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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. Hes behaving like the OP did, being rude and abusive to shop assistants and behaving the same to people online . Both bullies and internet warriors
  2. Add Thailand to that list as well . The Majority of British and Americans are not thieves either . Its just a small amount of lawless yutes who steal and commit other crimes
  3. Could you please try and engage with him, get him off my back, he seems to be stalking me and trying to pick a fight . Could you call him some names or something , cause a distraction ?
  4. That will need to happen for a long term peaceful solution , either than or the Palestinians have to have a complete change of mind
  5. You are getting rather confrontational and niggly, its been growing all thread , the insults are increasing and so its better to end the discussion now, before you start needing to misspell swear words to get your point across . You have been trying to cause an argument all thread and I have resisted the gauding , but now you've reached the point where our discussion needs to come to an end
  6. Did you actually raise you voice ? (You haven't actually answered the question)
  7. I said "I expect" , I didn't make anything up . I said I expect that's what you did , I didn't say that is what you did . I expect that is what you did and that's what caused that gallant British man to react to your unacceptable behaviour and tell you to behave yourself
  8. OK, so you made the bit up about the Brit being on steroids and you also made the bit up about me wanted to see video footage . Now, about that rabbit hole of yours.................
  9. CCTV would need to be seen to come to a legitimate conclusion about that really happened . I didn't actually ask to be shown any CCTV footage , just stating that as the O.P doesn't seem to giving a full honest version of events , we would have to see footage of the event to come to a conclusion . Cannot really state who is in the right or wrong without seeing it ourselves , ws my point . I wasn't actually asking to view any video of it . So, I didnt "want" to see any video footage , just pointing out it would need to be seen before deciding about the claims made
  10. Most pharmacies have CCTVs these days . And to see exactly what happened, without any distortions from the O.P , we would need to see actual CCTV footage to be able to come to a conclusion . Nothing "rabbit holish" about that comment
  11. I didn't know that . How did you find out that the Brit was taking steroids ? I may have missed it as the thread is quite long and I haven't read it all . Was the Brit in the Pharmacy buying some steroids ?
  12. You are exaggerating again, just like you underexegarated in the O.P. I wasn't "offended" at all, let alone being "Offended to my very core" , I simply just pointed something out . You do seem to have an a habit of over/under exaggerating situations
  13. And you think that its adult bavour to use those kinds of words and to change the spelling so that you can use those words without falling foul of the rules . That immature behaviour IMO and also shows a complete disregard for the rules
  14. Its highly likely and even almost a certainty that the O.P is under exaggerating his actions , he isn't telling the full story . We would need to hear the other persons version of events or even see video footage of what really happened . But I doubt very much whether the O.P's version if events are an accurate description of what really happened . I do expect that the O.P was being rather abrupt, rude and abusive and shouting at the woman , and the Brit stepped in to defend the woman
  15. You are being annoying now . Its thats the way you speak to people in real life , then its no surprise that people want to inflict violence upon you
  16. Will have to wait and see , I doubt it though . Altering words to get around deleted words isn't usually allowed
  17. That word is not allowed to be used on these forums . I see that you have problems with following rules .
  18. This forum generally thinks that you were in the wrong on this issue . You were being rude and abusive to a woman and the Brit guy taught you some manners
  19. Really ? Are you sure about that . Which A.N posters insist that all Chinese pee and poop in the street and that ALL the chinese shops are empty ?
  20. I sometimes watch the people watchers . There was a an older falang guy sitting outside a Swensens in a shopping mall , just opposite the windows and he was sat on a bench crouched quite low . Everytime the Swensens waitress bent over little , he would crouch even lower and try to look up her skirt . He's there quite frequently
  21. You can tell that just by looking at photos of them ?
  22. The Lotus hotel is closing now as well ' Chiang Mai's Lotus Pang Suan Kaew Hotel closes after 33 years Hotel was a popular choice for tourists and locals alike, and has been put up for sale The iconic Lotus Pang Suan Kaew Hotel, a prominent fixture in Chiang Mai for 33 years, has closed its doors, according to a local news report on Friday. The hotel welcomed its final guests on January 3, marking the end of an era for this landmark establishment. https://www.nationthailand.com/business/economy/40045803?fbclid=IwY2xjawILDUZleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHZo8ne62TD18tT9Ie9HOSrkaxDPzInLHYSRS9Hu5nKIGgpARkSRJHw7bAg_aem_dYVuNmW8RM_OjlZYhO50lA
  23. Ah, so your house cost $14 000 and it now costs $800 000 . I didn't realise that, fair enough, British kids are poorer today than they were 50 years ago . Your house cost should have been included in the report , just to give the report a truer perspective
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