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Posts posted by scott1999

  1. I am confused......is your daughter back now with the wifes family ?

    thanks for your comments , yes Dnee will be sleeping with the half sisters as the school is so far away from where i live,

    i am over the moon that the Head Mistress said Dnee is very happy today. Dear sir this is far from over, but we just took a huge step forward. Thanks again to everyone for your support.

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  2. I was very worried about if the mother's side would send my Daughter to school today. After the school helping me to see my Daughter.


    But good news she is at school today and the Head Mistress said that she is very happy this morning. Fantastic news. I think that means the mother's side has not been to hard on Dnee.

    Now come on supreme court please order! It is in the best interest of the child that you order quickly.

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  3. post-37066-0-56062200-1361881485_thumb.j

    Whats the long term plan with this school and such ??

    I mean you cannot be worrying about this every day.....something might happen tomorrow....or in 6 months.

    As I said...I would not leave her at that school if it was my child in same situation.

    But if I had to or wanted to for whatever other reasons and if I could afford it, I would hire a body guard to keep an eye on her all day....sounds and seems extreme until you think of the possible alternative...again....and if it is only for a week or 2 then not too bad, plus the cost would be well worth it.

    Myself in same situation could not let it happen again for want of not going to a few extreme measures.

    Anyway...best of luck with it all whatever happens.

    thanks for your comment , you maybe very right in what you are saying, all i can say is the mother's side lost so much face over this. Will they try and move her? Dnee said if they do , she will just phone me to come and get her,

    Dnee is king maker ,

    till the supreme court throws out the appeal. Till then it really is up to her who see wants to be with. And a 11 year old girl , more then anything wants her friends.

    Anyway thanks to you lot on thaivisa, ( i'm being sarcastic) I've just had the best weekend of my life, sad but true. Even Michael from thaivisa came all the way to Pattaya to give me a second opinion on om Daughters well being.

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  4. This is not the end,

    but it's a bloody good start.

    I have to remember that the mother will come back to Thailand and will snatch her again. So i must be cool calm and clever, ha ha , anyway try and do whats best for my Daughter, she has be to hell and back. She probably is the most grown up , out of all of us so called adults.


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  5. Congratulations Scott, it must be wonderful to spend so much time with your daughter.

    it is an unbelievable feeling. kids are so strong, she just said come on lets go on holiday. She has not stopped laughing,

    Thank you again for all your support , it did help me so much through the darkest of times. I will report more later.

    As for taking my Daughter back to her old school, at this moment in time i feel i must take her back, i need to win her heart, by doing what i said i would do. ie take her back, to finish her exams. she needs to know i will never stop her seeing her mothers family. then if they carry on trying to stop her seeing her father. I think they will be the losers in this sad and sorry tale. its a big big gamble i know.

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  6. hi ,

    i think your thinking is sound, about going to see her family. But the mother at this point, in my opinion will only use the child to extract money from you, she is thai and she knows the law is not that strong, if she is using drugs and you can prove it, i think that would be the best way forward.

    nice to meet you sir , good luck,

    please check me out if you like , as i am almost at the end of the court process in my situation , and my lawyer has said , that my case is now the longest juvenile case in thai history, ha ha but we know all lawyers lie, so who knows.

  7. Thank you all for your comments. I know it will not be long now before the supreme court orders, i am sure they are doing their best. I.E. in the best interest of the child. But I still worry every day about my daughters well being. All your comments always lift me, and i will do as you have said about the time spent is the most important, as the father it is easy to forget that one, ha ha

    so thanks again , i will post as soon as i now more.

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  8. Hi all.

    I said i would update in November as i was in hope that the supreme court would have ordered by now. But it was not to be, Micheal my great friend has been to the supreme court twice now. The news from them is that they are doing the best they can to push it through their system.

    As for my daughter i have been to see her at her school many times over the last 3 weeks as i have been on holiday. She is ok, but i think she wants this over as much as i do. The mother of my daughter has not come back to Thailand since leaving on the 20th feb this year, and my daughter has said to me that she has not spoken to her mother for some time now.

    So i will carry on waiting for the supreme court to order,

    sorry about the not so good news, but as i have said you people her on Thaivisa have supported me through think and thin, and you always give me a lift with your comments, good or bad, but as my story has unfolded, not that many bad anymore.

    ps i have promised my daughter that i will go and see her on the 25th of December with some presents. Please if any one has a good idea on how i can make the hour that i will get with my daughter even better, please chip in, its all a bit to heavy for both of us and i need something to lighten the mood, if you can understand what i mean?

    anyway good news soon i hope from the supreme court, then there will be the mother of all parties and you are all invited. Bye for now.

