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Posts posted by scott1999

  1. Scott I will pray for you and that the courts judge in your favour. My case was completed back October last year and the SC simply up-held the appeal court e.g. 50/50 custody with the physical custody to the mum and three weekends per month to the father. By December 2012 my son (Now 13) forced his mum to bring him to Oman they arrived with the reason I divorced her. The next day he said he was not going to return, which got me into a lot of trouble as I was charged with kidnapping my son. The criminal courts judged not guilty and made the statement that even if a was to hold him it would have still been not guilty; this means my son can stay with me as long as he wants irrespective of any custody order. My son has now opened up to the point that bad things happened to him by his step-dad and although he does not talk bad about him, what he says about his mum make me cringe. When she left Oman last year she took his passport, and now the British embassy have retrieved his British passport; they are still holding it but in the interest of the child's welfare and requirement for this new school year they are seeking London's approval as now they are responsible for my son not having a visa, which is required by the school, as last school year he had a concession by the Oman minister of education - I think they don't want the case of being responsible for the child breaking the immi law and possibility that he will have to stop going to school. He is well behind his peers but now in private lesson and hopefully he will get up to speed over the next year. Obviously the mum and my so called friend are still doing everything possible, which includes several court cases back in Thailand; with the next one on the 17th where she has asked for me to be arrested - I don't see this happening but the Thai court have shocked the hell out of me and I would put nothing pass them.

    All in all my son is safe, in a good home where my wife and 5 year old daughter love him to bits, he is in a good international school; he is free to see his mum whenever she wants to see him (He does not want to see her though; I think and hope time will change this); my son and I are now starting (We have the plans) to build a 40 foot motor cruiser; this will give him a lot of practical experience to make up for the poor Thai education he was subjected to, and most of all he knows that if he wants to return to Thailand, I will not stop him basically, and subject to his passports he is a free young man that I will enjoy watching him grow up to be the engineer he SO desires to be.

    Yes Sir I remember you. We went head to head for a while and then we began to understand each other. Maybe I should have taken your advice? But we are where we are, so pleased for you Sir and i know you are in my corner on the 14th of next month. Good luck to you and yours for the 17th. Please keep me posted.

  2. Once the verdict is read in october does it mean you can then just leave with your daughter and thats it?

    Hi Boo, I just don't know? But I am over the moon, at some point they will have to comply with the order dated 24th of Jan 2013. Thanks Boo for asking.

    Your lawyer should now best. But depends on the verdict:

    - if court decides that the verdict has a flaw, it will probably mean that the judge must look at the case again and give a new vewrdict, which can be appealed.

    - if the court upholds the lower courts decision that is final and should be it. If I recall correctly the decision is that you hold sole custody. That would indeed mean you cna just grab the child and walk away. You alone than decide where the child lives and goes to school. The agreement with the mother about the child going to a particulair school would no longer be valid. You would have the power to change that as you see fit.

    But again, best to ask confirmation from your lawyer about this.

    Hi Mario I spoke to my lawyer about this point of law. He said if the appeals court verdict is upheld, it is up to the judge if he or she will enforce the 100% physical custody to me with immediate effect , or the judge may say enforcement after 30 days , or the judge can do nothing and we would have to make a new appointment at Juvenile Court to enforce the order. with enforcement of the 100% physical custody then the police will act. Thanks again everyone for your interest and support in this matter.

  3. Wow after sending 3 emails asking for a meeting with my daughter's school, to help with the transition of my daughter changing schools to comply with the Supreme Court order, and not getting any reply. The school saw the summons for the mother and me for the 14th Oct yesterday. Maybe they know too now, TIMES UP. So yesterday they rang my girlfriend and said when and where for a meeting. Maybe they understand that I will never stop tell Dnee has a mother and a father. In my opinion the schools actions through this horror story has helped make sure my daughter did not have a mother or a father.

    But things will change now. I am sure of it. Thank you to everyone on thaivisa for all your support over the years. I hope i have become a better person from this experience?

    • Like 2
  4. This i posted on my facebook it may explain a bit more

    Well its happened! I was told by one of my lawyers that the Supreme Court of Thailand have finished with the mother of my daughter final appeal against her own agreement made on the 24th of Jan 2012 at the Juvenile court. MY FIRST THOUGHT WAS "TIMES UP."

    I will be summoned soon to the Juvenile court to here the verdict.

