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Posts posted by scott1999

  1. Whats worse case scenario if she shows up?

    Hi Snowbags

    I can never be sure what the courts will do. But I have or will have 100% Education when and if the mother comes to court. Even the court cannot take that away from me as it is done finished. Plus why would they. So to answer your Question Whats worse case scenario if she shows up?

    Maybe a stay of execution to do with when my daughter has to go to the school of my choice. But the mother's words are not that important any more. That's what my lawyer said. But who trusts lawyers. ha ha

  2. Thanks alot Paul, its done me good writing things down to M. About a possible courtbattle, well......i am not in Thailand like you, so that is something maybe for later next year. I have learned alot from, sadly to say, your situation the last 3 years. I have read your topic over and over again. You have chosen to follow the path of the law. At the moment i still feel, right or wrong, that i can avoid it. M referred to mental strength. That is, fck difficult though, what i have been working on since i started to read all kind of related topics in mid of May. Spoonman's topic and yours have the closest resemblance to mine. I really thinking sometimes that is seems like watching a movie, tragic comedy with alot of supense, but i am playing a main chapter in it.

    About Parental Alienation. I have joined a group, US based and read truly horror stories there. Bear in mind i witnessed it only for 2 weeks and blamed myself, due to longterm absence, for it, eventhough i knew something was not OK. In july i found out and read alot about PA and since joining the facebookgroup i feel so sad and get so angry how parents can act that way to their child and the other parent. Their previous spouse with whom they have chosen to have children with. Reading these stories make me more and more convinced that the people who take care my children now, SIL and her oldest daughter, are well.......just evil. All this while the mother of the kids is in Patong doing.......

    I truly feel for you Paul of what you had to endure the last 3 years. Nobody can be prepared for that. The emotional consequences of PA are beyond anybody's imagination. This for the alienated parent in the time he/she is living it and the consistent manipulation done by the alienators to the child(ren). I have read stories from children, heartbreaking. The guilt they felt when the truth came out and/or they discovered it themselves towards the alienated parent well......

    Again i am "lucky" now that i am prepared because of earlier this year, reading about PA and that i am 10.000 km away. In August i spoke last time with the kids. Sorry, 1 daughter was allowed to speak with me for 3 minutes on my birthday in September after i nearly begged for it. This week i was promised to speak with them. Called via skype twice. Both time oldest daughter of SIL answered but hung up after 30 seconds. Later i called via mobile, man answered, told me kids not there. They there because heard them before on the background i replied. Hung up too. Youngest daughter, IMO good girl of 18 yrs old, wrote that i could call again to her later. Called spoke, they needed to be somewhat forced, with my kids. Told 1 daughter that i missed and loved her alot. Asked her if she loves me too. I dont know she replied !! 18 yr old apologised later via fb and added that her mother and older sister not want i speak with the kids.

    Most likely you had to endure heartships as well from your daughter last years but the children are never to blame. It hurts though to see, feel, know that your daughter doesnt want to know about you. Thats the influence an alienator has on the kids. Jealousy, selfishness, lack of empathy and vengeful thats the alienator caractertraits. At no cost.

    Well Paul, for you its nearly over and surely you will give your daughter the love she truly deserves and hopefully when she is old enough to understand your ordeal of the last years together with the reasons why you did it, the book can be totally closed.

    Well done Paul.

    It is very hard when your kids are involved and as a father you are meant to be there to provide and take care of them.

    Who is this Michael guy ?

    If a secret crusader, no problem, good on him.

    Stay strong Mr. P your children are ok for now, you must get ready in every way for the battle of your life.

    As for Micheal he is a mod on Thaivisa but he is very busy at this moment in time. But if you need advice he and Mario and Boo are the people to ask. But as I have said before Micheal has a big heart and a loves to learn as much as he can , for the best interest on the child.

