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Kinok Farang

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  1. That'll teach me to read the full article.
  2. And i bet she is still a better driver than my missus.
  3. Probably Brits. There ,i got it in first.
  4. You reckon he should have completed his journey on one engine?
  5. Could have been worse. He could have been Chinese.
  6. And things could have been so different if we had invited smiley people.Thais,Burmese,Vietnamese and Philippinos for example. In just one generation we would have had a country full of beautiful,happy smiling kids. Instead we have the scowling,western hating dross of the world on our shores.
  7. Thanks for puting me streight.Spelin has neva bin me best subgect.
  8. That makes 2 of you that are full of shiit. Ps,diarreah is spelt diarrhoea.
  9. She gone missing again?
  10. One of the best posts i have seen on A N. Interesting guy with a great story and your ex reminds me of mine.

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