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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Not really. The Russian POV is that actual fighting is mostly for the underclass and racial / provincial minorities. Not all that different than how the U.S. military is set up but that's another story.
  2. This all goes back to fascist governor DeSantis's cynical ambition to become president on an all culture wars Kill Woke agenda. I don't believe that that he actually believes the garbage he is pushing.
  3. History of the World Part Ii. From Mel Brooks age 96 that flippin' legend.
  4. Watched the pilot of Lucky Hank. I found it only mildly amusing but because of Bob Odenkirk and a few other good actors I'll keep watching it at least for now. It's set at a provincial small college around the English department. Reflecting typical real life the staff is diverse. Only the more irrationally "anti woke" brigade would be offended by a show accurately reflecting modern reality. A secular small American college now would be expected to have a diverse English staff. The plot of the pilot featured a very annoying over entitled prima donna writer boy again reflecting a student characteryou'd expect to see on such modern campuses. Annoying in real life but entertaining to see in a show. In the pilot we learn.why Hank is labeled Lucky.
  5. Small. Even smaller in person. Historian explains why ancient statues always have small penises | Metro News
  6. Not David's. It's borderline micro. Republicans are both ridiculous and dangerous. The latest from fascist DeSantis to teach that racism is only a theory, and other theories such as racism doesn't exist should be talk with equal time. You almost couldn't make up how stupid they are.
  7. Gayrope? No. That youtube guy is not such a moron.
  8. A more detailed answer than you would want to hear (unless you're a Russian abroad):
  9. He wasn't ready for prime time. Past tense used intentionally. His star has already faded. Which yes, does mean criminally corrupt insurrectionist grifter trump gets the nomination unless the republicans wake up and realize he can't win the general.
  10. Today there was a Hong Kong ad that made the forum completely unusable. I changed browsers on my mobile and it's OK for now. PC still tons of ads but usable. The Hong Kong ad was more like a virus.
  11. How much more do non-maga Americans (the vast majority) need to take of this MADNESS?!? 'We know he's insane': Former Trump pal claims he's 'shriveling away' as pressure mounts - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism Shouldn't he face fresh felony charges just for this? What other American could get away with this? Seriously, if you did something like this towards to a public official, wouldn't you be expecting a knock on the door from the FBI almost instantly? Anger as Trump posts picture of himself wielding baseball bat next to Alvin Bragg’s head (yahoo.com) The use of a bat has nothing to do with playing baseball. He's acting out bashing a prosecutor's head and it's clearly yet another dog horn to the most unhinged of his violent cult member followers.
  12. There appears to be some confusion here about acts vs. Identify. Let's use Nazis to shed light on this. Nazi's goal was to murder all Jews. It made no difference whether a Jew went to temple, was observant or not. Simply the identity of being a Jew was enough. Nazis used ancestry going back. Jews often use having a Jewish mother or not. So that should make it simple for everyone to understand that acts and identity are DIFFERENT. Uganda had criminalized LGBT acts as in sex acts. The change is about also criminalizing LGBT IDENTITY and also those who know of LGBT people and don't report them. A very serious escalation. If it was only sex acts most people could be safe if they were careful to be very private about their sex acts. Expansion to identity and reporting makes it almost impossible to evade these laws. There are those right wingers who assert LGBT identity doesn’t exist. That view is ignorant and wrong.
  13. The truth is that the USA seems to be going off the rails that so many Americans actually believe this garbage. But it is catchy. Related to this topic because if Trump won (he didn’t) He would still.be president [he isn't) Which means he couldn't be indicted (he can be)
  14. People trying to trivialize what Uganda is doing or resorting to Muslim whatsboutism make me wonder if they support what Uganda is doing. It's important to note that the anti gay movement in Uganda has been heavily influenced by American fascist Christian evangelicals. These American fascists are trying to do similar evil things in the US in the name of religion. They have had great success recently viciously scapegoating transgender Americans specifically. https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/03/19/africa-uganda-evangelicals-homophobia-antigay-bill/ How U.S. Evangelicals Helped Homophobia Flourish in Africa Anti-gay sentiment had previously existed on the continent, but white American religious groups have given it a boost.
  15. Not only about behaviors! It's about behaviors AND Identity AND not reporting people that you know with the criminalized identity. In some ways much worse than many Muslim countries.
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