    • Like 1
  3. What a waste of time, 3 years. So close but far away. For what ? Mother lives/lived in England and denied willingly the child love of her father. Fighting for love, people do when they want to conquer the heart of another because they are in love. Not for 1s own child. Sadly enough this not a spdcific thai problem. Happens everywhere in the world. The court here nedds over 3 yezr to rule in the best interest of the child. He is lucky, rightfully so i might add, that they ruled in his, and his daughter's favour.

    Be over soon Paul.

    Hi Mr. P.

    I am very happy you contacted Micheal,to reach out when you are in so much pain and hurt shows great strength Sir.

    Micheal has been with me every step of the way for my problems. We have both learn't so much, RE the Thai legal system to do with children. When we go to court now we are shown great respect from the office staff and the judges that we talk to. It's like this, my lawyer is lower then a dog to a judge and must follow strict protocol while in the court. We are farangs and are a bit of an oddity to them, we are not in their culture as to say. So they do not get offended when we politely but in, when they are talking.

    Because of this fact, Micheal was able to turn the tide of my case after getting a good beating in the first two court hearings. I must thank him forever for his help in my matters.

    Remember Mr. P we have and will continue to grow and learn from what has and is happening to us, on a daily basis. The perpetrators never learn and are stuck in a groove of an ever decreasing circle of friends family and authorities that will help them in their sick behavior. Where we, the targeted parent ( TP ) begin a journey of self discovery and education on this heinous sickness of child alienation of one parent being the alienating parent ( AP ) and the other being the ( TP ).

    Your a good man Mr. P. hang in there Sir your children when free from the bondage of the AP behavior will love you even more for your fight for what is right in the matter of your children.

  4. So how do you actually plan to 'get her'when the time comes?

    Are you worried she may not want to go with you?

    Sorry as you probably mentioned it before, but how long has it been you have not lived with your daughter?

    So how do you actually plan to 'get her'when the time comes?

    Up to the court on the best way to do this.

    Are you worried she may not want to go with you?

    Answered in above post to you.

    Sorry as you probably mentioned it before, but how long has it been you have not lived with your daughter?

    Answered by Patsycat.


    August 2009 the mother went to live in England leaving me to take care of my daughter alone. The mother came back August 2010 for a visit. September 12th my daughter was kidnapped by mother's side. 0 contact with my daughter till march 2011 when I had the first court appearance. After 8 more court appearances on 24th of Jan 2012 we made a compromise contract. The mother appealed her own agreement soon after, July 2012 appeal rejected. She appealed to Supreme Court. Rejected 14th October 2013, after 30 days it has become legal. Next week they will be summoned to the court to explain why they have not followed the compromise contract.

  5. Fair enough, understand now.

    Are you in touch with your daughter at all?

    No mobile phone to send messages or talk with her?

    Hi Showbags thanks for your interest. No I have no way of contacting her with out it becoming too stressful for her, Its very bad no child should have to suffer this. But I am so proud of her and look forward to re bonding with her in a safe environment.

    • Like 1
  6. I would just go and take her now.

    Pick her up from school, go buy her all new clothes and never return to that other place ever.

    You certainly have a lot more patience than I would ever have had, if my daughter in the same case.

    Thanks for your comment Showbags, But I must give the court the chance first, I will go with my lawyer on Monday to see them. I do think they will be summoned. Thanks again

    Can I ask why you do not just go and get her now?

    I presume she wants to come with you, why leave her waiting, a day or a month is a lifetime to a kid, remember how long it used to take for xmas to come around as a child, but now it flies?

    You seem to have 100% custody so why not just do it.....you could always blame Nike.

    Hi Showbag I do not have 100% physical custody yet, till the Court summons them to the court for them to explain why they have not followed the compromise contract between the mother and the father dated the 24th of January 2012. If I take her now there would still be a tug of war between me and the mothers side. If I wait a little bit longer, that will not happen, if it does I will be in a much stronger position one I have 100% physical custody, on top of the 100% education that I have as of yesterday, so I hope that would be enough to stop any tug of war.

