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Posts posted by MangoKorat

  1. 6 hours ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    As far as I read it, this guy has been accused of fraud by the partner but has not been found guilty in a court.

    Yes he has. that's exactly why he was sent down. He forged his partner's signature to transfer the partner's shares to his wife - fraud.


    He has appealed the sentence and is awaiting the outcome of that appeal.

  2. Who's going to be receiving the money from this 'private party' - I take it your condo isn't one where the owners are the management company? The freeholder probably owns the roof and 'lets' condo owners use it at other times. Was 24/7 access to the roof written in the sales blurb when you bought your condo? Was that then passed on with your title?


    You'd need to check the freehold ownership documents but you can be sure they are only available in Thai.


    Disappointing as it is, it will probably cost you a small fortune to find out the legal details and take action. However, if you have it witten anywhere that you have 24/7 access to the roof, that's a different matter.

    • Agree 1
  3. 7 hours ago, keysersoze276 said:

    What happens if you die in Thailand, especially if you have no insurance to transport the body, remains, or ashes back home?

    If your family want your ashes back home, you're going to need to make that clear to your Thai wife and pay for it - she may not agree though.  I've said I don't want cremation but I'm pretty sure that will be ignored - not a lot you can do about it when you're dead :laugh:.


    As far as I know there's very little your family can do about anything once your Thai wife takes over.  A friend of mine died a few years back and his wife had him created within a couple of days - his family in the UK weren't even given any notice of the funeral.

  4. From the 'article on 17 October' mentioned in the latest ScandAsia report.


    'in a Thai appeals court no new evidence may be submitted.'


    So, let's say you're convicted of murder and appeal the conviction because say, new evidence proves you were out of the country at the time of the murder - you can't submit that evidence on appeal?



    • Haha 2
  5. 6 hours ago, Jenkins9039 said:

    I was involved in a Criminal Case a few years ago as the person pushing it, the lawyers only speak Thai, likewise the Judges/Prosecutor. 


    You usually have a English/French etc person provided by the law firm for the translating but are not themselves lawyers.

    Yes, foreign lawyers are not allowed to practice law in Thailand but there are plenty of Thai lawyers that speak English. The case itself will of course, only be conducted in Thai - hence the requirement for an interpreter.


    In a major case where the defedant has the cash, I would imagine they also employ a foreign lawyer in an advisory capacity.

  6. From the ScandAsia story:


    'He was not provided with an interpreter and before he knew it, the case was concluded'


    If that is that case I think the lawyer who gave a legal opinion to ScandAsia is 100% correct - that the first trial was probably invalid. As far as I know international law states that an interpreter must be provided to someone facing criminal charges in a court where a language other than their own is used. I think that applies to both charges and court proceedings.


    I hope he can find the cash to employ a decent lawyer for any future court hearings.

    • Thumbs Up 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 11 hours ago, morrobay said:

    That's a no brainer : Pedestrian overpasses. Besides waiting for a gap the pedestrian bridges are the only safe crossing. And spare the "people won't use them " line, that's their problem 

    It shouldn't be a problem for anyone.  Light controlled pedestrian crossings work well in many countries because drivers comply with them.  Thai drivers don't comply with many 'rules of the road' - and not stopping at crossings is probably one of the most ignored.   What is the point of a police force that doesn't enforce the law?


    Bridges are not without their problems - gangs of youths congregate on them in some areas of Bangkok, god knows why but they have been known to throw things off them.


    How difficult would it be for the government to 'enforce' their powers and tell the police to do their bloody job?

  8. 7 hours ago, garygooner said:

    So, you use your debit card abroad without any problems and visit the bank when you're back in Thailand. Do you have to inform the branch every time that you're going abroad again?  Cheers. 

    Its not the fact that I don't live in Thailand, they won't open a second account because I no longer have a long term visa.  When I opened the account I held a 12 Month Multi Entry Non O based on marriage.  I'm divorced now and until next year, enter on 30 day exempts.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 11 hours ago, Bobthegimp said:

    It doesn't make sense to have a ship catch cold water fish half a world away, process + freeze the fish, and ship it thousands of miles to be thawed out, battered and deep fried when white fish can be obtained locally at a fraction of the cost.  

    Agreed.  I thought there was a type of fish available in Thailand that tasted like cod?

  10. 3 minutes ago, george said:


    Important metrics. If you don't understand or have no idea who your website visitors are, or their general demographics, you can't grow. You are fcked. Simple.

    That much I understand George and please don't take it as criticism but its the emphasis that's being put on the business side of it that's side swiped me. I've probably relied on the community aspect way too much.


    Still, its a great source of information, I think I'll stick to that in the future.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. 11 minutes ago, SpaceKadet said:

    Well, George, I'm sure you have noticed that this forum has gone through a downhill trend since you were running it as Thai Visa. There are a lot of new members that simply do not have that helpful mentality we had 20 years ago. But  let's be clear, it's all in the name of progress and profits. Toxic and venomous comments create more drama, and more excitement for the casual browser. Therefore more clicks and more ad exposure. Imagine what Orange County Choppers series would be without the vitriol and the constant infighting. Would there ever be a season2?

    Hmmm, you have a point.  Maybe I've been a little naive about the purpose of this forum?


    Whilst I realise that it is a business and as such wants to be profitable, I thought it also operated with the intention of providing community benefit.


