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Posts posted by scott1999

  1. Small up date. The judge has refused for now my request for 100% physical custody. On the grounds that he wants the mother,s side to have more time to comply with the compromise contract dated 24th of Jan 2012 , that she then appealed, in the appeals court and then the Supreme Court.

    So if they comply and take my daughter to the new school, I the father will not get 100% physical custody. OK I am fine with that.

    If they don't take my daughter to the new school at some point in the near future I will get 100% physical custody..OK I fine with this too.

    Next week I will be putting in new requests to the Juvenile court. Of which they must give me an answer in 5 working days

    Not much wiggle room for the mother's side now.

    If they take my daughter to the school, they lose the power of alienating her from me.

    If they do not take her to the school they lose 100% physical custody to me.

    Not exactly a win win for them.

    I do hope they start to do the right thing so my daughter can have a mother and a father.

    Sorry its is not better news, but it's just the truth as it happens.

    Thanks again for all the great support from the people here at Thaivisa.

    I will be having Christmas at the Juvenile court this year, the 24th 25th 26th and 27th in the hope they give me so good new about my requests.

    PS I have a meeting with my lawyer tomorrow so as of now I don't know 100% what the requests will be to the court next week.

    • Like 1
  2. Hi Scott,

    I hope everything is going to plan and you are still focused. Was there any movement on the 2nd?

    Keep that chin up!

    Hi rhodie

    I do feel a bit down being father's day yesterday and all. So I do tend to go a little quiet and withdraw into myself. But it's nothing to the pain my daughter must be feeling. Anyway father's day has gone now and I am happy about that.

    So here is the update: My lawyer in his wisdom went on the 3rd of November. Now this is were things get lost in translation and culture differences. But the gist of what he did was to

    1 Ask the Judge to just grant me the 100% physical custody because the mother has shown such disrespect to the court. (Judge has to answer this request in 5 days)

    2 Summons the mother to the court for her explanation of why she has not followed the compromise contract of the 24th of Jan 2012.

    So I am only guessing here, so the Judge can just finish this case by giving me the 100% physical custody next week, or give the mother one more chance to explain her actions. In which case the mother will be summoned to the court. The date of this I should know next week. I hope?

    Thanks again rhodie and everyone for your support in this matter. It will finish soon I promise!

    OPPS sorry I missed a Month , the lawyer went to the court on the 3rd of December, SORRY sorry sorry

  3. Hi Scott,

    I hope everything is going to plan and you are still focused. Was there any movement on the 2nd?

    Keep that chin up!

    Hi rhodie

    I do feel a bit down being father's day yesterday and all. So I do tend to go a little quiet and withdraw into myself. But it's nothing to the pain my daughter must be feeling. Anyway father's day has gone now and I am happy about that.

    So here is the update: My lawyer in his wisdom went on the 3rd of November. Now this is were things get lost in translation and culture differences. But the gist of what he did was to

    1 Ask the Judge to just grant me the 100% physical custody because the mother has shown such disrespect to the court. (Judge has to answer this request in 5 days)

    2 Summons the mother to the court for her explanation of why she has not followed the compromise contract of the 24th of Jan 2012.

    So I am only guessing here, so the Judge can just finish this case by giving me the 100% physical custody next week, or give the mother one more chance to explain her actions. In which case the mother will be summoned to the court. The date of this I should know next week. I hope?

    Thanks again rhodie and everyone for your support in this matter. It will finish soon I promise!

    • Like 2
  4. who pays the 8000bht?

    Hi fifty two

    The mother's side paid for two years of schooling at the Thai school total 32,000. My lawyer has said my ex-wife could try and take me to court for half of the money in the future. But then he said that would leave her open for me to counter sue , and it's a bit more the half of 32,000 bt, It will never happen.

    • Like 1
  5. Who is paying for the current boarding school?

    Who will be paying for the next boarding school?

    Hi Fifty Two

    I will give you only one guess? ha ha ha

    Who is paying for the current boarding school?

    Hi again sorry miss read your post, at this moment my daughter is in a thai private school 8,000bt a term no English. She is living with ? I am not 100% sure but I have many photos of my daughter with my Ex-wifes Ex-husband. This is my and the courts worry, Who is she with?

  6. I'm a bit confused.

    Will, after all this, your daughter be physically living with you at your home 100%. And all decisions be made by you.

    The school and inlaws confused me a bit.

    Hi Patsycat

    In the compromise contract 24th of Jan 2012 , Which this fine morning comes in to force. States that I have 100% education, but the school I choose must be a boarding school.

