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Posts posted by MangoKorat

  1. 50 minutes ago, 0815 said:

    Jamaal from the UK on a holiday trip together with Ismael from Germany ?

    Come on, there are now thousands of third generation ethnic Asians in the UK.  Given that quite a lot of 'indigenous' Britons can't trace their heritage back more than 2-300 years, how long do you suggest it takes to be classed as British?


    The Prime Minister of Great Britain is from parents of Indian descent, the First Minister of Scotland's parents were Pakistani immigrants and the Mayor of London's heritage is also Pakistani. The most popular dish in Britain is now Chicken Tikka Massala :laugh:.


    Like it or not, Britain is a multicultural society so joking about British names is pretty much old hat.


    Whether or not Britain should be 'multicultural' is an entirely different matter though, its just how it is.

    • Agree 2
  2. 9 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    wait for a gap in traffic, much safer, if you have a disability then you have to find an alternate way to cross, as we know Thailand is not disability friendly

    Let's also consider normal traffic lights. Thousands of accidents happen at them every year due to drivers also going through at red - hundreds, if not thousands are killed.


    Should those lights also be taken out?  Would that make things safer?

  3. Just now, scubascuba3 said:

    wait for a gap in traffic, much safer, if you have a disability then you have to find an alternate way to cross, as we know Thailand is not disability friendly

    Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok? How long would you suggest someone waits for a gap?


    We all know that things are unlikely to change - that doesn't make it right or remove anyone's ability to raise the issue.  Things certainly won't change if nobody complains.

  4. 15 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Light controlled crossings should be painted over and taken down, just too dangerous, you aren't in farangland

    Then how are people to cross the road safely?  Take the lights down rather than enforce the law.......bizarre!


    It is also, nothing about not being in 'farangland', Thai people are sick of the lack of enforcement too.

  5. We often seem to think that Thai drivers are worse than most.  Whilst there is a degree of truth in that - due to lack of training and a driving test that is way too easy to pass, failing to stop at a red light is just another example of selfishness.


    In my opinion, selfish driving is behind much of the examples of bad driving in Thailand and is the main factor behind the appalling amount of deaths and injuries on Thai roads.  But, would it be any different in other countries if drivers are allowed to do exactly what they want with little fear of punishment?  I'd suggest not.


    Again, its just an opinion but I believe the Thai police are to blame for many of the deaths and injuries on Thai roads.  If they actually enforced the existing laws, there would be far fewer.  For example, they don't seem to find it difficult to put up checkpoints to catch motorcyclists riding without helmets from time to time - strangely around the end of the month.  But even that is not done with any serious road safety reason in mind - the main reason seems to be fund raising.


    Enforcement is the key - punish people properly, fine them appropriately, take away their licences in serious cases and they will behave far better.  Charge them 50 baht, which the rider knows is not going into the public purse and let them ride away, still without a helmet - does nothing. That is very apparent just looking at the bikers on the roads every day.


    Its corruption, low level maybe but nonetheless, corruption and if you talk to Thai's they will tell you corruption is the main reason they have no respect for the police.

  6. 15 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Yes i think they should get rid of zebra crossings just too dangerous, tourists think they can be relied upon

    What is being discussed here is light controlled pedestrian crossings, drivers failing to stop at them and the failure of the police to enforce the law that compels them to stop when the lights change to red. It is not about zebra crossings.


    You are quoting @gargamon's frankly ridiculous comments regarding people's competence in crossing the road.  He should also take note of the thread's title.  Why anybody should need to be competent to cross the road at a light controlled crossing is beyond me. The fact is that in Thailand, drivers ignore such lights, the law says you must stop when the lights change to red, people are killed or injured and the police have consistently failed to enforce the law.

    • Like 1
  7. 20 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

    Well things have changed around here. I was suspended for using the term " drama queen" a few years ago. Guess who were behind that? 

    Hopefully the fact that this thread has been 'published' signals that the people who run and moderate this site are looking at all aspects where improvements can be made.  I've been a member of sites where this would never have been posted and making a complaint about a moderator would result in an instant ban without any consideration given to whether the complaint was valid.


    I wouldn't like to do a moderator's job but if I did, the first thing I'd put a stop to is petty sniping and name calling such as the term above that you mention.  Its not at all difficult to simply say you don't agree without resorting to cheap snipes and obvious attempts at point scoring, its just childish. Surely that's not what this forum is about?


    I've met quite a few people who used to be members here and when you ask them why they don't visit anymore, without exception they point to the behaviour of some members and how the seem to get away with it.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. 9 hours ago, webfact said:

    The breathalyser tests initiative is part of a broader plan by the ministry, led by Public Health Minister Cholnan Srikaew, to balance the government’s ambition to stimulate the economy

    Yes, I can see how that would work...........................................NOT!


    Bu some 'total coincidence' the activity of the Thai Ministry of Stupid Ideas seems to have increased since weed was legalised...........or not legalised...........or legalised...............or...................................


    Most of us get sleepy when we smoke a joint but.......Amazing Thailand

  9. 18 minutes ago, BritTim said:


    An extension at an Immigration office has nothing to do with Poipet. The problem I allude to is trying to cross the border to/from Aranyaprathey and Poipet. Unless you are looking for trouble, do not risk it.

    Yes, sorry if I wan't clear. What I'm asking is that there should be no problem with a 30 day extension at Korat as an alternative? If it was me, that's what I'd go for.

  10. 1 minute ago, BritTim said:

    Considering specifically Cambodia, stay away from Poipet/Aranyaprathet.


    That aside, a border bounce is feasible. A bribe to Cambodian immigration for a same day return can be expected. That is necessary because of a Cambodian law that mandates an overnight stay for most visitors. Using a visa run company (while often uncomfortable) can make the process simpler for the inexperienced. Expect the need to dodge scams if doing it independently. From Pak Chong, the crossing at Chong Chom (Surin) is probably easiest, and should be OK.


    The above said, in your friend's position, I would consider going to Chong Mek (Ubon Ratchathani) and doing the bounce to Laos, especially if doing it independently without the aid of a visa run service. Make sure you have clean, undamaged US dollars to pay for the visa on arrival for Laos.

    Thanks, I thought I'd read about bribes at Poipet before.......there should be no problem with an extension though???

  11. 1 minute ago, DrJack54 said:

    Did you consider Nong Khai friendship bridge.

    Wherever you choose it will be a 30 day stamp.

    Where are you located

    Its not for me but the guy is in Pak Chong at the moment and on a 30 day exempt entry. Nong Khai is a fair distance. I've recommended going to Korat Immigration and getting a 30 day extension but he wants to explore the options.  I told him that no matter what is said, things can change by the day with a border bounce. 


    Am I right in saying that an extension needs to be done during the last 7 days of the current stay?

    • Confused 1
  12. 2 hours ago, bignok said:

    Any cool restaurants or bars?

    If you want a good night, stay away from the sleepy 'farang' bars.  There's quite a lot of good Thai bars and clubs around but you'd be much better with a local to show you where. I haven't been to the city for a while but last time I was there, I noticed a few new (to me) bars around the Soi Sueb Siri area - I wasn't alone so no chance to check them out.


    Tawan Daeng is always a good night out - especially on your second tower.

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