    . You said maybe my daughter wants to come with me, No she does not, she, has been so heavily alienated against me, she has no idea what to think or believe. I will give you one of so many heinous tricks they have played on my daughter. When the principal was trying to be impartial, the mother's side said I had paid money to her to talk nice about me, this piece of information is in a letter from the principal that I took to the Supreme Court in march of this year, I do not write to much about the mother's side and their actions, because one day my daughter can read this thread for herself, plus she ca n read who really wanted my her to go to a boarding school.

    So for now Showbag I must wait, I will be going to court next week with my lawyer to summons them. So again I will wait, maybe I am wrong maybe I am right. I just don't won't my daughter hurt any more. Which will happen its just how much. Thanks again for your comment.

  7. I would just go and take her now.

    Pick her up from school, go buy her all new clothes and never return to that other place ever.

    You certainly have a lot more patience than I would ever have had, if my daughter in the same case.

    Thanks for your comment Showbags, But I must give the court the chance first, I will go with my lawyer on Monday to see them. I do think they will be summoned. Thanks again

  8. Look for a new school and discuss the situation with them. (The current school will sure paint a different picture of you).

    As I understand it, often the paperwork from the old school arrives later than the student. And you have the right to chance her school, only the school will not provide the paperwork. But that is something seperate.

    Yes Mario, spot on Sir, The old school will close its eyes to everything till my daughter just stops going there any more.

  9. Another formality, but only a small delay.

    Indeed, tomorrow you can change the school of your daugther, close® to your house and at a school that will be more sympathetic to you.

    Hi Mario I wish it was that simple, but its not. The old school will not give me the sign out papers. So it's back to court for my lawyer to summons who ever we can to ask them why they have not complied with the court order. So thanks Mario for your thoughts, you are using common sense in your thinking sometime it just does not go that way. But with lots of people here commenting on this matter it helps me no end, I will get there!

    • Like 2
  10. Ok Ok I think I understand now,

    My lawyer goes to the court next week to tell the judge the mother's side have not followed the compromise contract, this is the bit I did not understand but do now. Because my daughter is not an object like a car or condo, the Judge must summons them. For them to explain why they did not follow the compromise contract. Only then can he give me the 100% physical custody. Plus arrest warrants for them If they do not appear. I'm OK to follow the law a bit longer. But we do have movement now, because as of tomorrow I will have 100% education! Now that's a good thing!

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  11. Hi all just spoken to my lawyer . He said because the mother's side has made no move to comply with the court order. He will be going to see the judge on Monday the 18th to ask for directions from the court, lets hope my lawyer is true to his word.IE the court will summons the Mother's side and the school to the court. But he did say that I now have 100% education over my daughter, which he said is very important.

    So as of today I still am not 100% sure on what is going to happen. But it's one step closer.

    thanks everyone for your support.

    • Like 1
  12. Good work Mr. P

    This was going on for years in my case, they would say things like your Dad eats better food then you and I do not care for my daughter very well. I would just poo poo it. My mistake.

    Remember this ! The alienating parent AP will not grow and will stay in that AP way. The targeted parent TP will learn and grow to understand this heinous crime against children. It is never the (best interest of the children) that is the concern of the AP .

    • Like 1
  13. Thank you to everyone for your kind words and for thinking of us. I a woke this morning knowing that this is the last week I will have to wait before some action takes place. Even though the 30 days are up on the 13th I am aware that really I cannot start to summons anyone till the middle of next week, but the 13th is still important as my case will pass into law on that date. Because the mother has not complied with the compromise contract dated 24th of Jan 2012.

    I was getting my paperwork in order for divorce, car sale and return of my daughter's condo, when I had the 3 court dates of importance in front of me, 24th of Jan 2012 = compromise contract, 27th July 2012 = verdict of appeals court, and 14th of October 2013 = verdict Supreme Court. 22 months in total just under 2 years to get through every court in this country. That is very fast to how long my new found friends who are going through the British courts. But the implementation of the law, will be a bit of an learning curve for me I am sure.

