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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/222977814_The_structure_of_the_relationship_between_attention_and_intelligence
  2. Clearly over your head. I could explain but that would mean a long post.
  3. True, but doesn't knowing such people exist and are given a voice through the internet disappoint you? Disappoint you in terms of knowing how many there are?
  4. Some of us are given access to a good education, some are not. Some of those that were excluded educate themselves in later life, some do not.
  5. Could really be a commercial decision on the part of Nat West - in that they don't like the competition from Wise. I wouldn't pay much attention to Nat West - they closed my current account without giving any reason, in fact they actually stated that they wouldn't give me a reason and I was told not to call them. I complained at my local branch who looked over my account and agreed with me. The manager called the relevant department at their head office who told him they didn't have to give her a reason and refused to speak further! I wanted to speak to them because I had always managed my account properly, I didn't have an overdraft and had never had such a low balance that direct debits were refused etc. They clearly thought they had good reason but I am 100% sure that they were wrong. I am certain that I could have explained - if I knew what it was. I wrote - no reply. Just open an account elsewhere. I make regular trouble free transfers to Wise from my Santander and Co-op accounts.
  6. A perfect example of why this forum should only be available to verified adults.
  7. As a result of your posts on other topics, I had already formed an opinion as to your intelligence - you have just confirmed it.
  8. What would an opinion poll do? I have no doubt that most would say they prefer short posts. The point is that you have to option to read or not read.
  9. Here we go - he'll be asking for a link next.
  10. On alcoholism and drug abuse, I don't agree. I've been travelling to Thailand for over 20 years and living there in and off. I enjoy a few drinks when I go out but I haven't indulged in any form of drugs for many years and even then it was just weed. Its a bit sad if you can't have a good night out without getting legless or high. Casual sex however...................got me there. I admit to being an addict. However, that's one addiction I have no intention of fighting.
  11. Those that want to will, those that don't, won't - as I said, a pointless post. Its called choice. When I write a long post its because that's what I feel is necessary to get the point across or what is called for by way of an answer. People are free to read it or not. Quite often its possible to post a topic or write a reply in a succinct manner - sometimes its not. Quite often when someone replies succinctly it leads to many further replies from people who have failed to understand. If I have any complaint, and its not really a complaint, it would be against those who jump in and out of threads making one line quips aimed at point scoring or insulting others. I consider people who do that to be socially inadequate.
  12. Possibly, I don't know but believe it or not 'Facebook' is on the internet! I didn't mention digital newspapers.
  13. Newspapers have been in decline for quite a while but its nothing to do with the length of their reports. The main reason is that people's sources of news have become more readily available elsewhere - the internet!
  14. So what's the point of his post? Does he want to advise us of our freedoms? Or simply make pointless posts?
  15. This is a public platform - without limits on post lengths. People can post as they see fit. You have the option not to read so I'd suggest your topic is pointless. If you feel a post is too long, don't read it - simples!
  16. And then what? Remove all the traffic lights because Thai's regularly drive through them at red? End all speed limits because they are ignored? The answer is, and I think we all know this, have a police force that gets off its ar$£ and ENFORCES THE LAW. Its absolute madness that drivers ignore pedestrian crossings and just about every other rule of the road on a daily basis. The subject has been discussed many times here and I'm sure by the entire Thai population. What do the Thai government do? Make announcements about new laws every time a tragedy hits the headlines - the result of which is ZERO. Just a bloody talking shop - year after year. Thailand isn't short on laws - it is plainly and simply short on ENFORCEMENT
  17. Interesting way of putting it - 'incest' - but you are correct. Even Bosch are marketed by other brands and on the subject of Bosch, apparently there are big differences in quality depending on which country they are manufactured in.
  18. 😁😁😁 You can't say that it's 'mainly' about washing machines when you included 'and Appliances' in the title - there is no 'mainly', the topic is about what the title states.
  19. Strange, the title says: Samsung Washing Machines? And, appliances? Garbage compared to GE/Westinghouse/Maytag?
  20. 'The typical washer is a top loader' - really, which century are you living in? Top loaders are old hat.
  21. I have mainly Samsung products throughout my homes, both UK and Thailand. I always insist on Samsung and that has proved to be a good policy for many years. The one time that I varied from that and bought a Hisense TV because of a huge price difference was last year, within a few months the TV developed a colour fault which resulted in the TV being replaced. That doesn't instil me with confidence when the 3 year warranty runs out. I did again sucumb to a big price advantage when I replaced my phone with a blatant Oppo copy of the current Samsung model (even the case fits both). Although the phone itself performs well, the Color operating system is full of bugs and tends to lose settings etc. Back to Samsung next time. One Samsung TV has been fault free for over 7 years, the other for 5. My Samsung fridge freezer has been fault free for 11 years. Cheap garbage? Far from it!
  22. Haven't been to Pattaya for many years but when I did travel there by bus, I always went from Ekamai and there were several options - maybe a better choice?
  23. Seen this before and although I agree with the taxi driver, this situation has been going on for many years - long enough for the taxi companies to put it in writing, in multiple languages, on a sign inside that car. There used to be something like that but only in English, can't remember or maybe I just don't notice it but I don't think I've seen it for a while. I'm not so sure that the tourists running away shows their guilt, thinking they were being ripped off, they may have thought that would be an end to the matter. With some taxi drivers it would be but this girl stood her ground.
  24. The key to taking the government to court on a matter of contract would be to first of all get a court to rule that the contract exists without revealing your next move.
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