  9. HI all hope someone can help? I have a Mercedes w126 with a 2jz-gte Toyota engine, It needs a good shop or mechanic to help me get the engine running well again. I live on the Lam luk ka road near sai mai and on the way to rangsit, and close to min buri too, hope some one here can help as i am at my wits end with garages saying they can fix the car then i find out they can't

    thanks again Paul


  10. Wow....and wow again!! you are an amazing man Scott!

    You have a lot of people cheering for you, all the best my friend

    scott. For what it's worth sir, you are in my opinion a real man, not that many of those around anymore. I wish you and your daughter all the very best for the future.

    thank you for your support and everyone that has taken an interest in my case, i still talk to Michael on a daily bases and will always be thankful that thaivisa was here when i needed you all, i still do need all your support as it helps give me the strength to carry on. Thank you all from the bottom of my now stronger heart. Anyway short update , went to see my daughter yesterday for her birthday, i told her i will wait for the supreme court to finish ie thrown out, heres a funny thing , i asked my daughter (do you still want daddy to fighter mummy for your condo ) as in the appeal from the mother to the supreme court the mother is asking for the condo we both agreed on the 24th of jan this year to belong to my daughter, to now belong to the mother, my daughter said yes daddy fighter mummy for her condo, ha ha , how things are changing, i am so proud of my daughter , after all the lies and abuse she is starting to think for herself, sorry just a short update , november we should have news from the supreme court.biggrin.png



  11. short update, mother has appealed to the supreme court, even though the appeals court said she cannot, so i have put in the rebuttal,

    the mother is still in England as of 20th Feb,

    its my daughters birthday soon, so i will be going to see her at her school, and try to explain that i will not do anything till the appeal has been throw out,

    at least there are no more appeals after this one,

    sorry not much happening at the moment, just waiting for the paperwork.

  12. I hope you don't mind me saying so but I'm finding this thread positively riveting!

    Glad to see things going in the right direction so far. She appears to be a cracking sort of being too, judging from the photograph. I expect she's learnt a lot from these recent experiences.

    As a loog-krueng myself I went through something not dissimilar to the story of Dnee when I was only slightly older than her and at first it was very confusing but it wasn't long before my sense of 'smell' kicked in and I started to suss things out for myself. People don't give kids enough credit for the sense that they can have.

    Best of luck. smile.png

    be my guest , please chip in any time you like, to agree or disagree, or to add your experiences , i like your input very much and i do think Dnee is working it out for herself now, but they are able to make her weak and worry that shee will lose them if she even talks to me. but as you said as you get older you start to smell the coffee, and stop drinking the kool aid

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  13. thank you my friends for your interest in my affairs, i feel like i have been to hell and back, but with all your help and of course micheal , who as been a rock for me on a daily basis, i feel i am coming out of a dark tunnel, stronger and more wiser, it was for sure a life changing event. me and micheal have learnt a lot about the thai system , that we can soon pass on to any one who happens to get their selves in the same pickle as me.

    thanks again for all your time and support.

  14. found out over the weekend , that the mother of my daughter who has been in england since feb this year has appealed her own agreement dated 24th of jan this year, to the supreme court, after she had already appealed to the appeals court and it was rejected and the appeal court said she cannot appeal to the supreme court, all this while she is not even in the country, looks like i will have to wait a bit longer, but i will get soul custody now that she is upsetting the courts of her own country. better for my daughter and her education for the future, that the mother and her family cannot stop my daughter getting a very good education.

  15. thanks mario and friends,

    micheal has helped so much , i just cannot believe what he has done for me, but micheal would say he has done it not for me, but for the child, i would like to make a point, i feel the thai courts are fair to men but just a bit slow, but over all i cannot complain to much as this is not my country , and i choose to be a guest here, lawyers well that is a different story.

    Glad to see everything is heading in the right direction. Hopefully the end is near.

    Just read the latest posts on this tread, two things stick out to me.1/ your daughters Thai relations are causing her future mental problem, the quicker she out of their control the better.2/ this shows again that the Thai courts when dealing with child issues are much fairer to the fathers than the case in farang countries, they seem to make the welfare and future of the child to be paramount.

    We all criticise Thai law, be it the police,lawyers,courts etc but when it comes to children, they seem to use a large amount of wisdom..

    Good luck to you and your daughter

    thank you for your comments, and also agree whole heartily with nontabury, the mothers side still to this day do not get this, the appeal was all about poor me ie mother , and asking for 30,000 bt a month for her to come back to take care of my daughter, nothing about her future, not one word. thanks again people, i am feeling a bit emotional today plus i have gout, through stress and bad eating, every word is a boost to me.

  16. thanks mario and friends,

    micheal has helped so much , i just cannot believe what he has done for me, but micheal would say he has done it not for me, but for the child, i would like to make a point, i feel the thai courts are fair to men but just a bit slow, but over all i cannot complain to much as this is not my country , and i choose to be a guest here, lawyers well that is a different story.