    All this talk of clicks, analytics, usg etc. etc. has opened my eyes - not sure if that's good or bad.

  12. 1 hour ago, george said:

    Mods don't need to warn the member, no need to suspend him, no need to make a moderator announcement "I have removed this naughty post as it's in breach of the community guidelines, blah blah"). No need. Just delete if it's not suitable for people and search engine crawlers.

    So what is the position now with off topic posting?  Let's say someone posts 'off topic' and members reply to that off topic post - should the original 'off topic' post be removed and all replies to it?

  13. 1 hour ago, george said:

    Shouldn't we say "Hi and welcome! "at least when a newbie makes his very first post here.

    Some sites do that and I've never liked it. Some make it compulsory to post in the 'welcome' section before being allowed to enter fully.


    I do think though, that a lot of potential 'newbies' will be put off when they see the squabbling and ridiculing that goes on.  They will no doubt have seen it elsewhere and don't want more.


    A lot of people I suspect, will join this site for information only, the trick is how to engage them so they stay. If they see the same old same old, I think that many will 'wash & go'.


    You will no doubt have stats that tell you how many people join, do you also have stats that tell you how many people haven't visited in a long time?

  14. As a 'rule of thumb' we would install downpipes at a maximum distance of 12m apart if pushed but try for 8 - 10m if we had to - that's with a 75mm downpipe, on standard gutter and in Europe where the gutter capacity is normally lesser. Aesthetically and sometimes functionally it is the norm to avoid having downpipes in the middle of a run - that's usually achievable in a domestic situation.


    Given that when it rains in Thailand, it really rains, I'd be going for runs of 5 - 6m max, depending on a convenient collector position and probably upgrade to 100mm or even 120mm downpipe if its available. When bracketing, remember that the bigger the gutter, the more weight it will carry - more is much better than less.


    I've always used plastic but not sure on quality in Thailand - stainless probably better.


    A local builder is probably best for the job and for advice on sizes.

  15. 41 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

    You have referred to someone " scoring points " in two posts now. Why do you equate name calling with " scoring points"? You seem to contradict yourself. 

    Making personal remarks and name callling in a reply is it seems, in the vast majority of cases used to appear to be 'funny' or an attempt at self ingratiation - 'point scoring' rather than actually contributing to the thread or disagreeing with it.  Where is the contradiction?


    There is actually a section on this site where moderation is, I believe, more relaxed and where the subject matter may be a little more 'risque'.  Those who wish to use that section are, I believe, welcome to go there.  For the rest of us, who wish to make people aware of something or obtain some information, the slagging, name calling and pointless replies simply become tiresome.  I have dropped out of threads before because I have lost interest due to such behaviour - I know for a fact that others have too.


    I am well aware of what may be considered 'over moderation' - you may note that in the thread that first drew the term 'drama queen' I talked about a situation where I have complained about what I consider to be 'over moderation'. I agree that its also a reason that some leave the site - I know some of them and I believe I have also raised that in a post.


    I agree that some people seem to be able to 'get away' with posting things that others cannot -  an example of that has also formed part of my discussions with the administration here.


    I think this particular matter is exhausted now.





    • Like 1
  16. 14 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

    Honestly maybe the term drama queen does apply to you after that post. You simply can't have a forum LIKE THIS ONE. Not the one you have not mentioned. Without  some name calling the entire forum would have closed down!! If you really are offended by the term " drama queen " said at a moment when SEVERAL other actually rude terms could or should have been  used the the problems you or others have is quite internal and have to be dealt with perhaps professionally. This is NOT the place for deep serious people at any level. There are certainly forums for that elsewhere. One other thing that I will point out is that people yes actually teenagers to 90 + post on here. Language has changed my friend from generation to generation and for example Americans may say something that they feel is extremely light and funny that an old British guy will take offense to. On the other hand another old British ( dude) will think it's funny because he has been exposed to the term many times already and not be uptight. 

    Nowhere did I say I was offended. I just don't see the point of name calling, its totally unnecessary.  That is especially true when someone is doing it to simply 'score points' or in an attempt to appear funny.  No matter what your opinion, members post on here, often asking questions here to get information - that is serious and there is no need for it to descend into a slanging match - which is often started by pointless name calling. 


    I couldn't give a toss about someone calling me a 'drama queen' to be honest - its the point behind it and the argument that follows that ires me. You might note that much of it is carried out by the same people - their sole purpose in life seems to be being controversial - one way of dealing with such people is to remove their platform or the content of it.


    As I've said previously, I've seen bad behaviour reduce membership of forums to such a point that they are no longer viable.  I know quite a few that have left this site because they were sick of bad behaviour - I'd hate to see this place become unviable.


    I am fully aware that language changes over the generations - thank you.


    I have a perfect right to my views, as do you

  17. One of my earliest memories of living in Bangkok (20 years ago) is walking out of the entrance to my Khlong San apartment building one December morning in a T shirt and seeing the 2 security guards sitting huddled up in their Parka's. 


    "Sawatdee tan chao, wan nee na rak chai mai?" to which the reply was "nowww, nowww" :laugh: - I think it was 22 degrees and sunny.


    (Note: I use the term 'security' loosely, they both had day jobs and were often fast asleep when I came home at night. The 'cold' had most likely kept them awake which was probably the main complaint)

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