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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. You've got a point. He's no foodie. Overcooked chunks of meat with ketchup is right up his alley.
  2. It's really hard to imagine how this division ends but I will definitely predict blood.
  3. One of the most blatant examples of cowardice in American history. I'm not saying I'm a brave one. But I didn't sign up for their jobs. In cultures like Japan, such people would off themselves in shame.
  4. Another example of why Ukraine's war is most everyone's war (except for the Putin adjacent).
  5. She identifies as a female. Are you so mean spirited that you would deny her that? I really don't get the toxic hostility to transgender people. They are being used as political footballs by right wing demagogues such as DeSantis. People of good will need to FIGHT BACK. It's not a matter of woke or anti-woke. It's a matter of basic human decency, respect, and compassion for people that are different.
  6. Historically high housing costs lead to homelessness. No s-- Sherlock! Why high housing costs could keep climbing | The Hill
  7. As I said this is a losing issue for trans women athletes. Save the fight for winnable issues.
  8. We don't need several indictments against Trump. Just one that he can't beat. Georgia is looking good. I have a question though If he's convicted in Georgia does that mean he goes to a state prison.rather than a Club Fed.
  9. Trying to defend the indefensible requires an unsustainable level of mental.gymnastics.
  10. As said the Trumpists killed the independent investigation. Worst attack on the Capitol since 1814 by the British and they wanted a coverup. I consider them traitors and enemies of democracy and the constitution. As far as the public watching hundreds of hours of testimony, are you having a laugh? Almost nobody.would watch that How convenient for the Trumpists that would be. As far as Mr. Trumps absurd and bombastic demand for equal time he is very welcome to appear live in Congress to present himself for statements and questioning UNDER OATH!
  11. Which is in Georgia. I don't think that June 30 date is set in stone but yes probably by then. I think.it will happen.
  12. Of course the Trumpists are counting on most Americans not knowing that or at least forgetting. Not a bad tactic given American attention spans.
  13. It has happened to me getting the hair in the face. Cheeky longhairs.
  14. Actually if he flees that could be almost as good as locking him.up.
  15. I wonder if its getting to the time where the feds should confiscate his passport and belts
  16. Maga. Make America Gruesome Again? Kinzinger Says He Received a Threat to 'Execute' Him, His Wife, and 5-Month-Old (businessinsider.com)
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