    With the mother addicted to the narcissist drug of choice (PAIN) to anyone and everyone involved in this heinous blatant example of how not to be a good parent. She will not stop till the pain gets turned on her. Which won't be long now.

    I feel no gratitude in this only the sadness we had to get to this point. Just so that I can be a father to my daughter again.

    Anyway not long now. Thanks again for all your support over the years and with a little help from karma it will be over soon.

    • Like 2
  14. Hi

    Because I had a kick up the backside, after suffering a dose of woe unto me. from Mario and Tremble. I have written to the lawyer in England to see if she can help me now, that the Supreme Court is finished.

    Hello Judith

    Hope you remember me?
    My name is , my daughter is .
    On the 14th of October 2013 the mother's appeal to the Supreme Court of Thailand was thrown out. Which gives me 100% physical custody of my daughter. my daughter is still missing in Thailand, and arrest warrants are about to be granted against the mother's family members.
    You told me to contact you when I have sole custody.
    please a question.
    Can I ask the police to find the mother of my daughter? She lives in L.
    Or can I go to the English courts to gain sole custody of my daughter?
    Please can you advise on what I should do now?
    Thanks Judith
    I have deleted some of the info, of course.

    Hang in there scott. Very hard I am sure, but we are all praying for you buddy. Be strong. Hopefully it won't be too long now.

    Thanks rhodie

    last week as was a bit wobbly, But talking to Michael and the people on Thaivisa have helped calm me down a bit, ha ha . Thanks for your interest in this matter.

  15. So far as I've noticed, the UK authorities / police take family court orders very seriously whether they were issued in the UK or not.

    Hi Tremble

    That is good to hear, and YES I bet I am wrong. So I will try again, that really would upset them. So far it has just been fun having over the farang. But come the 13th of November. It will not be so much fun anymore. I sent the Court Order to all the same people as I have always done. IE the sister's of my now ex-wife, where before there was silence, now they screamed that they were not ever involved in this heinous child abuse and alienation of the father ever. So their feathers have been raffled for sure. There was over 20 family members at the 1st court dates, that soon went down to about 5. then there was 3 , now they do not come, and never were involved.

    Maybe because they worry about their visa status, as in some western countries child trafficking, abuse, kidnapping, abandonment, is taken a little bit more serious but i will give it a try when I have enforcement on the 13th of November. Thank you Tremble and Mario, I an most seriously not thinking straight at this point in time.

    CALL THE DOCTOR, me thinks.

  16. I there is an arrest warrant, also inform the police in the UK. And be sure to let her (family) know that also the British police will be notified. She might not want to have troubles returning to the UK.

    Hi Mario,

    There is no arrest warrant yet. The mother has till the 13 of November to comply with the original order.

    In short:

    1 Put my daughter in the school of my choice.

    2 Put condo in my daughter's name.

    3 Put the car in my name.

    She has till the 13th of November to do this. But she will not I am sure, She will make more false allegations against me, She will keep my daughter in her old school, She will come to my school again to say I am a bad man, and she will try to sell the condo.

    So with her not following the first order made the 24th of Jan 2013 and having two appeals thrown out from Appeals Court and Supreme Court, In world record time. On or near the 14th of November, They will be summoned with the school to appear in we hope 14 days. Maybe they will make their last stand at the Court. Or run for the hills with the mother running straight back to England before an arrest warrant can be made for her. Who really knows what is going on in their minds. The mother is a true narcissist, she will not care who she hurts, as long as it is not her, and she can continue denying me access to my daughter.

    But they are truly running out of people to help now. It's getting to hot to be holding my daughter.

    I will keep working the legal way as I feel I have no other option. If I was a Thai man this would have been over a long time ago.

