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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Thanks for the Kremlin / Tucker Carlson talking points. For the REAL story, watch the Inside Russia youtube channel.
  2. Interesting. The Palestinians don't want their own state side by side with Israel. They want to expel and or kill all the Jews in Israel and have it all. You may say you don't blame them. Fine. Then don't blame Israel for not committing suicide.
  3. Putin is waiting for his good buddy Trump to be elected. The Russian economy is in fact in deep trouble and they're finding it very hard to keep the meat attacks coming. The war continues.
  4. None that an Israel demonizer would accept. Can the UN Finally Cease Its Relentless Anti-Israel Bias? | Opinion (newsweek.com) A few years ago, after the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) had just passed its usual litany of anti-Israel resolutions, an exasperated UN translator accidentally told the world the truth. Thinking only her colleagues could hear her speaking into the microphone, she caused laughter but no embarrassment among the diplomats as she exposed their farce: "When you have...like a total of 10 resolutions on Israel and Palestine, that's a bit much, no?"
  5. Do you seriously not know the difference between not realizing that the UN is very biased against Israel (which is an obvious fact) and thinking that Israel can do no wrong (which of course I have never thought)? Amazing!
  6. I don't know that but perhaps it's time that you face the reality that strong majorities on BOTH sides do not support a two state solution and also that the Hamas barbaric action on October 7 made the prospect of that even more remote.
  7. The Israel demonizing River to the Sea brigade expects people to consider the U.N. a credible, ethical, and objective source on the conflict.
  8. Thanks for that bulletin from Cloud Cuckoo Land. Sorry, dude, Israel is not going to commit suicide. That's what a one state solution does.
  9. Yeah. It was excellent. I didn't think I was particularly interested in the topic per se, but turns out it is a classic must see movie.
  10. Typical pro Hamas garbage. Throwing rocks at people is not a crime in your deluded world?
  11. India is a great country but they have a perfectly good name. I didn't mind the change from Turkey to Turkiye as that made sense. Too many bird jokes. How about India (no pow-wow) Sorry for the cringe.
  12. I thought the Thais had first crack at private pensions, not government pensions. Taxable in the US withdrawals from US retirement accounts, usually traditional IRAs are arguably part of a U.S. government program. Are you absolutely sure such withdrawals would be subject to first crack by the Thais? Isn't it WAY TOO EARLY to declare such definitive conclusions about such technical details? Interestingly to me I checked on this issue with another country where taxes for expats can be an issue and was told definitely by a tax expert there that such IRA withdrawals wouldn't even need to be declared there. Of course every country is different.
  13. It's obvious that your knowledge on this topic is extremely limited so taking your dim loaded baits is a waste of time. I will recommend these channels Jake Broe especially Inside Russia Zack the Russian
  14. Obviously getting back all the illegally taken lands. Duh. Did WW2 take only two.years? Ukraine either prevails or loses their country. The truth is Ukraine hasn't been given nearly enough aid early enough to win. But they're holding on valiantly. Putin is waiting to see if his buddy wins the US election.
  15. The point is to avoid needing Nato troops. You really don't understand Putins intentions. Putin winning means Ukraine becomes a slave state providing fresh meat for Putin to attack further west.
  16. It's up to Ukraine. You don't get it. If Ukraine loses Putin won't stop.
  17. Winning. Ukraine can win if the west commits to being clear they are with Ukraine until they win. Putin is waiting to see if Trump wins. That's his big hope. I like presidents who support our allies not our enemies.
  18. In other words kneel at the alter of vicious dictator Putin and throw the heroic Ukrainians under the bus. Disgusting!
  19. You're promoting a false equivalence. Hamas charter is kill all Jews. There are rabidly hateful Israelis and some are sadly in government but Kill all Palestinians has never been the policy of the State of Israel.
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