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Posts posted by Prubangboy

  1. Opium tea. You will sleep like the dead. Don’t drink too much of it with booze or that may turn literal.


    The only gym in the country is currently closed. Laos is still very Covid-like. Much of it is still closed, a lot of it will never reopen.

  2. 59 minutes ago, BigStar said:


    Uh, no. Her name is Jessica Starr. She talks about the moment here: This Trump protester completely lost her mind and in greater detail here, with Martin Geissler, ITV foreign correspondent on the scene with his cameraman. https://www.wbur.org/endlessthread/2021/11/12/memes-the-scream




    You can clearly see her looking around first before her big wail. Not exactly spontaneous.


    Whatevs. You take pleasure in some chump’s torment. Very you. Me? Not so much.


    Can we come together as Trumptrash and Normie and express surprise that that’s a woman? I was sure it was a guy. So thanks, I guess.

  3. I just booked my first ever $500 a night hotel room. The Sala in Koh Samuel. 4 nights.


    I am too young for don’t buy any green bananas, but too old not to worry about leaving money on the table for my dubious relatives post mortem. Most old people with a little bit of money are much thriftier than they need to be. They move well beyond security and into neurosis. Every financial planner agrees.


    Like my fave poster, Kuhn La, I have a heart attack fund, and also 2 years expenses in the bank, like my other fave poster, Laceset.


    Beyond that, there is no material difference to my life if I let more pile up or if I order the 2 kilo crabzilla at Ministry of Crab (about $300 with a bottle of white).

    I have done enough charitable good deeds in my life. I could kill a nun with an ice pick and still go to heaven.


    At this point, it’s time to order the crabzilla. They only get in about 2 a day. So if you want one, go early. Someone after me was bummed that they were sold out. Sweet.



  4. Skim my posts, I did it to death.


    Short version: the room is more expensive, they’re practically giving the food away. 

    Bangkok Hospital just opened a branch in Vientiane, so an oldie might now consider it.

    • Thanks 2
  5. Another grievious injustice:


    After a year+ of living like a macrobiotic monk, am I more energetic, having better poops, sleeping better, happier? Have I ever enjoyed "the burn" post-gym?




    I can claim a small bump in self-esteem in that I'm taking care of myself responsibly. I can drag two 8-packs of big water bottles up 24 steps without stopping. If I can think of a third thing, I'll ping back here.


    Men's Health Magazine lied to me. I was gullible at the "she's only a cashier"-level. For example, post 65, weight lifting 3 times a week does less for you than 2 times a week, due to the need for old-guy recuperation. If you do yoga and weights, they both do a little bit less for you than if you did one full-on.


    Health is a funnel that can only handle so much input at one time. Past 70, that funnel definitely narrows. Be self-loving, pragmatic, and realistic. I'm at the gym these days to stay out of managed care, not to be more appealing to women. 


    The only other thyroid advice I have is to take rest when you need it, for as long as you need it. Maybe learn some relaxation-breathing techniques if you're a bit Type A. It's not just the quantity of the rest, but also the quality. Learn what deep rest feels like. You already know what extraordinary fatigue feels like. 


    Joe Rogan (who I hate worse than Satan) said that you should envision that you have X number of energy units a day and you should strategize to use them optimally. For Thyroid people, that goes double.



    • Love It 1
  6. Why not reach out to people here who are local to you?


    I've met 2 in Chiang Mai, I'll meet up with another couple I've exchanged PM's with eventually.


    It would be helpful to broaden your criteria from "must want to talk about what I want to talk about" to "amiable, interesting person who seems to have gotten himself some sort of life". 


    Your age requirement is another self-limiter.

  7. 3 hours ago, BritManToo said:


    I suspect the Brits speaking with Jamaican accents, aren't that educated either.

    Jah accent is just about the hardest accent to fake. Black Brit-Jamaican accent is like posh-Rasta compared to a cane cutter, bongo beater in the Jah-mountains.


    I went to 8 Nottinghill Carnivals in a row. Dub Poet, Linton Kwesi Johnson has a good brit-Jah accent, as did Jah brit poet laureate Benjamin Zephariah (died recently). As did the Levi guy who won on Shark Tank with his Reggae Reggae Sauce.


    Just like very white-ish black people like Obama can slip into jive talk when it suits them, English-Jamaican people are ready to channel Bunny Wailer at the drop of a hat.


    Certainly, Joe Strummer had the most egregious fake English Jamaican accent. I saw The Clash in Montego Bay and the Jamaican people couldn't understand him. They were there for YellowMan anyway. Here he is absolutely murdering The Harder They Come:



    But Tom Hanks's son has taken the bad Jamaican accent as far as it can really go:




    -Nick, can we hear more about the pedo insinuations? Let's not let this mod-lite era go to waste.

    • Sad 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Hahahahahaaa!  I am assuming you're joking!

    I've been to a lot of the border towns.


    Bleak. And Trumpy. Effete well-travelled tories like yourself would be miserable. Do you love cammo as a look?


    And in Bleak Trumpland (which is 95% of it -think of a white Haiti), a border agent job is a ticket to owning a doublewide trailer.


    They need a permanent immigration crisis. Their inbred cousin needs a job. 

    • Haha 1
  9. As per above, Judge Gorsich wrote an opinion about this 10 years ago. He said the states decide, period.


    Decide what?


    Decide if someone can be denied being put the ballot if they are "constitutionally prohibited".


    He didn't say a court judge decides after a trial. He didn't say The Supreme Court decides. He said the state decides. And they did, citing Gorsich in their decision.


    So if Gorsich switches sides -or The Supremes just take a hachet to state's rights to please Trump, that's opening up another several cans of worms


    And for what? To placate Fatty? That's how we ended up in this current mess in the first place.


    Good quick Gorsich overview (fact or factoid?)



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  10. 14 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    The problem is that the 14th Amendment does not define the disqualification process. So, any state could likewise remove Joe Biden from the ballot, if the process is ill defined.

    Time for an emergency congress session to amend the amendment.


    No prob -except for how to make it work only for Fatty but not for a democrat up the road? And constitutional amendment in an election year -no prob again, right?


    The ball is already and play so the old rules must apply. The old rules are only a problem for Fatty; because of Fatty.


    I say, tough luck, Fatty. What would Fatty say to you if the rules were going against you?


    What's the plausible Biden insurrection case? There's no states rights-right to give anyone the heave ho just because they don't like their face.


    People here are pretending there is -and then hilariously making vacuous and impotent threats against laughing in their faces-Biden.


    Dream on, losers, your dope failed at his coup. And now he has to pay.

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
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