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Posts posted by MangoKorat

  1. 2 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    so many drunk drivers here+ looking at their phone even worse, surprising not more accidents

    You may well be correct.  In fact whilst I was in Thailand in September, a woman hit the back of my car - very gently, no damage - at a traffic lights.  She had her phone in her hand when she got out of the car - which sort of gave the game away. Expect to see more of this.

  2. There have been several reports recently regarding the Thai police 'rounding up' foreigners who had overstayed their visa plus reports of people being 'busted at the airport' for overstaying.


    We never hear anything in the news about people being 'busted' for overstaying in the UK although certain types of businesses in the UK are sometimes targeted by UK Immigration as they are known to employ illegal immigrants and overstayers.


    Trying to find out the UK's position, I came across a government report from 2017 that includes some staggering figures of known overstaying but naturally doesn't include those who entered illegally.


    3.9 As at 31 March 2017, there were 88,134 visa nationals with ISA “identities” whose visa had
    expired for whom there was no record of departure. At the same time, there was no record of
    departure for 513,088 identified non-visa nationals.


    An Inspection of Exit Checks - Independent Inspector of Borders & Immigration




    There will no doubt be some discrepancies and a few deaths etc. but on the face of it, in 2017 there were over 600,000 known overstayers in the UK!



  3. 4 hours ago, bangkokgalaxy said:

    The challenge: this charity is not a juristic person (i.e. A Foundation). It's a legitimate entity under

    the control of the Dept. of Livestock,

    Department of Livestock - i.e. a government body?  Then let them own it and issue an allocation of use under an M.O.U. I presume that charity only wants to be able to use it?  Putting it in a director's name is only vialble if that director is entirely trustworthy (and who knows that?)- otherwise it leaves the door open to corruption.


    The government must own thousands of vehicles - either through separate departments or though a central body set up to be the registered owner of vehicles.

  4. 9 minutes ago, papa al said:

    In USA the commonest M/C accident

      is bike losing control in corner.

    The commonest M/C fatal accident

      is being rear-ended by a car.

    Interesting but as I say, I've never heard of it happening. I had one accident myself when I was about 18, many of my friends have had accidents - we even lost 2 friends but nobody I know has ever been rammed from behind.

  5. On 11/11/2023 at 7:33 AM, khunPer said:

    I have a fairly new LG. The machine checks the weight of the laundry – or the amount, I got no clue how it works – and adds just enough water to clean it; saving water. LG is a fine laundry machine...:thumbsup:

    I have a Bosch that does the same.  As far as I know, if it doesn't fill to the required level, it won't move on and complete the programme.

  6. 1 hour ago, Yellowtail said:

    I don't see any real need for moderation, except for legal issues, vulgar language and images. 


    Sticks and stones and whatnot.


    I think the moderation on this site has improved. 

    Sometimes the arguing/point scoring totally obliterates the original discussion.

    • Like 1
  7. On 10/24/2023 at 4:21 AM, BritManToo said:

    Driving Honda Cb300R back from CM immigration 90 day report Friday morning, open road slowing down for red traffic lights, car rams me from behind.

    From a fellow biker, sorry to hear this and hope your recover well.


    Something's I'll never quite get about Thailand - I can't say its never happened in the UK but in around 50 years of biking, I can't remember ever hearing about a bike being rammed from behind.


    I spent many years in the motor trade, including accident repairs/recovery - when I see photos on here of cars involved in accidents - they just don't relate to my memories of damaged cars in the UK. They are often totally annihilated.

  8. Just now, Lemsta69 said:


    He's not succinct, he's abrupt, narrow-minded and dogmatic which is tantamount to trolling.


    That's why he gets such "hate" from many BMs.

    Okay, you made a comment, perhaps you'd care to explain. I don't see any 'hate' button. I don't need to be succinct, fortunately one thing you will always be free to do is ignore.

  9. 53 minutes ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    Well said mate - in the past that is what happpened to myself (several times).  It is one thing to control the members, and sometimes that is needed, but someone needs to also be controlling the Mods.  It appears the one Mod I had severe trouble has 'departed' - after my last banning by him/her/it  I went to that 'other' forum - which as many have said became even worse.     

    Not sure which other forum you mean but I also joined another - purely because of post removals etc. However, there was/is so little happening on the one I joined that there is very little information to be gained.


    Forums sometimes die a death and over moderation can contribute to that.  For many years I was a member of a Thailand/UK forum. That was a very useful form of information and also became a 'social' entity with regular meets etc.  However, that forum suffered the same problems - nastiness and personal attacks being allowed but in other cases, over-moderation.  I made some good friends on there, some of whom I'm still in touch with.


    Last time I was there, there hadn't been a post for over a month.  Not sure why but I suspect that the problems I mentioned were a large part of it.  People get sick of what goes on and often either leave or just become a 'lurker' - there for information only.  That is of course their right but its far better when more people contribute.


    Forums are not so different to other forms of social media - unfortunately, as we see on other platforms, the world doesn't only contain well balanced people with good intentions. There are those that have their own agenda and that doesn't always sit well.

    • Agree 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    blah blah blah blah blah.........blah. Such a drama queen.

    You may note that in his second post, George said that feedback is welcome.


    How is pointing out what I feel is wrong with the forum 'drama'?  Not the worst by a long way but nontheless, a pointless form of personal attack, which is one of the points I'm making.

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