    The courts thinking was because the mother openly said she will live in England and because my daughter was showing fear of me in the court room. By throwing her hands up to her face to hide from my sight. Then with in 30 mins would be asleep in my arms in front of the judges and my witness to this is Michael a mod from Thaivisa.

    By being a boarding school it would be a safe place for my daughter to be, if she wants to stay there. But my daughter can choose at weekends who she wants to be with. But also in the week she can go and stay with me as my condo because it is close to the school. "UP TO HER", was their thinking.

    But since the compromise contract the mother has run a muck with the two failed appeals and the denying me of any access. She will lose almost any rights over my daughter when I get 100% physical custody in the next 2 to 4 weeks IE the court will now summons the mother tomorrow for a date I will learn tomorrow. At that hearing if the mother shows up or does not show I should be granted 100% physical custody. Which means I must follow the compromise contract of 24th Jan 2012. But because the mother did not follow the contract I get 100% physical custody where by only I get to choose who my daughter can stay with at any time.

    PS I never waited the boarding school in the agreement . But the mother was 100% for it. We now know why, she always planned to appeal her own agreement and thus gain time to fully alienate my daughter from me. But her timing was out, because it only took 20 months to get through the Appeals court and the Supreme court. So she gambled and lost and she will have to pay the price, IE I will get 100% physical custody.

    Sorry for such a long reply but was needed to explain the reason behind the boarding school being in the agreement.

    • Like 1
  7. How do you to enforce this intended change of school...I presume she will not want to change school and friends and the IL's will be saying they agree etc etc.

    Also physical custody...how do you intend to get her from there, to you ?

    Especially if you have not talked to her so much....why are you not letting her know all of this so she can be prepared for it?

    Hi Showbags

    How do you to enforce this intended change of school...I presume she will not want to change school and friends and the IL's will be saying they agree etc etc.

    this for the juvenile court to sort out, maybe they will send an officer of the court to go and see them, But I will as the mother's side will have to follow the law.

    Also physical custody...how do you intend to get her from there, to you ?

    The court have already told the mother's side it is their responsibility to take my daughter to her new school. IF they do not then again court officer.

    Or my daughter will be summoned to the court with the mother's side.

    Especially if you have not talked to her so much....why are you not letting her know all of this so she can be prepared for it?

    It is almost impossible to talk to her at that school, IE this month 3 minutes total, as the time gets closer then of course I will go and see her and explain things to her. But she knows already for sure.

    • Like 1
  8. What is the quickest date ur daughter comes to stay with u, ordered by the court ?

    What other options does your FIL have more to delay proceedings ?

    Thumbs up, the new beginning is near !

    Hi Mr. P.

    not 100% sure but if the mother does not come to the court when summoned maybe 14 days from Monday then I would ask the court to help me. The court may then summons the family members. Around that time of the family members coming or not coming to court, is when my daughter will have to be moved to the new school. But it is up to the court timing really.

    Time is marching on, thanks again for everyone on thaivisa helping me get through this hell.

    • Like 2
  9. Hey, next week it'll be a lot more people than you dribbling!! I for one...

    thanks Patsycat

    I could not be were I am today with out the support from the people here on thaivisa

    Opps smaller update the British Embassy will recognize me as soul guardian with a letter from the Judge in my case. Nice!

    Only have to wait tell Monday now , have a great weekend Patsycat, and every one here on Thaivisa

    • Like 1
  10. At least you are prepared for the setbacks. Never makes it any easier I know, but you have shown extreme resilience.

    We can all only hope this is over soon for you. Here's to some movement in the right direction on the 2nd.

    Once again good luck.

    Hi rhodie

    Thanks for your comment I feel I am in the home straight now, we have movement most months now. Soon I hope it will be most weeks, till it is over.

    • Like 2
  11. I don't meant to scare mongering in any way.... But wouldn't the worst case scenario be that the mom comes back to Thailand, grabs your daughter and goes to the UK with her?

    Wouldn't you then need to move to UK and start all over again with UK courts?

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    Hi Murray

    Yes Sir you are correct I would not put anything past them. But It may give my ex trouble in the UK when I have 100% so I think not, but thanks for the comment.

  12. Whats worse case scenario if she shows up?

    Hi Snowbags

    I can never be sure what the courts will do. But I have or will have 100% Education when and if the mother comes to court. Even the court cannot take that away from me as it is done finished. Plus why would they. So to answer your Question Whats worse case scenario if she shows up?

