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Everything posted by Jelli

  1. 555 Yes, it is champ. But guess what it's not YOUR interpretation it's ... The police The courts The Immigration officers But you - not your interpretation. But hey, give it a go. Must be a fortune teaching torch spinning, circus tricks and Reiki
  2. You are not costing in all that expensive equipment inverters, panels and especially batteries. All this stuff but you still have an imbilical cord. All that junk will end up in a landfill with toxins leaching into water table. None of it recyclable but hey go ???? green ????
  3. @JoseThailandif not clear here's a show stopper. If you are on anything but a B or an O and working - you're illegal. Plain, simple
  4. Because you cannot obtain a B visa otherwise. It must be done thru a Thai company or organization There are no "independent contractor" B visas
  5. NGV is perfect for taxis. Cheap retrofit. Just brainwashing. I can't imagine you'd get six let alone twelve years out of any ev. Especially those priced for issarn taxi driver budgets.
  6. I don't have it. I pay about b4 per unit. You?
  7. Yes, your Thai employer would manage everything and the presenter would do their job. The employee would have a O, B visa, tax id and work permit.
  8. They will. Indeed, they will. They not even need arrest. Just round up, grab the brown envelope and move on to next idiot. What sort of people and courses? New age mumbo jumbo $$$
  9. You're just projecting same as I. As the electric will need to be paid for I think you're a hopeless dreamer on plugs in condos connected to your own condo meter / bill. Possibly, third party install. I see theft, rats nest of wires, bickering and fighting. A solution in search of a problem... don't even get me started on BS solar and wind.
  10. I recall it was for speakers but a one off. The way I understood it would be for a speaker to fly in - definitely not covering people organizing, promoting, profiting from the event. People living in Thailand and especially those not on B or even O visa
  11. The police will give it to you upon arrest. Not been here long have you chancer?
  12. I recall sometime back an easing of TR visa was announced that would allow speakers to fly in and do a conference without work permit. In my mind this is completely different from those living on island of misfit toys and selling ridiculous Reiki, *yoga* courses and work-begging fire twirling sticks, etc. Of course, Muay Thai and massage would be off limits courses taught by farang. Yes, imo very necessary.
  13. THIS is the future of EVs. Nuclear power now more than ever.
  14. Issues with EV are legend and quite insurmountable. Sold to us as clean and green they are not any cleaner or greener than ICE. Batteries made with components dug out of the ground by children. The manufacturing process is very dirty. Batteries are extremely expensive and dangerous. For all intents and purposes no charging stations in Bangkok certainly no plugs at every parking space in every condo and never will be. I get the interest and discussion about speed off the line but what the average person desperately needs is mileage. Cars now easy get a thousand km on a tank of gas. Fancy EVs lucky to get a few hundred. Industry was hijacked. What the world needs are more efficient ice not electric vehicles. EV will prove to be a fad. We'll have something else like hydrogen. Good luck when you have EV and social credit score determines your electricity allocation. Plenty of carbon fuel, oil for generations until we get fusion. Lemmings.
  15. I used to street race.
  16. No charging stations Condos I'll equipt for charging But WHY electrcity lol? Hybrids make even less sense than overpriced insanity of EVs
  17. It can't get much worse. Well, actually it can...
  18. Prius owner champ?
  19. No one will be haunted. In fact, everyone will do the same ignore it until they can forget about it.
  20. When I married my wife (we'd already discussed children) I told her if she gets pregnant I'm on the next plane out of BKK as I had a vasectomy fifteen years before we'd met. I wouldn't tolerate for a second. As for me... I've been faithful in the strictest sense of the word. That's all I have to say there.
  21. Sorry to disappoint you but no. You'll have to go find one of those on Grindr. Good luck.
  22. I owned a 74 911T ????
  23. What absolute folly on so many levels. EV and hybrid owners= moron alert. Car merely displaces CO2 for starts but driving half ton equivalent of c4 ???? ????. The batteries go bad with utmost certainty. New battery cost you the cost of the car. Cars used to last 50 years, these will last seven
  24. Cook for yourself ..easy Order food that has little to know sugar. Easy. If you truly want NO sugar and can't speak fluent Thai please no tears when it comes as something else or with lots of sugar. If such a concern why are you here? Really. I've wondered constantly about all the sickly or obese *vegetarians* I see about. Why? Go home, get your special food so important to you. 30 years ago you couldn't trust the lettuce or anything that could not be peeled.
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