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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. But you're wrong. Without the cooperation of Israel, there will never be a Palestinian state. Also, keep in mind, there isn't majority support for a two state solution on either side.
  2. I agree Netanyahu will be forced out but because of October 7 the Israeli right wing is stronger than ever. Neither side wants two states anyway. Nothing new in that.
  3. Perhaps your criticisms of Israel.are more offensively extremist than you realize.
  4. I call BS. The rallies call for ceasefire. They never make demands of Hamas. There are always pro genocide River to the sea chants. If you don't see that as pro Hamas you're not paying attention.
  5. Bizarre post. I was talking generally. I never said that you specifically are against Israel existing.
  6. Israel has nor occupied Gaza since 2015. Words have meanings. The west bank is occupied.
  7. Israel hasn't occupied Gaza since 2005. However there are voices in Israel supporting reoccupstion in light of October 7. Hopefully not but the harsh reality is that October 7 has brought Israelis further to the right as to ever trusting Palestinians. That means any hope of a two state solution is even further away.
  8. I've noticed the River to the Sea brigade finds great pleasure in finding Jews to cite to support their extremist Israel demonization views. Jew washing as it were. What percentage of global Jews do you imagine agree with Finkelstein? He is not representative at all.
  9. It's the most democratic and multicultural nation state in the region by far. Perfect democracies are hard to come by kind of like unicorns. Also though it's lost on the River to the Sea brigade but a huge part of the amazing diversity of Israel comes from the diversity of JEWISH PEOPLE in Israel. I'm particularly fascinated by Argentinian Jews.
  10. Telling the BIG LIE that it didn't start on October 7 is a transparent gambit to try to cover up and deny the historical significance of what happened that date. It's a sort of modern twist on holocaust denial. It's a way of relieving Hamas of their culpability in what's happened since in Gaza. Of course the CONFLICT is long standing. But THIS WAR did indeed start October 7.
  11. The current Israeli vs. Hamas war is a response to October 7. Israel hasn't had any settlements in Gaza since 2005. Gaza is governed by Hamas.
  12. Yet surprise surprise messaging in support of Hamas is de rigeur at Free Palestine rallies.
  13. I call total B.S. The majority of American Jews have criticisms of Israeli government policies. It is true when such criticism becomes arguing against the right of Israel to exist and defend itself that such people will be accused of being self hating Jews. If the shoe fits.
  14. OK so stinky will almost definitely be nominated by the maggat party even if hes in prison. So now how to beat him.
  15. Does anyone know if that was a one off or will they now be doing that annually or biannually?
  16. There is such as thing as a rational balance. Brits love their National Health. Americans envy it. Decent countries are a mix of capitalism and socialism. Milei although I'm sympathetic to why Argentina went with him is a radical extremism. It's hard to imagine his plans working without horrific consequences although doing nothing was already baseline horrible -- so some really bad choices there.
  17. It is more than OK if it's normal criticism. FYI -- Jew hater and Jew hatred are the more precise ways to describe antisemitism. There is now a movement that I support to stop saying antisemitism and replace it with Jew hater / Jew hatred. The reason is that Jew haters are always trying to deflect saying absurd things like: Arabs are semites too, so they can't be antisemites. The majority of Jews aren't semites and aren't real Jews as they are actually Khazars. If you don't believe me, check any comment section online when the term antisemitism is used. Can't be done when saying Jew hatred / Jew hater. Antisemitism, Jew-hatred, Anti-Jewish Bigotry: Say Its Name (jewishjournal.com) In regards to Jihad a common chant in the pro Hamas pro genocide River to the Sea protests is to call for global Jihad. Certainly such people are Jihad lovers though I hadn't heard the term before it's not as silly as you present it. Also commonly chanted is by any means necessary which of course strongly signals support for the barbaric acts of October 7.
  18. Here's what happened. Bad enough for regular people. Extra disgusting for a man who insists on taking dictatorial power. Fact Check: Was Donald Trump Found Guilty of Rape? (newsweek.com)
  19. Healthy? It would explain the insanity. https://news.yahoo.com/trump-unhinged-behavior-could-due-160708680.html
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