    Dnee was kidnapped 12th of September 2010 by the mother's side of the family. The mother was and still is Living in England. Having only visited Thailand just to sell two condos from the Divorce to pay for her life in England . O the lies that have been told to my daughter.

    Anyway to all my friends that stood next to me, through the dark times , thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    My aim through all this was and is still, that my daughter will have a mother and a father. Because since the kidnapping she has had neither.

    • Like 2
  5. So does anyone know what the Supreme Court has decided?

    Will they give you custody?

    Or is it a complete mystery who will be awarded custody until the decision is read?

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app


    if the compromise agreement made by me and the mother made on the 24th of jan 2012 was to be changed by the Supreme Court , it is a very high probability the Supreme Court would order the parties to the SC, But they have not. So the likely hood is that they have not changed anything.

    So with the mother breaking the agreement made the 24th jan 2012 , the other party ie me will get 100% physical custody of my daughter. Which puts pay to any one but the mother taking care of my daughter with out my permission. Anyone with holding my daughter, with out my permission then would be arrested.

  6. , Mikael
    16:12 (17 hours ago)
    to me
    This is the email from Mikael just after we heard the news. I think Micheal nails it in what i need to do.

    Very good news, Congratulations Daddy J

    Pay your lawyer within a couple of days latest, you will need him more now

    I am so happy that the Supreme Court is ready - note the words he uses – listen to the Supreme court order. He is exactly spot on again, and it is exactly what the Juvenile court did and expected to do when the Appeals court order was read. They read the court order and did not expect to do anything else

    Question is: Can you get Juvenile Court to send EMS letter at the same time or do you have to go back again? The Juvenile Court judge reading the Appeals court order did ask: Is there anything else? A big YES! from your lawyer and show the email where the school states that they will let Dnee continue to study at their school until they receive an EMS letter from the court could perhaps make them act. Requesting the court to send the EMS letter quickly so that Dnee doesn’t have to lose more opportunity in life is a very valid request

    If the Supreme court order contains 100% physical custody, then that will become law 15-November J Recorded delivery letter arriving a week before ordering Ann and Mod to take Dnee to the new school 15-September at 9AM or I will sue for kidnapping is a bittersweet victory…

    Another good thing is that this should give you more freedom at the school JThey should understand that the best thing for Dnee is to prepare her for that changes will come, not best done by denying you access…


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  7. What does that mean in terms of your access to your daughter. Have the SC ruled in your favour? Why does it need to go back to Juvenile court & why does it take so long for the reading?

    I judge from your post that this is a very positve thing it is just for the unknowledgable (i.e. me) it would be good to understand the next stages & the reasons for them

    Very pleased for you though, I really really hope the end is close by.

    this is the email my lawyer sent to me today

    Hi Scott
    I called Supreme Court,officer said that the case had finished from the high Court already and sent it back to Phathumtani juvenile court on 1st of August.
    Later on, I called Phathumtani Juvenile Court to make sure for that, the officer has made an appointment on Oct 14th, the time is 9.00 am to listen to the Supreme Court order, you'll get the Court's summons soon.
    thanks Boo i'm too excited to even think at this moment, ha ha , Micheal can explain better then me. I will ask him if its ok to post his email about the good news.
  8. The most prolific social work I've seen in Thailand that is family oriented is by the Pavena Foundation, which is often in the news every time a child prostitute or abuse victim etc is discovered.

    Perhaps you ought to contact them seeing as Dnee is both a child and a woman-to-be and by your account appears to be suffering rather a lot of psychological abuse.

    The fact that they are a foundation and not a government organisation might mean that they can react a lot faster. They are definitely high profile enough to not take any nonsense from the likes of a school principal.

    Khun Pavena has also just been named as the Minister for Social Development and Human Security in the latest cabinet reshuffle.

    Hi Tremble my lawyer said i should do this, but I forgot about it. I must thank you Sir for reminding me , great idea, i will have a go at making contact in the 2 day holiday coming up.

    • Like 1
  9. Scot - I mentioned this a while back .-- child protection services - and today I noticed this thread started, which you might want to follow and see if they can unearth this elusive body.


    opps sorry i missed this post, i'm in a bit of a dog fight at the moment with my daughters school. They are doing their best to stop me seeing my daughter, but with out leaving them selves open to be sued. BUT this week should determinate if i can sue the school.

    thanks anyway for your idea, i do know the courts have social services , so maybe i can ask for help from them.

