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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. We are talking about the UK , the above 3 are not UK citizens
  2. How many hyper wealthy people are there ? The Working class these days are much richer then they were when I was younger
  3. I would like to know whether these hyper wealthy people actually exist , after all, all the World's problems can be solved by making them pay a higher tax rate , so, who are these people ?
  4. Who are these hypery wealthy people that you keep going on about ? Could we have some names of these people , just so we know that they aren't some imaginary group of people
  5. What should Labour do to reverse the situation ? What is the solution ?
  6. The British guy may have been security . The Pharmacy may have been expecting you to visit and also expecting you to be abusive , she may have asked one of the real friends to be there to confront you and you get you to behave ?
  7. You didn't seem to be acknowledging that its was your own fault for speaking so rudely to the Woman , you seemed to be trying to blame the British guy for his actions
  8. I will need to meet with a Thai woman in the Trendy building next Wednesday at 3 PM , I could ask her how She will be getting there , which route she will take , then you could sit and wait and watch her when she walks past ?
  9. And I thought that Keyboard Warriors don't exist anymore , seems like I was wrong about that .
  10. Rather odd then, that you don't know how to say "big/large" in Thai . If they keep saying that you are big, then how come you don't know the word in Thai ?
  11. Much of it on FB is from content creators , they need to create something that people will find interesting , this is claimed to the the fingerprint building in Bangkok https://scontent.fbkk5-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/464415375_9369310543084033_327317487813485730_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=0b6b33&_nc_ohc=isil2QPZA3wQ7kNvgGGFYvr&_nc_oc=AdgYQHjQLK4mQ0vb_OIXSYuzh4NiH955jiB5zLHT8gmBgE9irBZ6TL-V5otZyu1FAVc&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent.fbkk5-5.fna&_nc_gid=AUaiL8fktNVFmPFpalXTW2N&oh=00_AYAwO5LmMZvq89ujTbGDBwCK13uHGJdGran_NIs8zegbpg&oe=67A337B6
  12. Could be that he didn't have 3000 Baht ?
  13. You wrote "exited " , when you probably meant to write Excited, hence you needed a C letter
  14. The USA has always opposed terrorism and terror groups
  15. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 178 seconds  
  16. *Hamas are impotent , they are not coming anywhere "
  17. Yarden Bibas The Father of the Bias Children who are still being held . They intend to release him and keep his Wife and Children . Their speciality and expertise seems to be making other people suffer .
  18. It was probably the way that you were speaking to the shop assistant . It may have appeared that you were being rather rude and abrupt to her ?
  19. A *C" perchance . You seem to be missing a C
  20. I doubt very much whether Hams will be in a position to attack Israel again , they are now in a much worse condition than prior to Oct 7 th . If they try anything, even just one bomb going to Israel , Israel will end the ceasefire and continue the destruction if Gaza
  21. Do you remember what it was like leading up to WW2 ? The living conditions prior to WW 2 ?
  22. I doubt very much whether the Palestinians will be in a position to take any more hostages any time soon . Israel should be quite safe in the future
  23. Don't worry , Trump isn't eligible to become UK PM , so there's no way that it would happen. Stop being worried about it
  24. Is their intention to join in with the bullying of the videoed boy ? He got caught out by some unscrupulous people and he got ridiculed and bullied by his class mates and other school pupils . Now that website has made the story go National and International with the headline of his penis size and now the whole World knows . This could cause him to go on a murderous violent rampage or to commit suicide . This story should have been from a more sympathetic angle to the boy, rather than joining in with the ridicule
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