to engage in Thai culture wherever possible.
  20. You are missing the point. I'm fully aware of the effects of nuclear weapons. What I'm asking is if members feel safe living in Thailand given the current tensions in the world and the way Thailand is likely to align. To put it simply: I believe that in any major conflict, Thailand would be forced to align with China. Would Western expats then be considered as the enemy? During WW2 thousands of Germans, Austrians and Italians living in the UK were locked up 'in the interests of National Security'. Some of them had lived in the country for many years.
  21. Yes, I didn't raise that one. Its entirely possible that climate change will cause conflicts in the future but I think the immediate threat potential is someone crossing the point of no return and escalating the current situation exponentially. My concern is Putin in particular - other countries have other voices than may temper any escalatory ambitions. Putin does exactly what he wants and people who oppose or criticise him, face the consequences - viz a viz Prigozhin.
  22. There are no conspiracy theories here - I am simply taking an overview of how things currently are and have thrown in a few comments which are clearly my opinion. Thailand may like to ride the horse it thinks is most likely to win - even change horses as it has in the past but given the rise of China, it may not be allowed to in any future major conflict.
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