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Posts posted by Prubangboy

  1. If they can raise the div above inflation, and will, and have, then a stock bought at about 4.5% yield or a muni ETF in that range is as good as life gets.


    Pension funds and endowments are all buying these same stocks -as are the income elf's- so they're not so volatile.


    95% of retirees should be buying about 10% of income stocks. Treat them as bonds that (hopefully) keep up with inflation.

  2. Call it Hendrix to U2, 15 mind-blowing years, the likes of which will never be seen again.


    I like to read books about acts I have no interest in. Phil Collins autobiography was great. So I  bought this very serious book about Steely Dan, of whom I have never given a passing thought.




    They seem like Traffic on Quayludes, prob a one and done for me





  3. .....Wiki tells me that Yellow Curry was adapted from the British Navy's use of yellow curry powder. It's sweeter and less spicy than trad Thai curries. Throw in more chili and it's called Sour Curry (again mostly found in The South).


    So is it authentic? It dates back to the mid-19th century. So I say its authentic by now.

  4. How many baht did it cost? I never ear street food (other than 3-4 roti a year).


    Will you go off green curry now?


    For me, it's usually a very ungreeny letdown. Massaman too (too sweet).


    Red curry seems to most reliably deliver the curry goods. Yellow is almost never seen on a Chiang Mai menu.

  5. 5 minutes ago, bob smith said:

    Ive had the runs for a few days now after a curry a few nights ago.





    After a few days, you're prob past the phase where antibiotics would help. Drink electrolytes and sleep a lot.


    Tell us about the curry. In England, I had the super-hot Phaal Curry. Def. a colon blaster. Invented in Bradford, I think.



  6. On 12/16/2023 at 3:22 PM, Nick Carter icp said:


       You are wrong  , I wouldn't sell my soul .

    What do you mean by "living like  gay man"

    How do they live ?

    Gay men have greater access to promiscuous sex than straight men. They don't have to move to Pattaya or pay.


    If men could meet women and shag behind a bush, they would. At least, I would.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 41 minutes ago, Fairynuff said:

    You don’t offend me, you and your bigoted counterparts amuse me. 


    Just a lot of very brit harrumphing and self back patting.


    Time for you to sally forth into your next imaginary internet triumph.


    And then pat yourself anew. What motivates you to do this?

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