    Maybe a stay of execution to do with when my daughter has to go to the school of my choice. But the mother's words are not that important any more. That's what my lawyer said. But who trusts lawyers. ha ha

  13. Thanks alot Paul, its done me good writing things down to M. About a possible courtbattle, well......i am not in Thailand like you, so that is something maybe for later next year. I have learned alot from, sadly to say, your situation the last 3 years. I have read your topic over and over again. You have chosen to follow the path of the law. At the moment i still feel, right or wrong, that i can avoid it. M referred to mental strength. That is, fck difficult though, what i have been working on since i started to read all kind of related topics in mid of May. Spoonman's topic and yours have the closest resemblance to mine. I really thinking sometimes that is seems like watching a movie, tragic comedy with alot of supense, but i am playing a main chapter in it.

    About Parental Alienation. I have joined a group, US based and read truly horror stories there. Bear in mind i witnessed it only for 2 weeks and blamed myself, due to longterm absence, for it, eventhough i knew something was not OK. In july i found out and read alot about PA and since joining the facebookgroup i feel so sad and get so angry how parents can act that way to their child and the other parent. Their previous spouse with whom they have chosen to have children with. Reading these stories make me more and more convinced that the people who take care my children now, SIL and her oldest daughter, are well.......just evil. All this while the mother of the kids is in Patong doing.......

    I truly feel for you Paul of what you had to endure the last 3 years. Nobody can be prepared for that. The emotional consequences of PA are beyond anybody's imagination. This for the alienated parent in the time he/she is living it and the consistent manipulation done by the alienators to the child(ren). I have read stories from children, heartbreaking. The guilt they felt when the truth came out and/or they discovered it themselves towards the alienated parent well......

    Again i am "lucky" now that i am prepared because of earlier this year, reading about PA and that i am 10.000 km away. In August i spoke last time with the kids. Sorry, 1 daughter was allowed to speak with me for 3 minutes on my birthday in September after i nearly begged for it. This week i was promised to speak with them. Called via skype twice. Both time oldest daughter of SIL answered but hung up after 30 seconds. Later i called via mobile, man answered, told me kids not there. They there because heard them before on the background i replied. Hung up too. Youngest daughter, IMO good girl of 18 yrs old, wrote that i could call again to her later. Called spoke, they needed to be somewhat forced, with my kids. Told 1 daughter that i missed and loved her alot. Asked her if she loves me too. I dont know she replied !! 18 yr old apologised later via fb and added that her mother and older sister not want i speak with the kids.

    Most likely you had to endure heartships as well from your daughter last years but the children are never to blame. It hurts though to see, feel, know that your daughter doesnt want to know about you. Thats the influence an alienator has on the kids. Jealousy, selfishness, lack of empathy and vengeful thats the alienator caractertraits. At no cost.

    Well Paul, for you its nearly over and surely you will give your daughter the love she truly deserves and hopefully when she is old enough to understand your ordeal of the last years together with the reasons why you did it, the book can be totally closed.

    Well done Paul.

    It is very hard when your kids are involved and as a father you are meant to be there to provide and take care of them.

    Who is this Michael guy ?

    If a secret crusader, no problem, good on him.

    Stay strong Mr. P your children are ok for now, you must get ready in every way for the battle of your life.

    As for Micheal he is a mod on Thaivisa but he is very busy at this moment in time. But if you need advice he and Mario and Boo are the people to ask. But as I have said before Micheal has a big heart and a loves to learn as much as he can , for the best interest on the child.

    • Like 1
  14. What a waste of time, 3 years. So close but far away. For what ? Mother lives/lived in England and denied willingly the child love of her father. Fighting for love, people do when they want to conquer the heart of another because they are in love. Not for 1s own child. Sadly enough this not a spdcific thai problem. Happens everywhere in the world. The court here nedds over 3 yezr to rule in the best interest of the child. He is lucky, rightfully so i might add, that they ruled in his, and his daughter's favour.

    Be over soon Paul.

    Hi Mr. P.

    I am very happy you contacted Micheal,to reach out when you are in so much pain and hurt shows great strength Sir.

    Micheal has been with me every step of the way for my problems. We have both learn't so much, RE the Thai legal system to do with children. When we go to court now we are shown great respect from the office staff and the judges that we talk to. It's like this, my lawyer is lower then a dog to a judge and must follow strict protocol while in the court. We are farangs and are a bit of an oddity to them, we are not in their culture as to say. So they do not get offended when we politely but in, when they are talking.

