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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. It's been revealed that Trump intentionally covered up the severity of the problem for several months for political reasons. He knew how bad it was but actively covered up. If policy was criminal, that would be criminal. There are voice tapes to prove that. History will judge Trump very harshly for his performance on that issue. Trump cares ONLY about himself. Period, end of story.
  2. I don't think you understand how epidemics work. The earlier actions are the key.
  3. That's a really long time considering Biden had been running for president for most of his adult life.
  4. There is plenty of doubt. Also Trump though a tad bit younger than Biden is much less healthy than Biden. I'd say more likely than not, Biden would make it through his first term.
  5. -- I didn't say there was a name change. -- The article is about chatter that India may make Bharat the OFFICIAL name internationally, dropping India. (Like Burma to Myanmar.) -- Of course I am well aware that internationally used names are often different than local ones. --- Germany for example if they wanted to could push use of Deutschland internationally. But they don't. -- Perhaps just perhaps India will be doing that with Bharat -- Personally I hope they don't, but that's up to them of course. -- As far as Thailand for example, I wish they had kept Siam as it sounds much cooler, but I understand there were political reasons for the change, so again, their choice.
  6. He was already convicted of the sexual assault part which is effectively rape.
  7. I knew it was going to be much more than 10 but 100 was a very guess.
  8. I will bump this one time and if it doesn't get responses, I suppose I might start a new topic. I use full spectrum CBD oil that I bought commercially every three days as part of my before bed routine. I don't use much and find it moderately helpful. I like THC Sativa, Indica, and blends, for other times and purposes. So the question is what weed is the maker of that kind of commercial stuff using? I want to buy something like that and make my own full spectrum CBD oil. I would expect it to not be very expensive but I don't see this advertised at places selling other weed strains. To add, I'm not pretending nor do I aspire to get a Phd in weed studies. I've been learning what I want to and need to know for my purposes as I go along with satisfying success.
  9. He thinks he's clever but his rhetoric just comes off as a weak disingenuous attempt at mind f-ing.
  10. I have not called ANYONE a Jew hater just for criticizing Israeli polcies. STOP LYING.
  11. STOP LYING! I have done no such thing. I criticize the Israeli government myself. Nobody in their right mind (and sorry about the state of YOUR mind) would assert that there aren't many powerful voices in the world opposing the right of Israel to exist and defend itself. Why would you try to deny such an obvious FACT? It seems INSANE.
  12. Yeah I get that but I wouldn't be in the prediction department regarding the Tik Tok Israel haters. In other words, over time Israel may really be at high risk of losing solid American approval. Indeed even now support for Israel is morphing into more of partisan issue, which it was NOT before. Israel should probably try harder to combat that in both actions and fighting misinformation.
  13. Jewish means both a religion and a people. It's different than Christianity and Islam that way. Of course not all Jewish people are Israelis, religious, or Zionists. The vast majority are Zionists. Zionism simply means supporting the right of the Jewish people to political self determination. Many people Jews and otherwise are indeed Zionist without realizing it. Too many have bought into seeing the Zionist word as an insult or slur. In the modern context that means to support the right of Israel to exist and defend itself like any other nation state. It certainly does NOT mean agreeing with every policy and action of Israeli governments. On the equivalency of Israel and Nazis sorry I disagree with you. That's intentionally meant to inflame and insult Jews because of the not so ancient history of the Shoah. There is no need to play the Jews are the same as Nazis card when criticizing Israel. Period.
  14. The world, no. The USA, yes. I'm not buying that Biden is responsible for the wars.
  15. Too late. Unless Biden quits at the convention because of health, Trump not the R nominee, etc. Then it could be an open convention with Newsom or Klobuchar, etc. the pick.
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