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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. That bong seems good. Yes I will try out a DHV.
  2. Interesting. Does it just taste bad going down or is there a long lasting vile aftertaste? Might be good for putting in capsules.
  3. Yeah some people like the half bowl and some don’t. So if its not enough do another yeah?
  4. Also consider this. CNN Poll: Majority of Americans approve of Trump indictment (richmond.com) Also consider the violent mass riots that Trump was clearly inciting did not happen! He's playing the I am like Jesus card and only the ultra magas are buying it and it turns out they don't care enough to take the bait into action. Of course there will be incidents but the reporters in New York way outnumbered to protesters. The guy has peaked. We're watching his downfall. (Hopefully.)
  5. This is short sighted. He was just charged with 34 FELONIES and this set of crimes is much less serious than what is coming later in Georgia and federally. Also of course getting nominated in a bizarro maga fascist dominated party is a completely different thing than the general election where Trump would need to get center right suburban white woman, independents, etc. He's a loser. He keeps losing for the republican party. He's their burden. Indeed their biggest loser.
  6. The fateful day of Florida Man's first indictments has arrived.
  7. Now I see that Dynacaps can be connected with an adapter to bongs. That's interesting. The B version shown before has a very small chamber though, .05 gram rather than .1 gram.
  8. OK. I didn't really know about dabs. Now I do. Not sure I want to go there but definitely interesting. https://youtu.be/XuWqEo63pZc
  9. Yeah I see that now. Thanks. I initially thought there might be some difference in material when I looked at the translation. Oops.
  10. The question is will the vape cooked herb have effects. I read that if it's brown it's mostly used but if less brown still good for eating.
  11. On that product there are three options for 63 mm. Do you suggest one of those options or maybe it doesn't matter?
  12. BTW thanks to everyone who has participated in this topic.
  13. I read that the used herb from dry herb vaping is cooked and thus can be eaten. True? I'm not into making baked goods so I wonder if I could just mix cooked weed with high fat Greek yogurt and honey and having easy edibles that way?
  14. My thinking now is to try dry herb vaping, see how it goes, and then if I like it don't even bother buying a new bong. I do have a low cost mini bong now which is usable enough but overall not very satisfactory as too small. So if I was going to keep on Bonging going bigger made sense. But again for now maybe no bong at all!
  15. Some questions. I used to think you needed to hold in.weed smoke for a long time but recently read just a second or two gets the full effect. Is that true? What about dry herb vaping? Also don't need to hold the vape in?
  16. No need to react that way. I saw that suggestion before and it just didn't appeal to me very much. I think I did try that in my hippie pothead days. I mentioned wanting a bong with an ice rack but that doesn't mean I would actually bother with ice often like for a few hits. Just as an option why not. I think filling with crushed ice is kind of messy and could easily melt to overflow. But very cold water sounds good. Could just put it in directly. Anyway thanks for the suggestion.
  17. Wow. So that's a strong indication that dry herb vaping really is legal here.
  18. I like CBD oil but the point of smoking is to sample a large variety of different strains to find ones that I like. I left weed long ago (from being a teenaged pothead) but now it's a whole new ballgame and an exciting one. I would rather not smoke but there are ways to at least limit the exposure. The dry herb vape interests me. Still not clear if it's really legal though. As far as a bong choice, I'm probably favoring a medium sized glass one with a wide base for more water, with an ice rack and carb hole.
  19. Can someone point me to a shop in Jomtien / Pattaya to buy one then? If not what is the best online source in Thailand.
  20. At this point it's probable that he'll be nominated and then it will be a one on one race in a 50 50 country so tragically it is hardly impossible for him to become president again. Also we all know even if he loses, he will try to do a coup again, this time much better prepared. As far as the nomination, DeSantis has already bombed, he'd be stupid to even run now. A hope I see for not nominating Trump is in the Christie / Sununu lane. If both run no chance but I think Sununu without Christie running could possibly be a trump spoiler.
  21. If they have no evidence why under house arrest? I say wait and see if there are charges and trials before spouting conspiracy theories.
  22. I have one that might trump them all. Because to visit it you'd need to travel back in time. The People's Temple (originally a Jewish temple) -- the home of the Jim Jones massacre in Guyana cult at 1839 Geary Street San Francisco -- had a history before Jim Jones and also after it. Jonestown - Massacre, Guyana & Cult - HISTORY For a brief period of time there existed one of the most amazing art/architecture installations I've ever seen anywhere in the world. Canticle of the Sun of Saint Francis of Assisi Jerry's Brokendown Palaces: Theatre 1839 (Temple Beautiful), 1839 Geary Blvd., San Francisco, CA (jerrygarciasbrokendownpalaces.blogspot.com) While open to the public for that brief period of time it wasn't exactly brimming with crowds so I feel very privileged to be one of rather small number of people to have experienced this. It would have been a permanent attraction, but the historic building burned to the ground and the site now houses a Post Office.
  23. I got a buzz from the Cherry whatever but it does take a fair amount of hits to get there.
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