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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. OMG! PAY ATTENTION. https://thehill.com/homenews/3535880-pence-calls-for-all-states-to-ban-abortion-after-supreme-court-ruling/ Pence calls for all states to ban abortion after Supreme Court ruling As far as fetal personhood all that would take is the republicans taking congress and the white house or as few as one more right wing radical on the supreme court. https://ballsandstrikes.org/law-politics/fetal-personhood-explainer/ The leaked Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization opinion is bad on its face, given the fact that Justice Samuel Alito’s writing would gleefully destroy the constitutional right to abortion. But Alito doesn’t stop there, and anti-choice activists have no intention of letting him stop there, either. Instead, these activists are already teeing up their next big legal fight: for the constitutional recognition of fetal personhood.
  2. A million other countries? Huh? The USA is not even close to being the freest country. https://www.businessinsider.com/countries-most-freedom-in-the-world-2018-4?op=1#8-new-zealand-20
  3. No it isn't. Pence just yesterday announced his advocacy to ban abortion nationally. That is clearly their movement's goal.
  4. According to your logic blacks would still be 3/5 of a person and women would have no constitutional rights. Also these radicals are.working on criminalizing abortion nationally or short of that criminalizing traveling for abortion or helping such a woman in any way including driving her there.
  5. Not only are they not done, they're on a roll. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/25/roe-antiabortion-lawmakers-restrictions-state-legislatures/ Roe’s gone. Now antiabortion lawmakers want more.
  6. They're rich so they would see their family as exceptions.
  7. Bottom line the USA is going full on fascist via the Banana Republicans and a real civil war including regional separations is not out of the question. Putin and Xi's dream. Watch America commit national suicide. How convenient for them.
  8. Yeah you don't understand. The main job of the supreme court is to interpret the constitution on modern issues. For 50 years the court interpreted abortion to be a right with restrictions allowed and that means it became a constitional right. The constitution didn't even mention women. To be a 100 percent originalist women would then never have any rights, black people would still be 3/5 of a human, and of course forget about gay people. Yes this RADICAL RIGHT WING court has stripped away a constitutional right and they are not done.
  9. Stuck with them but they've lost all credibility now
  10. Yes and now there is a movement to make fetuses legally persons which would make abortion murder nationally. Short of that some red states are working on laws to criminalize women traveling to legal abortion states for an abortion and also anyone that helps her even in trivial ways. Sound like a free country to you?
  11. Exactly. For poorer women that this disgusting very unpopular ruling mostly effects, it is not pro life but pro death. Right wingers don't care at all about the health, well being or freedoms of poor people. Indeed they have poured gasoline on a potential civil war.
  12. Actually the topic here is NOT a general abortion topic. It's about how the SCOTUS just TRASHED a constitutional right that American women have had for 50 years by disregarding stare decisis. The USA is in a state of shock and even deeper division now. We were Balkanized before, this adds steroids to that. The generic pro life vs. pro choice stuff has been done to death like forever and in general people do not change their minds about that.
  13. The right wing theocratic radicals aren't finished. They will try to do much much more. Now there is a push for something called FETAL PERSONHOOD. That would give fetuses the same rights as existing people. If they win that, it is truly game over. That would instantly make abortion the same as murder nationally. Obviously pills that induce abortion would be illegal (they are also working on that) and using them illegally would also be murder. Natural miscarriages would tend to result in murder investigations. The USA -- a free country? Another thing going on in some state legislatures is to make it ILLEGAL for women to travel to another state to get an abortion and also to help such women.
  14. An "interesting" omission in the Thomas list of new targets (threatening legal contraceptives, gay marriage, and criminalizing gay sex). Interracial marriage. Another thing not mentioned in the ancient constitution. So he's a big hypocrite on top of everything else as he's a black man married to a (insurrectionist) white woman. Obergefell: 'Quite Telling' Clarence Thomas Didn't Bring up Loving V. Virginia (businessinsider.com)
  15. Hijacked by RADICAL right wing theocrats. Not conservatives. RADICALS. Opinion | Supreme Court's Dobbs decision adds to culture war - The Washington Post The court’s abortion ruling pours gasoline on our culture-war fires
  16. 300 is low! But likely too good to be true. I was seeing fees of 600 to 900 on low price units many years ago. Is that a 55 plus complex?
  17. I shopped the Fort Laudersale area long ago. There's s catch. MASSIVE HOA FEES! Also when you actually go there, the cheaper places are depressing and have a slum vibe.
  18. Good to have this updated info but bad news that it has resumed. Bummer. In.case anyone doesn't know if you're living in Thailand the requirement is annual not biennial.
  19. Can't do much about that right now. Hopefully the democrats can at least hold on to the senate.
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