    Because of this fact, Micheal was able to turn the tide of my case after getting a good beating in the first two court hearings. I must thank him forever for his help in my matters.

    Remember Mr. P we have and will continue to grow and learn from what has and is happening to us, on a daily basis. The perpetrators never learn and are stuck in a groove of an ever decreasing circle of friends family and authorities that will help them in their sick behavior. Where we, the targeted parent ( TP ) begin a journey of self discovery and education on this heinous sickness of child alienation of one parent being the alienating parent ( AP ) and the other being the ( TP ).

    Your a good man Mr. P. hang in there Sir your children when free from the bondage of the AP behavior will love you even more for your fight for what is right in the matter of your children.

  15. So how do you actually plan to 'get her'when the time comes?

    Are you worried she may not want to go with you?

    Sorry as you probably mentioned it before, but how long has it been you have not lived with your daughter?

    So how do you actually plan to 'get her'when the time comes?

    Up to the court on the best way to do this.

    Are you worried she may not want to go with you?

    Answered in above post to you.

    Sorry as you probably mentioned it before, but how long has it been you have not lived with your daughter?

    Answered by Patsycat.


    August 2009 the mother went to live in England leaving me to take care of my daughter alone. The mother came back August 2010 for a visit. September 12th my daughter was kidnapped by mother's side. 0 contact with my daughter till march 2011 when I had the first court appearance. After 8 more court appearances on 24th of Jan 2012 we made a compromise contract. The mother appealed her own agreement soon after, July 2012 appeal rejected. She appealed to Supreme Court. Rejected 14th October 2013, after 30 days it has become legal. Next week they will be summoned to the court to explain why they have not followed the compromise contract.

  16. Fair enough, understand now.

    Are you in touch with your daughter at all?

    No mobile phone to send messages or talk with her?

    Hi Showbags thanks for your interest. No I have no way of contacting her with out it becoming too stressful for her, Its very bad no child should have to suffer this. But I am so proud of her and look forward to re bonding with her in a safe environment.

    • Like 1
  17. I would just go and take her now.

    Pick her up from school, go buy her all new clothes and never return to that other place ever.

    You certainly have a lot more patience than I would ever have had, if my daughter in the same case.

    Thanks for your comment Showbags, But I must give the court the chance first, I will go with my lawyer on Monday to see them. I do think they will be summoned. Thanks again

    Can I ask why you do not just go and get her now?

    I presume she wants to come with you, why leave her waiting, a day or a month is a lifetime to a kid, remember how long it used to take for xmas to come around as a child, but now it flies?

    You seem to have 100% custody so why not just do it.....you could always blame Nike.

    Hi Showbag I do not have 100% physical custody yet, till the Court summons them to the court for them to explain why they have not followed the compromise contract between the mother and the father dated the 24th of January 2012. If I take her now there would still be a tug of war between me and the mothers side. If I wait a little bit longer, that will not happen, if it does I will be in a much stronger position one I have 100% physical custody, on top of the 100% education that I have as of yesterday, so I hope that would be enough to stop any tug of war.

    . You said maybe my daughter wants to come with me, No she does not, she, has been so heavily alienated against me, she has no idea what to think or believe. I will give you one of so many heinous tricks they have played on my daughter. When the principal was trying to be impartial, the mother's side said I had paid money to her to talk nice about me, this piece of information is in a letter from the principal that I took to the Supreme Court in march of this year, I do not write to much about the mother's side and their actions, because one day my daughter can read this thread for herself, plus she ca n read who really wanted my her to go to a boarding school.

    So for now Showbag I must wait, I will be going to court next week with my lawyer to summons them. So again I will wait, maybe I am wrong maybe I am right. I just don't won't my daughter hurt any more. Which will happen its just how much. Thanks again for your comment.

  18. I would just go and take her now.

    Pick her up from school, go buy her all new clothes and never return to that other place ever.

    You certainly have a lot more patience than I would ever have had, if my daughter in the same case.

    Thanks for your comment Showbags, But I must give the court the chance first, I will go with my lawyer on Monday to see them. I do think they will be summoned. Thanks again

  19. Look for a new school and discuss the situation with them. (The current school will sure paint a different picture of you).

    As I understand it, often the paperwork from the old school arrives later than the student. And you have the right to chance her school, only the school will not provide the paperwork. But that is something seperate.

    Yes Mario, spot on Sir, The old school will close its eyes to everything till my daughter just stops going there any more.

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