    I will try to stop them selling the condo that should be in my daughter's name. As I have been unsuccessful with the first two condos that they did manage to sell.

    But we will see.

    Thanks again everyone for your support in the welfare of my daughter, It looks like there may be a party around Xmas, I do hope so!

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  17. Is that not some sort of strange thing, that the mother suddenly turns up like that?

    Gosh, i hope this all turns out good.

    hi Patsycat , it was always going to happen , while the supreme court had not ordered the mother's family could with hold my daughter with help from my daughter. But know the case is over, only the mother has any chance of stopping the father, me, from following the order, she will stay till she runs out of money maybe December, who knows , or till there is an arrest warrant for her then she will be gone.

    this is the certificate to say the case is over, Enforcement will be on the 13th of November.post-37066-0-43602600-1382745214_thumb.j

    Thanks for you interest and everyone for your support in my matters

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  18. Sad sad this topic running more than 3 years. Aint over yet. Father loving his child. 3 years of agony, disstres, sleepless nights, insecurity, doubts, love, fighting for...., disbelief, perseverance and at the end righteousness and LOVE !! What has this father gone through all those years ?

    Thanks Peter for this.

    I still have lots of work to do. As the mother has come back from England to try and sell the 3rd condo from the marriage assets. But at least my daughter gets to see her mother for a while.

    Thanks again Peter for your support, and of course all my friends here on thaivisa.

    I will update soon, After Wednesday next week, when the lawyer has been to the school.

  19. The school falls under an education area office, which in effect is the boss of the school director. if the school is not forthcoming, inform he responsible education office and ask them for help. Even better might be if your lawyer does that.

    As I understand the court verdict, you have 100% parental rights when the higher court has acknowledged the courts reading of the verdict. That means that from that moment on you yourself can collect the child and nobody is to stop you. The waiting period and possible arrest warrant is for the mother to comply with the court order. But might not mean you can't pick your daughter up at school and gain possession yourself before the court issues an arrest warrant.

    Thanks Mario I think you are spot on with your opinion.

    Please can you help me Mario or any one, I will need this document translated any ideas ?

  20. Also I must stay focused, because my mean goal is that my daughter does not end up on the scrap heap in England or Thailand with no education. If I can help with helping her get a degree in Thailand then she can go to England or anywhere in the world for a "western degree". Then i would have done my job as a father. I have learn't so much over these 3 years but I still need more patience that is for sure.

  21. Great to see this is coming to an end.

    Congratulations and may your families future be everlasting happiness.

    Congratulations. This must be a relief.

    The 2nd last step of a long process. Here is hoping you are reunited soon.

    Congrats! I have been reading this tread for ages and was hoping that all would go your way. I am so happy for you that you will be reunited with your daughter.

    Thanks to everyone on this forum. But the most thanks goes to Micheal who has stood shoulder to shoulder with me through this hell. Even yesterday I needed the support of Michael as I experienced an almighty low, after the high of Monday with the Supreme Court verdict. Because of the realization that It will still take time even to see my daughter again.

    It could be as long as the end of December before I see my daughter again. The time line. 13th of November the 30 days are up and if the mother's side has not complied with the court order then my lawyer will go back into court to summons the mother's side plus the school if their still refuse to give me my daughter's sign out papers. So the summons with luck will be for 14 days. which takes us to the end of November.

    If they do not come then arrest warrants for the mother's side. In my experience that will take 2 to 3 weeks to be enforced. So now we are the end of December and I will still not have seen my daughter. The law moves so slowly. As Michael said the law will run them over eventually. But everything seems like it is in slow motion.

    I keep asking myself this question, how can it be that i have 100% physical custody but I still cannot even see my daughter or even know where she is?

    Can you imagine if it was the father that was disobeying a court order from the Supreme Court. His face would be allover the tv screens.

    But for now I must once again sit on my hands an wait and wait and wait.

    Sorry for the rant everyone. But it will finish soon, I promise you that.

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