  17. here is a draft of a letter i will translate to thai and send to my daughter Dnee Scott's present school, the school of course has been lied to over and over again by the mother and by Dnee's half sisters Ann 30 years old and Mod 24 years old, but the lies are becoming transparent now. please anyone chip in if you have any advice for me re the letter, the letter is designed to show the school how much the mothers side have lied and the pressure my daughter has been under to lie for them, and of course show the PAS

    after the agreement dated 24th jan 2012

    1 went to the land office at lam luk ka 1st feb , mother said she would not come because she did not have a lawyer. soon after the mother did not come to Dnee's new school, by appointment.

    2 around the same time i had a phone call from Dnee , she was screaming at me, she said (mummy has to go back to England because mummy has to find the money to pay for my schooling). i said i do not understand Dnee as mummy can sell her condo soon, so she can stay here in Thailand?

    3 soon after me and my lawyer went to the land office and found out Phimpha had sold the condo 88/194 on the 10 of February. i had also found out she was trying to sell Dnee's condo to the man she was renting it to, for 850,000 if he moved quickly.

    4 Had a phone call on the 19th of feb, from the Phimpha she was very drunk and screaming at me and laughing at the same time, saying she was off to England tomorrow and that she had won, she said she only went to the court on the 24th so she could sell condo 88/194. She said all men are stupid and that she had beat them all. She said she will never let me be with Dnee again. and put the phone down laughing. To this date she is still in England.

    5 went to see Dnee in march and she was happy and said she can go to England when she is 19, i said yes, and we had a cuddle and i went back to work, the next week i went to Dnee's school she was crying i said what's the matter, she said (mummy said i can go to England only if i do not speak to you) she also said ( mummy said that i have to call papa father, from now on) thats Mods father, i was shocked and worried for my daughter heath as she was very very unset, so i left. i have only spoken to dnee once since, on the 25th july by telephone for 2 minutes.

    6 went to Dnee school on the 10th of April for the sign out papers as promised to me, by the school, only to find Mod waiting, we had a meeting with the principle and after Mod crying and shouting that Dnee is frightened of me. the principle refused to hand over the papers, so I left.

    7 in may made missing persons report at Lam lu ka police station. Also the police wrote a letter to Ann to ask her to contact the police so she could tell us where my Daughter was. As of the date of this letter she has not contacted the police or me. since the Kidnapping of my daughter 12th september 2010 Ann have not spoken to me at all. Apart from telling the Judge on the 24th of jan, that if the mother was out of the country, then it was up to Dnee who she stayed with. The judge explained to her that, (no if the mother is out of the country then it's up to the father) Ann has disregarded that information, and still denying me access to my daughter.

    8 went to court on the 25th of july, the mother did not come and is still in England. Ann did not come as summonsed and Dnee did not come as summonsed. The appeal was thrown out, the verdict also said they cannot appeal to the supreme court unless,(please read the end of the appeal). Mod and the mothers lawyer was in court, the judge got very angry when she asked Mod and the lawyer where the mother and Ann was, and they said they did not know. The judge told me not to wait any longer and use paragraph 61 of Thai law to get Dnee into her new boarding school. I said i will contact Dnee's principle at Rama 2 as she has promised Dnee can stay for only one more term at her school. when i went there on the 10th April for the sign out papers, to help me with a smooth change of schools for Dnee.

    oops the agreement order made the 24th jan 2012 was

    my daughter goes to an international school of my choice, as i have 100 percent of education rights,

    we share parental powers , but if ether party breaks the agreement the the other gets 100 percent physical custody.

    assets are divided,

    thats about it. i can enforce this order with me getting 100 percent custody after 30 days from 25th of july, if the mother does not appeal to the supreme court, even if she does try the appeal the judges are trying to help me by using paragraph 61 of thai law to move my daughter, the mother has lost all credibility in the courts eyes, and have said so.

  18. hi micheal ,

    its very complicated but here goes, i am in thailand my daughter is in thailand my ex is in england, my daughter is being abused on a daily bases by the exs family who are denying the return of my daughter to me , re thai law, is if one parent is out of the country then the child must be with the other parent, they are holding on to her hoping for a paid day, not going to happen, the mother has no interest in my daughter as the proof of here going back to england after she made the juvenile court agreement on the 24th of jan , then she appealed her own agreement to try and get more money from me, anyway the court today went crazy when the mother was a no show, ie the appeal was thrown out, now the court is trying to help me stop the mother appealing to the supreme court, good day today , one more step closer, thanks for your support my friends,

    my great friend micheal was again the star of the court, putting the ex wifes new lawyer in his place more then once, evil bottom feeder.

    11 hours ago · Like

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