    Who pays the school fees?

    Just a thought.

    Hello , yes the mother's side are paying the schools fees. 16,000 a year. The school that she should be in is 250,000 a year, that I'm more then happy to pay.

  10. Scot - I mentioned this a while back .-- child protection services - and today I noticed this thread started, which you might want to follow and see if they can unearth this elusive body.

    opps sorry i missed this post, i'm in a bit of a dog fight at the moment with my daughters school. They are doing their best to stop me seeing my daughter, but with out leaving them selves open to be sued. BUT this week should determinate if i can sue the school.

    thanks anyway for your idea, i do know the courts have social services , so maybe i can ask for help from them.

  11. Sorry every one about the standard of the writing. My only excuse is how stressful the day had been, and how tired I was when writing the post. But i just wanted to get it down on T V about how it all went before I went to bed.

    I must say I am so proud of my little girl.

    I will post again about yesterday when it has washed over me how it went.

  12. what happened today? Your post isn't clear. Has it been sorted?

    Wow! What a day.

    I pick up my friend Micheal and off we went to Dnee’s school on the other side of Bangkok. The school did no more than drive my Daughter to the police station. So off we went to the station. The two school teachers were looking not to happy. Dnee’s half-sister were not there yet, so I had a wonderful hour with my daughter in the police station just telling her I will always love her and asking what she likes, She told me Justin Bieber . So I promised some pillows and things with Justin’s face on it for her.

    Anyway the half-sisters turned up and went a bit mad. Shouting and saying bad things about me. Telling my daughter to stay away from me. But with the help of Micheal , I was able to not get angry. They tried so hard to stop me saying I will do this every week to see my daughter. So I know this is the right course of action. Even Dnee said Daddy I do not like coming to the police station. I said “when you come and stay for a night with daddy I will stop this action. Till then as you father it’s my job to make sure you are ok, and of course I want to see you.”

    I felt calm even when they took her, as I have said before till the Supreme Court orders the police will and do say it’s up to the child, even if she is being abused to say the things she does.

    So same again next week me thinks.

    Thanks every one for your comments and help in this matter.

    • Like 1
  13. Hi


    Thanks for your comments

    So what is stopping the OP from just taking his daughter home? My daughter shows fear of me, but of course it is only when she is with them.

    Or are they just disregarding the terms of the previous court order as well? yes to every section of the agreement.

    I understand the OP is trying to do the "right thing" , but as he and the mother have shared custody not sure I understand why he thinks he needs to have 100% sole custody before daughter can live with him? The police will not act strongly IE take my daughter from them. while my daughter is showing fear of me.

    The policeman was very kind after he saw the photos of me at the school, and he is trying his best for me.

    This is a horrible thing for anyone to read let alone to live it. But i must keep on trying.

    Forgive my ignorance of what's actually available here, but if your wife is in breach of a court order and the police are on your side -- can some form of official child services not retrieve the child and allow you to interact with her when she is away from her mother's family? This might open a way for you to enforce your legal position - assuming the child actually says "I want to be with Daddy".

    thanks for your comment, but there is no child services in Thailand that i am aware of. So while they can trick my daughter into showing fear of me, then they have a very good chance of carrying this situation on.

  14. Hi


    Thanks for your comments

    So what is stopping the OP from just taking his daughter home? My daughter shows fear of me, but of course it is only when she is with them.

    Or are they just disregarding the terms of the previous court order as well? yes to every section of the agreement.

    I understand the OP is trying to do the "right thing" , but as he and the mother have shared custody not sure I understand why he thinks he needs to have 100% sole custody before daughter can live with him? The police will not act strongly IE take my daughter from them. while my daughter is showing fear of me.

    The policeman was very kind after he saw the photos of me at the school, and he is trying his best for me.

    This is a horrible thing for anyone to read let alone to live it. But i must keep on trying.

  15. I admire your tenacity and I am apalled with the machinations of the bad thai family. Not all thai families are this bad, and such behaviour is not confined to Thailand, but I salute your bravery in slogging it out with them and documenting it all here. I wish you and your daughter a happy outcome. wai.gif

    Thank you Sir.

    One day my daughter can read this for herself. of course i am to blame too, for what has happened to my daughter i know this and it eats at me. i am and never will be perfect. But people like you help me so much for just taking the time to give me your view. Of course Micheal from Thai visa still helps me on a daily basis .

    Thanks for taking the time.

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